"School is Fun!" Открытый урок в 8 классе с использованием сингапурской методики
план-конспект занятия (8 класс) по теме


Тема урока: Школа – это здорово!
Цель урока: Активизация и закрепление лексического материала по теме «Школа».
Задачи: - Развивать навыки общения в диалоге и полилоге;
             - Активизировать пройденный лексико-грамматический                     материал по теме урока;
           -   Совершенствовать навыки аудирования и просмотрового чтения;
          - Тренировать умения верно использовать модальные глаголы в устной и письменной речи.
Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, ноутбук, раздаточный материал, плакаты, стикеры, фломастеры, бумага для письма.     
Участники:учащиеся 8 В класса. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ход урока.

I. Организация начала урока.

- Hi, five!

- Good afternoon. I am very glad to see you. Let’s say hello to each other. Please, smile to your face partner and shake hands with your shoulder partner. And don’t forget to greet our guests.  Do not sit down, please.  Dear girls and boys, is everything ready for the lesson? Let me see.  And will you help me? Please, give short answers to the questions. If your answer is right you may sit down.

1.- Are the lights on?

- Yes, they are.

2. - Is the computer on?

- Yes, it is.

3. - Is the teacher here?

- Yes, she is.

4. - Are you in good mood?

- Yes, I am.

5. - Are the guests here?

- Yes, they are.

6. - Are you glad to see our guests?

- Yes, they are.

7. - Are the pupils ready?

- Yes, we are.

8. - Are you OK?

-Yes, I am.

9. - Are your books here?

- Yes, they are.

10. - Are the pens here?

- Yes, they are.

11.- Are we great?

- Yes, we are.

12. – Are we nice?

- Yes, we are.

13. - Is the weather fine?

- Yes, it is.

14. -Is it fun to study?

- Yes, it is.

15.. - Is it time to begin?

- Yes, it is.

II. Объяснение темы урока.

- Thank you. Well done. I have one more question. Do you like reading? And what about poems? Would you like to try writing one ? Have a look on the screen and try to complete the sentences in the logical order. You have the cards on your desks. I’ll give you a minute to think it over. Then will do Single Round Robin. Number 4 will take a blue felt-tip-pen and write everything down, number 3 will read.

- In the space there is a beautiful planet called…

- On the Earth there is a country called…

-In the large country called Russia there is …

- In the beautiful town of Arsk there is our …

- You are right. You are good poets. And now look on the screen.  What is the theme of our lesson?

III. Речевая зарядка

- And now I want you to complete the sentence but the words should start with the letters which can be found in the word “SCHOOL”. Let’s start from the first. Letter “S”. Number 3 will take a red felt-tip-pen and write everything down, number 4 will read.

IV. Фонетическая зарядка

- Brilliant. And now let’s revise a bit of phonetics. I suggest you to play a game which is called “Find the Rhyme”. You should give the rhymes to the following words, but these words should be according to the theme of our lesson. We shall do Relly Robin. Partner A will start.

Reach –  teach

Wood – good

Bob – job

Ben – pen

Grass – class

Form –uniform

Bright –write

Wool –school

Need –read

- Your answers are nice. And now let’s repeat after me.

V. Развитие навыков употребления ранее изученного лексического материала по теме урока в устной речи.

- Do you like going to school?

- When do children go to school in Russia?

- When o they leave school?

- How long does it take you to get to school?

- Do you like your school?

- Why do you like your school? Let’s do Single Round Robin. Partner 3 will start.

  • the school is beautiful.
  • the teachers are very good.
  • the school is not far from my house.
  • my friends go to the same school.
  • this is the only school in my life.
  • I like our school rules and timetable.
  • your own reason.

- How many times a week do you have Maths? And what about the English language?

- And what other subjects do you have at school? Let’s revise the names of the subjects. Look on the screen and repeat after me, please.

-Now we’ll do Quiz-Quiz-Trade. You can see the cards on your desks.  On the cards you can read the definitions of some subjects, guess what they are, make up the names of the subjects. Use the letters given. You should have three partners. Don’t forget to praise each other.  

h, e, g, l, s, i, n – gives you a chance to make friends in                                             many parts of the world

t, s, h, a, m -        -        helps you to calculate how much money                                      you can ask your parents for

t, e, l, a, e, r, u, t, i, r – helps you to live many lives without your                                                            leaving home

t, o, r, h, y, s, i –  makes you a participant of lots of events                                                   (события) which happened long ago

e, y, h, p, g, o, a, r, g – gives you a chance to visit different countries                                                         .                                                  without leaving your own city.

