MYBODY (подборка материала по теме«Тело» по английскому языку для учащихся начальной школы)
методическая разработка по теме

Орлина Ольга Константиновна


                           (подборка материала по теме«Тело»

по английскому языку

для учащихся начальной школы)




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(подборка материала по теме «Тело»

по английскому языку

для учащихся начальной школы)

Орлина О.К.

учитель английского языка

My body.

An arm

А cheek



A finger

А toe

A foot (feet)


A hand

A head

A knee

A leg


A mouth

A neck

A nose

A tooth (teeth)

a tongue

To be

To close

To tat

To have

To hear

To go

To open

To raise

To run

To see

To show

To stand

To take

 To walk















Small white


What is this

How many hands (eyes) have you got?

What colour is your hair?

Are your hands clean (dirty)?

What do you hear (see) with?

It is a hand (a finger).

My hair is black (brown)

Yes, my hands are clean.

No, my hands are not clean, they are dirty.

I hear with my ears. I see with my eyes.

Open (close) your eyes.

Raise your hands.

Hands down.

Show me your hands.

All about me

Ten little fingers,

Ten little toes,

Two little ears

And one little nose,

Two little eyes

That shine so bright,

One little mouth

To kiss Mummy “good night”


I like to go on one foot,

Hop, hop, hop.

But when I go on one foot,

I soon have to stop.


When I lift my two feet

I can jump, jump, jump.

My feet hit the ground

With a bump, bump, bump.

I have two legs

I have two legs

With which I walk.

I have a tongue

With which I talk.

And with it too

I eat my foot.

And tell If it’s bad or good.

I have two eyes

I have two eyes

And I can see

A book and pen

In front of me.

I see a window

And a door.

I see the ceiling

And the floor.

I have two ears

I have two ears, one mouth, one nose,

One neck, one chin and ten small toes.

My two feet like to skip and hop,

Run and jump and never stop.

Here’s my left hand, here’s my right,

I clap them hard with all my might.

Up and down

Тои your head,

Bend your knees,

Grow as tall

As New Year trees.

On your knees

Slowly fall,

Curl yourself

Into a ball.

Raise your head,

Jump up high,

Wave up high,

Wave your hand

And say “Good bye”

(Дети выполняют движения согласно тексту. Стихотворение рекомендуется для активного усвоения лексики по теме «части тела», а также для повторения глаголов на первом году обучения.)


We have fingers.

We have toes

How many of these?

How many of those?

We have eyes,

How many? – two.

When they look at you,

they say,

“How do you do?”

Some fun

I look into the mirror and whom do I see?

Somebody that looks just like me.

When I smile, that somebody smiles too,

He seems to follow everything I do.

I jump and he jumps, I clap and he claps,

I stand and he stands, and if I run away,

Away will run he.

And do you know why?

Because it’s really  me.


How many fingers do I have?

Five on my right hand,

Five on my left hand.

How many fingers do I have?

My feet

Without my shoes,

Without my socks,

My feet touch grass,

My feet touch rocks.


Stand up! Hands up!

Hands on the knees!

Hands on the hips!

Put them behind

If you please!

Put your hands high up in the air,

At your sides, on your hair.

Put your hands as before.

And clap: one two three, four!

About me

My eyes can see,

My ears can hear,

My nose can smell,

My mouth can talk.

My head can nod,

My arms can hold,

My legs can walk

And walk and walk.

Little Ann

When little Ann

Goes to tea,

She washes her hands,

As you can see.

My hands

My hands upon my head I place,

On my shoulders, on my face,

Then I raise them up and high,

And make my fingers quickly fly!

How many

How many thumbs has baby, say?

How many hands for work and play?

How many toes and how many feet?

How many fingers? Count them, sweet!

Eight little fingers, as pink as rose.

Two little thumbs, and ten little toes.

Two little hands, and two little feet.

That is the way to count, my sweet!


Without your tongue

You cannot talk,


 Your feet

You cannot walk,


 Your eyes

You cannot see,


 Your heart

You cannot be.

Tommy Tinker

Little Tommy Tinker

With his teeth so white

Uses his tooth-brush

Every night.

My son Jack

My little son Jack

Never eats with hands all black;

But he washes them clean

My little son Jack.

I can

I can clean my teeth,

I can comb my hair,

I can put my shoes on

If Mummy’s not there.

I can eat my dinner

With a knife and fork,

And I do it quickly

If I don’t talk.

Clap hands

Stand up and look around,

Shake your head and turn around;

Stamp your feet upon the ground,

Clap hands, and then sit down.

Stand up and look around,

Make a bow and turn around;

Stand your feet upon the ground,

Clap hands, and then sit down.


Hop a little, jump a little,

One two, three.

Run a little, skip a little,

Tap one knee.

Bend a little, stretch a little,

Nod your head.

Sleep a little. Sleep a little

In your bed.


