The municipal festival of foreign languages “The World without Borders” dedicated to the Year of the Twin Cities in Ulan-Ude: "The Assertion of the Video-version of the project Ulan-Ude–Yamagata” Secondary school №2", April 2017. Руководитель: Клюева И.Д.
проект (10 класс) на тему

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

Результатом участия в этом конкурсе стала номинация "Brotherhood", но ребята не успокоились и решили отправить видео на Всероссийский конкурс "Современные образовательные технологии" в ноимнации "Оформление предметно-пространственной среды". По итогам данного конкурса мы были награждены Дипломом I степени, Серия AB №170401-14-15. 


Состав команды конкурса: Степанова Арьяна, Бальбеева Анастасия, Базаров Даниил, Суюнда Яна, Сидоренко Варвара (11 "А", "Б" классы)


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Файл yamagata_tekst.docx12.63 КБ

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Слайд 1

The municipal festival of foreign languages “The World without Borders” dedicated to the Year of the Twin C ities in Ulan-Ude. The Assertion of the Video-version of the project “Ulan-Ude – Yamagata” Secondary school №2 Ulan-Ude April,2017

Слайд 2

The World Day of the Twin Cities

Слайд 3

Ulan-Ude is a twin city to 19 cities, among them both Russian cities and those which are abroad. Chita Elista Yalta Anyang Yeongwol-gun Darkhan Ulan Bator Erdenet Donetsk Lanzhou Manzhouli Hohhot Haeju Changchun Erlian The Hulunbuir Rumoi Yamagata Taipei

Слайд 4

“Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity . Therefore: do not waste time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity”. The Chinese philosopher Confucius ( 551 –479 гг. до н.э. ) What is friendship for?

Слайд 5

Yamagata is a special city in Japan, the administrative center of Yamagata Prefecture. It was founded on April 1, 1889. The city's area is 381.34 km², the population is 253,406 people (August 1, 2014), the population density is 664.51 people / km² Geographical position of Yamagata

Слайд 6

Tohoku University of Art and Design Yamagata University Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences Yamadera: 1,000 step staircase to paradise Tohoku Bunkyo Junior College Boonce -Kahn, museum of the local history Sightseeings of Yamagata

Слайд 7

The mutual prosperity: Ulan-Ude - Yamagata

Слайд 9

Thank you for your attention!

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Dear Jury! We're glad to participate in the "Twin-cities" competition. It wasn't easy for us to make a plan for our video because we've found a lot of information on the topic by means of the Internet. Finally, we came up to the conclusion to speak about a Japan town Yamagata. Let's have our travelling there!

 Ulan-Ude is a city which connects in itself the culture of Asia and Europe. 2017 was declared as "The Year of Twin-Cities", so a big number of guests from twin-cities of Ulan-Ude, such as a large delegation from Yamagata (Japan) arrived to the capital of Buryatia. It served as a fresh impulse for the further development of interrelation between our cities and became a solid basis for the strengthening of trade-economy as well as  cultural cooperation.

 Japan is the most mysterious and fairy-tale country on our planet. It's history is full of dramatic events. Being so small in its territory, Japan constantly presents to the world surprisingly talented people with deep eastern wisdom and gracious exquisiteness.

 Yamagata is a pure Japan town situated on the island Honshu. It's far from being the industrial centre but it stikes everyone with its calmness and refine beauty. Yamagata is the land of outstanding poets, artists and dancers.


Hiro Yamagata was born on the 30th of May in 1948 on the island Honshu. In 1972 he went to Europe and got the supreme artistic education in Milan and lately in Paris. Since 1978 till nowadays Hiro has been living in Los Angeles, California, USA.This talented artist is a worldwide-known master of performance and the greatest representative of the art laser. His "laser" exhibitions were held in modern art museums of Italy, Sweden, Austria, Germany, and Spain. The most famous of them is a lighting design of the Eiffel tower for its 100th anniversary in 1988. The most expensive exhibition "Photon 999" at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao in 2001 cost 3.4 million dollars. 


Art Director of the Buryat ballet theatre Morihiro Ivata continues to acquaint residents of Ulan-Ude with the traditions of the Country of the Rising Sun. Encouraged with the tremendous success of last year's Russia-Japanese festival of peace and friendship, the famous choreographer is preparing a new bright project again.

He's already staged such perfomances as "Golden God", "Rider", "Marsel Dance", "Arlekin" and a lot of other unforgettable masterpieces. Morihiro Ivata was awarded in nomination "The Best Ballet Dancer" of the International ballet contest in Tokio.


They say the most enjoyable journey is an ability to imagine and feel situations you can hardly experience in reality. Why not? It's possible to enrich our life being curious towards everyone. I wish to be in good relations with people all over the world. Will our Earth be ever peaceful and happy!!! 

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