Урок по теме "Профессии". Технология развития критического мышления
презентация к уроку (9 класс) на тему

Письменская Татьяна Эриковна


Цели: развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо у учащихся 9 класса.

Задачи: развитие критического мышления через изучение информации, постановку вопросов и выделение проблем, которые необходимо решить; выбор убедительной аргументации, уточняющей и углубляющей собственную позицию; профессиональная ориентация школьников на выбор будущей профессии в соответствии с индивидуальными  способностями и наклонностями. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: Jobs and professions (урок с применением технологии развития критического мышления) (9 класс)

Цели: развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо у учащихся 9 класса.

Задачи: развитие критического мышления через изучение информации, постановку вопросов и выделение проблем, которые необходимо решить; выбор убедительной аргументации, уточняющей и углубляющей собственную позицию; профессиональная ориентация школьников на выбор будущей профессии в соответствии с индивидуальными  способностями и наклонностями.

Речевой материал: раздаточный материал для индивидуальной работы: список новых слов по теме, лексические упражнения для отработки лексических единиц, кроссворд:  «Find the word for a person who…», таблица для проверки понимания аудирования, текст «Position Vacant».

Оснащение урока: постер с фотографиями представителей разных профессий, популярных в настоящее время в обществе, и новыми словами по теме, мультимедиа.

План урока:

I. Фаза вызова.

Вступительное слово учителя, постановка целей урока, построение лесенки «What do you want to be» (актуализация имеющихся  у учащихся знаний). На фазе вызова, на доске демонстрируется постер для пробуждения интереса к новой информации по теме.

II. Осмысление содержания, получение новой информации.

1. Представление новых ЛЕ, чтение хором и в парах.

2. Отработка новых слов в лексических упражнениях.

3. Аудирование текста  «WANTED TO BE BECOME».

Заполнение таблицы:

а) хочу быть;

б) почему люди выбирают такую профессию; "

4.Чтение текста «Position Vacant», ответы на вопросы:  «Which job can each of them apply and get?» , « Why can they get such a job?»

III. Фаза рефлексии (размышление), коммуникационная. Обмен мнениями по вопросу, изменилось ли отношение к выбранной профессии, может быть выбрана другая профессия (возвращение к «лесенке»), комментарий.

Использована кольцевая схема урока от фазы вызова до фазы рефлексии.

Ход урока


 -Hello, boys and  girls! Very glad to see you!

The aim of the lesson is to think about and to decide «what do want to be?» and «What profession are modem and attractive for you»

I. Фаза вызова.

1.Сообщение темы и целей урока.

The are many interesting and noble professions.

2. Актуализация имеющихся у учащихся знаний.  

What  kind of professions do you know (демонстрация картинок).

3. Обучение говорению.

Answer my questions: - What is your dream?

Have you decided what you are to do after school?

Use the speech models:

I have decided to become …

I am want to be … because …

II. Фаза осмысление .

1. Представление новых ЛЕ, чтение хором и в парах.

- And now let’s learn what after jobs and professions exist in the world.

- Let’s read new worlds and repeat after me.

2. Отработка новых слов в лексических упражнениях.

- Now me doing exercises to train and learn the new words. To choose a profession one should know about the duties and responsibilities different professionals have.  

a. I write a lot. Sometimes I take photos, too.

I work for a newspaper (Journalist).

b. I do many things: I write, I copy, I use the phone, I work with the computer. I working office (Secretary).

c. I have lost of books at home. I sit in front of many people. I work at school. (Teacher)

d. My job has to do with food and drinks. I work in a restaurant. (waiter)

Match the professions (1-7) to the activities (a-h)

1)  painter

a) cuts hair  

2) an actor\ actress

b) controls traffic

3) a vet

c) flies planes

4) a pilot

d) brings letters and post carols

5)a policeman

e) help animals and pets

6) a barber

f) paints pictures

7) a postman

q) acts in film

 Why did the young people decide on these professions?

Match the two parts of the sentence. There is one extra.

1. I’d  like to be a shop assistant in a boutique

c) because…

Do the crossword puzzle: “Find the word a person who”

3. Аудирование текста “Wanted to become”

- I’d like you listen to broadcast telling now four young men decided on their career. (После первого прослушивания учащиеся заполняют таблицу. После заполнения таблицы устно отвечают на вопрос учителя. “Why did the young men choose the profession?”)


1. John Andrews lived all his life with his parents in a big city, but he had always loved the country. When he finished school he decided to go to an agricultural college and learn how to be a farmer.

2. Timothy Lloyed, whose parents were doctor, had always wanted to work in medicine. He was interested in biology. He believed that    people should help one another and he was not afraid of  blood . He wanted to be a good nurse.

3. The favourite subject school for Ted Hughes was Geography, he had always wanted to travel. Ted liked children and was always ready to have a joke with them. So after finishing school he decided to be a teacher.


to become                                why

John Andrews

Timothy Lloyed

Ted Hughes


III. Фаза рефлексии (размышление), коммуникационная.

- Let’s return to the beginning of our lesson and try to finish the beginning of sentences.