T,I- at these lessons pupils use the computer.

g,y,b,i,o,l,o- tells us about the world of animals.

E,P- trains not only our brains but also our body.

- And what is your favourite subject? Look on the screen and make up sentences according to the model. Single Round Robin. Pupils after the number 1 will start.

VI. Развитие навыков аудирования.

- As you know, all the teachers are different. Now we’ll listen to the texts and do True/False test. Don’t forget to put your name on the card and give it to me. Number 1 will read the texts twice.


Our music teacher was quite a character. She was not exactly well-organized. She sometimes forgot our names or what date it was or what she said for homework or sometimes she was late but her lesson were fascinating. We used to sing, play instruments, compose our own piece of music and I actually enjoyed it. I think at her lessons I learned to like music.

I remember we had this Geography teacher. We were all scared. If you make three mistakes in the test you failed. If you forgot your book or anything you have got punished. Some of the girls used to cry before her lessons. Honestly, people like that shouldn’t be allowed to teach children.

I remember our Maths teacher. He was quite strict and he made us work really hard. But he was kind and patient too. If you didn’t understand something he would explain it  as many times as you needed. He treated everyone in the same way and he never made fun of weak students. Never! Even if they said something stupid.


Do True or False test.

1. Maths teacher was rather strict but kind.

2. Maths teacher made fun of stupid pupils.

3. He explained everything in a proper way.

4. He treated everyone in the same way.

5. He punished pupils if they said something stupid.

Do True or False test.

1. If you make three mistakes in your Geography test you failed.

2. If you forget something you will be praised.

 3. Geography teacher made her pupils cry.

4. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to teach children.

4. The pupils didn’t like the lessons of geography.

5. Music teacher is a very organized person.

Do True or False test.

1. Our music teacher was well-organized.

2. She was often late.

3. Her lesson were fascinating.

4. They used to sing, play instruments, compose our own piece of music.

5. Pupils liked her lessons very much.

VII. Проверка домашнего задания.

- How nice of you. By the way, would you like to be a teacher? I asked you to think over this topic at home. Complete the sentence: A real teacher should be… Let’s do  Single Round Robin. Partner 2 will start.

And now look at the corners of our classroom and choose one word which is the most significant to your mind in the profession of the teacher. Discuss it in groups. The highest in your group will start.  And now who wants to express common opinion?

- Thank you. It was very pleasant to hear.

VIII. Динамическая пауза (video)

- Would you like to have a rest?  

- Now we’ll listen to the song about school rules, try to remember all the rules. We’ll work in groups. Partner 2 will write down. pen. Take a green pen, please.

IX. Составление правил школы, используя модальные глаголы.

- Can you name me the 5 rules of the school? Name them using modal verb “should”.

1) Raise your hand and wait to speak.

2) Walk in school.

3) Be nice.

4) Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

5) Clean up.

- How clever of you. And now have a look on the screen. Here you can see some school rules, look through them and choose those which are suitable for our school.

- OK. And now add your own rules; use the structures given on the screen. And later one our Head teacher will look through them and may be your rule will be the best for our school. Use the stickers and put them on the parking.

Pupils should…

Pupils can…

Pupils must not…

X. Постановка домашнего задания.

- Unfortunately, our time is up. So, I’d like you to write down your homework: Write down a short article using all the ideas, which we have mentioned at the lesson.

XI. Обобщение изученного материала урока. Билетик на выход.

- So, let’s sum up our theme. What is school for you? Complete the sentence: School is fun because…

-Write your answers on the papers and put them on the table while leaving.

XII. Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание работы учащихся.

- I liked your answers today. Thank you for being so active and helpful. Stand up, the bell has gone. You can be free. Good bye.

XIII. Резервное задание.

  • We have some time. So you may add and write down on your papers if you liked the lesson or not and why?

Тема урока: Школа – это здорово!

Цель урока: Активизация и закрепление лексического материала по теме «Школа».

Задачи: - Развивать навыки общения в диалоге и полилоге;

             - Активизировать пройденный лексико-грамматический                     материал по теме урока;

           -   Совершенствовать навыки аудирования и просмотрового чтения;

          - Тренировать умения верно использовать модальные глаголы в устной и письменной речи.

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, ноутбук, раздаточный материал, плакаты, стикеры, фломастеры, бумага для письма.    

Участники:учащиеся 8 В класса.

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