Clap, clap, clap, clap,

Clap your hands and twist them round.

Tap, tap, tap, tap,

Tap them gently on the ground.

Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp,

Stamp your feet with all your might.

Tap, tap, tap, tap,

Tap your toes so soft and light.

Rock, rock, rock, rock,

Now it's time to go to bed.

Hush, hush, hush, hush,

Shut your eyes, you sleepyhead.


Nelly has a little doll. Her doll is very pretty. She has air hair, rosy cheeks, blue eyes and little red lips. Nelly's loll wears a lovely yellow dress. What a pretty little doll pretty has!


1.        I have a little teddy-bear. He is brown. He has a big
lead, two ears, two little eyes, four paws and a very short

2.        I play with him all day. I take him for a walk in a
big pram. He sleeps with me in my little bed every night. I like my teddy-bear.

Рассказы "Nelly's Doll" и "My Teddy-Bear" могут быть

использованы при повторении лексики по темам

«Части тела» и «Мои игрушки» на первом году обучения.


  1. One day a little kitten says to her mother, "Oh, Mother, look at my four little paws! One, two, three, four! What can do with my four little paws?" And Mother Cat says, "Oh, your little kitten, you can run with your paws". And the little kitten runs and runs and runs.
  2. The next day the little kitten says to her mother, "Oh, other, look at my two little eyes! One, two! What can I do with my two little eyes?" And Mother Cat says, "Oh, you little kitten, you can see with your eyes". And the little kitten says, "Yes, yes, I can see with my eyes. I see you, Mother, I see little chicks, I see a big dog".
  1. The next day the little kitten says to her mother, "Oh, Mother, look at my two little ears! One, two! What can I do with my two little ears?" And Mother Cat says, "Oh, you little kitten! You can hear with your ears". And the little kitten says, "Yes, yes, I can hear with my little ears. I hear you, Mother, I hear little chicks, I hear a big dog".
  2. The next day the little kitten says to her mother, "Oh, Mother, look at my little mouth, what can I do with my little mouth?" And Mother Cat says, "Oh, you little kitten, you can eat a mouse with your little mouth". And the little kitten says, "Yes, yes, I can eat a mouse with my little mouth".

Рассказ может быть использован при повторении лексики по темам «Части тела» и «Животные» во второй половине первого года обучения, а также в ситуативных диалогах


I  dance like this and I    dance like this, And I whirl right round and

round,     I    dance like this and 1   dance like this, And my left foot pats the

ground     I  clap my hands and I clap my hands, And I   whirl right round and

round,   I nod my head and I nod my head,And my right foot pats the ground.


 dance like this and I dance like this,

And I whirl right round and round,

I dance like this and I dance like this,

And my left foot pats the ground.

I clap my hands and I clap my hands,

And I whirl right round and round,

I nod my head and I nod my head,

And my right foot pats the ground.

Дети танцуют в кругу.

Turn your-self a-round, And then you clap, clap, clap!

Step And Clap

1. Step, step, clap, clap!

Step, step, clap, clap!

Refrain: Turn yourself around,

               And then you clap, clap, clap!

 2.Bend and clap, clap!

   Bend and clap, clap!


3. Hands up! Clap, clap!

Hands up! Clap, clap!


4.Hands out! Clap, clap!

   Hands out! Clap, clap!


Дети выполняют движения под музыку

Ноты – фа диез 4/4 соль, си, ре, ре /соль, си, ре, ре/ си-ля соль-ля си-ля соль-ля/си ля соль пауза..


        This is the way we wash our hands,

     Wash our hands, wash our hands.

     This is the way we wash our hands,

     On a cold and frosty morning.

        This the way we wash our face,

        Wash our face, wash our face,

         This the way we wash our face,

On a cold and frosty morning.

        This is the way we eat our bread,

        Eat our bread, eat our bread,

        This is the way we eat our bread,

        On a cold and frosty morning.

            This the way we drink our milk,

We drink our milk, we drink our milk,

This the way we drink our milk,

On a cold and frosty morning.

                                      This is the way we clean our room,

We clean our room, we clean our room.

This is the way we clean our room,

On a cold and frosty morning.

This the way we black our shoes,

We black our shoes, we black our shoes,

 This the way we black our shoes,

On a cold and frosty morning.

Исполняя песню, дети проделывают те действия, о которых поется.



My heard, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

My heard, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

My heard, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

And we'll all clap hands together.

My chin, my elbows, my hips, my toes!

My chin, my elbows, my hips, my toes!

My chin, my elbows,my hips, my toes!

And we'll all clap hands together

Источники информации:

  • газеты «Moscow News» (1970-80 г.г.)
  • журналы «Англия» (1970-80 г.г.)
  • журнал «Класс/Klass» (№ 5, 9 1994 г., № 6 1995г., № 7 1996 г.)
  • личный архив

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