A I think that the profession of doctor is …

I believe that  the profession of a programmer is…

I consider that the profession of an economist is …

I think that the profession of  teacher is …

Итог урока

Our discussion’s finished. Luckily there are more that 2000 professions and you have a change to choose any according to your taste.


to become        


John Andrews

Timothy Lloyed

Ted Hughes


to become        


John Andrews

Timothy Lloyed

Ted Hughes


to become        


John Andrews

Timothy Lloyed

Ted Hughes


A.Joan Berwick.

I’m still at school but I finish next month. So I’m looking for a job . I’ve got my own PC and can use a word processor. I can use a switchboard because my sister is a receptionist and she showed me what to do, but I haven’t got any experience. I’m going to take a secretarial course. I want an office but I don’t  want to work for a large film.

B. Alan McGee

I left school two months ago. I haven’t got any work experience. I haven’t done any examinations and I haven’t got any qualifications. I don’t like sitting at a desk and doing paper work. I spent my childhood at help my grandfather’s farm and I like to be in the open air. I used to help my grandfather with his work. So I know something of gardening and I can operate simple farm machinery.

C. Hamish Griffiths.

I’m  going to leave school in two month’s time. I’d like to find some job right off. My teacher says I’m a good student and accurate in my work. I can type but I don’t know anything about word processors, I like my schoolmates and often help them with their work. I like to be with people and  learn from them.

- Now decide which job each of them can apply for and get ready to explain why.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Jobs and professions

Слайд 2

Use the speech models : I have decided to become … I am interested in … I want to be … because … I have decided to become … following me (parents, friends) advice.

Слайд 3

Read AND LEARN Try to use new words : Patient – Caring – Quick-thinking – Honest – С ourageous – Hardworking – Challenging – Exciting – Fulfilling – Prestigious – Creative - терпеливый ; заботливый ; сообразительный; честный; мужественный; трудолюбивый; БРОСАЮЩИЙ ВЫЗОВ; ЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩИЙ, УВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНЫЙ; ПРИНОСЯЩИЙ УДОВЛЕТВОРЕНИЕ; ПРЕСТИЖНЫЙ ; ТВОРЧЕСКИЙ, КРЕАТИВНЫЙ.

Слайд 4

PROFESSIONS Accountant Computer programmer Dentist Doctor Engineer Interpreter Lawyer Librarian Nurse Pharmacist Pianist Pilot Secretary Teacher Translator JOB TITLES Бухгалтер Программист Зубной врач Врач Инженер Переводчик (устный) Юрист Библиотекарь Медсестра, медбрат Фармацевт Пианист Летчик Секретарь Учитель Переводчик (письменный)

Слайд 5

Trade (occupation, way of marking a living, especially handicraft) С aper Barber hair stylist Bookkeeper Builder Butcher Carpenter Cashier Cook Electrician Farmer Gardener Housepainter Mechanic Plumber Salesperson Security guard Tailor Typist Waiter Пекарь Мужской парикмахер Бухгалтер, счетовод Строитель Мясник Плотник Кассир Повар Электрик Фермер Садовник Маляр Механик Водопроводчик Продавец Охранник Портной Машинистка Официант

Слайд 6

Match the description with the correspohcling profession 1. I write a lot. Sometimes I take photos, too. I work for a newspaper. 2.I have lots of books at home. I sit in front of many people. I work at a school. 3.I do many things : I write, I copy, I use the phone, I work with the computer. I work in an office. 4. I have has to do with food and drinks. I work to carry many things. My job in a restaurant. Journalist Teacher Secretary Waiter

Слайд 7

Match the professions (1-7) to the activities (a-h) a painter an actor/actress a vet a pilot a policewoman a barber a postman cuts hair controls traffic files planes brings letters and parcels paints rooms and houses helps animals and pets acts in film 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e d f c b a d

Слайд 8

Match the two parts of the sentence. The is one extra. 1. I'd like to be a shop assistant in a boutique 3. I'd like to be a car mechanic c) because I like clothes d) because I like working with people 5. I'd like to be a nurse 6. I want to be a fireman f) because I'm very interested in cars b) because It's important to save people from fire e) Because I can see the world 2. I'd like to be a stewardess because it must be very exciting to make films 4. I think an actor's job is interesting 1 2 3 4 5 6 с e f a d b

Слайд 9

1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 6 5 4 7 8 6 7 8 9 Across ( по горизонтали ) Repairs water-pipers ; 2) Builds houses ; 3) Grows food in his field ; 4) Sells meat ; 5) Looks after sick people ; 6) Grows flowers and trees ; 7) Writes articles for newspapers ; 8) Writes novels ; 9) Looks after people's teeth . Down ( по вертикали ) Flies airplanes ; 2) Designs houses ; 3) Repairs cars ; 4) Sells vegetables ; 5) Works in an office and deals with correspondence, etc. ; 6) Treats domestic animals ; 7) Drivers automobiles . p l u m b e r b u i l d e r f a r m e r b u t c h e r n u r s e g a r d e n e r j o u r n a l i s t w r i t e r d e n t i s t p i o t a c h t e c t m c h n i c g r e g r c e r s e r t a i v t d i v e r p a i s t 8 ) Plays the piano .

Слайд 10

Try finish the beginning of sentences I think that doctor should be … I believe that an economist should be … I think that teacher should be … -Patient, caring, hand working -Prestigious, Hardworking -Patient, creative, honest

Слайд 11


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