Тексты для самостоятельной работы
презентация урока для интерактивной доски (11 класс)

Еременко Татьяна Владимировна

Презентации помогут студентам при подготовке коммуникативных упражнений на медицинские темы.


Файл aromatherapy.pptx732.76 КБ
Файл chinese.pptx1.53 МБ
Файл lithotherapy.pptx1.65 МБ
Файл positive_emotions.pptx1.84 МБ

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Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine.

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Essential oils are the main tools of aromatherapy.

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The term "aromatherapy" was coined by the French perfumer chemist Rene-Marie Gattefosse in the late 19th century.

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Currently used aromatherapy research work in Russia, which is widely used in daily life. By means of massages, compresses, baths or inhalations, you can influence the course of treatment for certain diseases. It is used in beauty salons and massage parlors.

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Methods of Aromatherapy : Indirect inhalation: essential oil is sprayed or a cloth soaked in it and is placed in the room;

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Direct inhalation: through a nebulizer;

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M assage

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In modern aromatherapy, there are over 3000 essential oils and scents. The effect of aromatherapy is expressed in the following: disinfection, anti-stress, soothing, and so on.

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Thanks for your attention ! 

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

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What is the essence of Chinese medicine? According to Chinese medicine, our health depends on the circulation of vital energy - Qi, as well as on the balance of the female energy Yin and male Yang.

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Diagnostic rules of Chinese medicine Examination of the patient. A Chinese physician looks at the patient's general appearance by assessing the color of the skin, nails, tongue, whites of the eyes, nails, etc . Listening. Chinese doctors can literally determine the disease by ear, assessing the sound of breathing, the pace and sound of speech . Poll . The doctor asks the patient not only about the state of health, but also about the state of mind . C heck of pulse. Traditional Chinese medicine distinguishes 30 pulse scenarios corresponding to various disorders.

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M ethods of treatment Massage . M ethods of massage include such exotic varieties of it as gouache - massage with a special jade scraper, and tuina - a massage technique close to acupressure. D octors are concentrated on the so-called meridians - the lines along which the Qi energy moves through the body.

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Vacuum therapy - using of various diameters cups. D octors conducts an active massage by moving the cups over the body affecting the active points.

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Acupuncture - a n effect on active points with very thin needles. There are more than 300 points on the body, and each is associated with some organ or system.

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Moxibustion - warming up active points with the help of a smoldering wormwood cigar. The cigar does not touch the patient's body, and he feels only warmth.

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Phytotherapy - using herbal treatment for a variety of diseases. H erbal ingredients such as ginseng, lemongrass, motherwort, ginger, goji berries are very popular.

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Remedial gymnastics qigong – harmonization of the body state and spirit allows the Q i energy to flow freely.

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Thanks for your attention!

Предварительный просмотр:

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Lithotherapy is one of the methods of alternative medicine with using stones .

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Lithotherapy is understood as any use of minerals, natural and synthetic stones for the purpose of their impact on the human body or consciousness.

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STONES M oonstone Amethyst

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Serafini clinochlore Carnelian

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Labradorite Zircon

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Rose Quartz Garnet

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Citrine Malachite

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Lithotherapy is held in a dark room, saturated with the aromas of herbs and aromatic oils — so that nothing prevents you from focusing on yourself and your feelings.

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Thank you for attention!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

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Positive treatment

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Impact of emotions on health

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Positive emotions

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Trave I s

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Communication with loved ones

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Doing what you like to do...

Слайд 7

Thanks for your attention!

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