Тест (английский язык)
методическая разработка на тему

Степанюк Екатерина Сергеевна

Тест на проверку пройденного материала по разделам 7-8 учебника Милли-3 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Task 1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини слова и перевод.






жевательная резинка



chewing gum

заколка для волос



Task 2. Read and choose the shopping list.Выбери правильный список покупок. Обведи букву.

Hello. I’m Nikita. My mum and my sister Sasha are going to have a birthday party for me. So, they have a shopping list of the things they need. My sister Sasha’s going to make the decorations. She needs candles, flowers and crackers. My mum’s going to buy some stickers, comics and chewing gum for the game. Also my mum’s going to buy some food: nuts, apple and orange juice, a cake and some ice cream.  This party will be fantastic! I love my mum and sister!!!




ice cream

ice cream

ice cream










chewing gum


chewing gum

Task 3. Unscramble the words.Расшифруй слова.

1. irahrgip _____________________                                             6. emolaned _______________________

2. linovi ________________________                                           7. rumd ____________________________

3. ocimc _______________________                                            8. sunt ______________________________

4. itugra _______________________                                            9. opani ____________________________

5. usgar ________________________                                            10. tiskcre ___________________________

Task 4. Fill in some or any.  Вставь где нужно some или any.

1. -  Have you got __________ T-shirts?

    -  Yes, we have __________.

2.  I haven’t got ___________ toys in my room! I’m not a kid anymore!

3. We need _________ bananas to make a banana cake.

4. Oh, my sister hasn’t got ________  hairgrips! She’s got very short hair.

5. Have you got _______ books about animals? I need __________ information about elephants.

Task 5. Find words and circle.Найди 15 слов и обведи их.


Task 6. Read and choose the correct answer. Прочитай и выбери правильный вариант ответа.

Hello. I’m Sergey. I’m going to have a music party. I’ve got a lot of friends. They can help me. Natasha’s going to make a banana cake. She can cook well. Leonid’s going to write the invitations. His handwriting is perfect. My friend Polina’s going to make the decorations. She’s going to buy crackers, bells, stars and coloured paper. Roman’s going to play the guitar. He can play the guitar very good. Vova can draw. He’s going to draw some posters. Dasha and Dima are going to play the flutes. And I’m going to make some cheese and meat sandwiches. I also can play musical instruments. At the party I’m going to play the drum. My mum and dad are going to take some pictures of the party.

handwriting –  почерк

perfect – отличный

very – очень

posters –  плакаты

also – также


1. Sergey’s going to have

a) a museum party                                  b) a mouse party                           c) a music party

2.  Natasha can cook well. She’s going to make

a) a banana cake                                 b) a bamboo cake                           c) an apple cake

3. Sergey can play

a) a piano                                                   b) a drum                                           b) a flute

4. Polina’s going to buy

b) stars and crackers                       b) stars and lights                               c) stars and baubles

5. Vova’s going to draw some

a) pictures                                                 b) invitations                                       c) posters

6. My mum and dad are going to

a) have fun with us                         b) play musical instruments               c) take some pictures

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