6 класс урок по теме: "HAVE YOU GOT A FEW ONIONS?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Елена Николаевна Бердник


1.     Тренировать учащихся в использовании лексики по теме «Покупки».

2.     Тренировать учащихся в употреблении количественных местоимений.

3.     Ознакомить учащихся с заместителями существительных one и ones.

4.  Повторить указательные местоимения.

5       Практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтении и говорении.

 6 Активизация лексических навыков в новых ситуациях общения.

       7 Совершенствование речевых навыков.


Учебные пособия: Картинки с изображением различного количества разных продуктов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                        раздел. DO YOU LIKE TO GO SHOPPING?         6 класс

                  Тема урока:  HAVE YOU GOT A FEW ONIONS?


  1. Тренировать учащихся в использовании лексики по теме «Покупки».
  2. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении количественных местоимений.
  3. Ознакомить учащихся с заместителями существительных one и ones.
  4. Повторить указательные местоимения.
  1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтении и говорении.

 6 Активизация лексических навыков в новых ситуациях общения.

       7 Совершенствование речевых навыков.

Учебные пособия: Картинки с изображением различного количества разных продуктов.

I. Introduction.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Фонетическая зарядка:

[n] — many, not many, not enough;

[1] — little milk, a little milk, lots of, a lot of;

[r] — there is, there are;

[fju:] — few, a few, a few eggs, a few apples и т. д.

III.        Речевая зарядка по картинкам.

Т.: How many eggs are there in the picture?

.I: There are few eggs in the picture.

Т.: How much milk is there in the glass?

P.2: There is a lot of milk in the glass. Т.:...ит.д.


Pupils answer the following questions:

  1. Do you like cooking?
  2. Do you like cooking dumplings (пельмени) or the stew [stju:] (тушеное мясо).
  3. How much time does it take you to make dinner?
  4. How much time does it take you to cook porridge?
  5. Which food have you got enough of at home?
  6. Which food have you run out of at home?
  7. Do you know a recipe for your favourite dish?
  8. Проверка устного домашнего задания:

III. Phonetic exercises (listening for specific information).

1.        Pre-listening (ex. 6, p. 130).

Teacher. Here is an old English rhyme.

Listen to it, please! Answer the questions:

  1. Who is the shopper?
  2. What does the shopper buy?

2.        Listening (for specific information).



-        Who is that?

Only  Grandma's pussy cat.

-        What do you want?

  1.  (A bar of chocolate, a packet of nuts so on)
  2. Where is you money?
  3. In my pocket.
  4. Where is your pocket?
    -1 forgot it.
  5. Oh, you silly pussy cat!

(Pupils listen to the rhyme and find the answers to given ques tions.)

3.        Post-listening activities.

1)        Pupils answer the questions.

Example: P,: The shopper is Grandma's pussy cat. The cat buys a bottle of milk.

2)        Role-play.

Teacher. Put in the rhyme any food you'd like to buy and then act this rhyme out.

4.        Read the transcription of these words (ex. 1(1), p. 131).

stew        a little / a few

dumplings        few / little

a few eggs        much / many

enough        bars of chocolate

onion        loaves of bread

a lot of / lots of        tins of fish

recipe        a jar of coffee
Pupils read the words and then translate them.

5.        Guess the riddles, please.

  1. I sit in a tree, round as a ball, red as blood, sweet as honey.(A cherry.)
  2. A golden girl sits in the darkness, but her hair hangs out in the sunlight. Do you know her? (A carrot.)
  3. A hundred shirts and all without buttons. What is it? (A cab bage.)
  1. What house has many people inside, but neither windows nor doors. (A cucumber.)

IV. Grammar activities.

1. Количественные местоимения. Quantifiers (p. 132).

        Много        Несколько / немного        Мало        

a lot of/ lots of        a few        few

many / much        a little        little

Teacher. Когда мы говорим о каком-либо количестве предметов, которые можно посчитать, мы используем: many, a lot of/ lots of, few / a few.

Когда мы говорим о каком-либо количестве чего-либо, что нельзя посчитать, мы используем: much, a lot of /lots of, a little/little.

I (В вопросах и отрицательных ответах используется much / many)

2. Выполнение упражнения ex. l,p. 55  АВ VIII (II). Teacher. Every day you ask and answer a lot of questions. Ask and answer the questions below about your every day life.

How many...                                             

How much...



1)   ...money do your parents give you every day?

2)  .. .coffee do you usually drink?                           

3)  .. .times a day do you eat meat?                           

4)   ...time do you spend on your                       little / little homework?                                                           

5)  ...shops do you look in on your                       not much way home?                                                             

6)   ...shoes have you got in your


a lot (of)

not  many

a little / little homework?                                                            a few / few

not much way home?                                                             lots (of)


1)  How much money do your par

2) How much coffee do you usually    / 3) How many times a day do you eat    few lots of/ meat?                                                     a lot of

4) How much time do you spend on    homework?

5)  How many shops do you look in    few lots of/ on your way home?                                 

6)  How many shoes have you got in   

6) your wardrobe?__

1) a lot / a little / little not much ents give

-     / you every day? not much drink?

2) a l3) not many / a few / ot / a little / little) a lot / a little / little4 / not much your not many / a few / a lot of 5) not many / a few / few lots of/) not many / a few / a lot a lot of


V. Reading / listening (for specific information).

Teacher. When people cook dishes and want to make them tasty, they try to follow the directions carefully.

Paddington Bear was trying to follow all the directions to cook the stew and dumplings.

1. Pre-reading activity.

Paddington Bear and Mrs. Brown are talking before cooking lunch.

Read the dialogues and answer the question:

 What foods are they talking about?

2. Reading (for specific information).


1) Убедись, что ты четко представляешь, какую информацию тебе надо найти в тексте.

2)  Не останавливайся при чтении на каждом незнакомом слове, незначительной для тебя информации.

3)  Обращай особое внимание на опознавательные знаки, слова, которые могут подсказать, где в тексте находится необходимая тебе информация.

При слушании с целью извлечения конкретной информации (Listening for specific information) следуй тем же советам памятки.

Before reading pupils look through the rules about this kind of reading.

Learning to learn (p. 219).

Pupils scan the text and find specific information. After reading they can listen to the dialogues.

3. Post-reading activities.

1) Pupils answer the question given before the text. Example: P]: They are talking about a few eggs, onions, pota toes and a little milk and salt.

2)  Teacher. Which food have they got enough of? how does Mrs. Brown say about it?                         ,

Example : P2: They have got enough of eggs and milk. Mrs. Brown says about it the following was: "We've got a few eggs and it is enough!"

3)  Teacher. Which food have they run out of (кончилась)? How does Mrs. Brown say about it?

Example: P3: They have run out of potatoes. Mrs. Brown says about it the following way: "We've got few potatoes and it's not enough".

VI.        Speaking (Work in pairs) (ex. 2, p. 132).

■ Teacher. Imagine you and your friend are in a corner shop (the photo on p. 128). Ask and answer how much food there is in the shop. Use the chart.

How much        bread        How they got?

chocolate        Do they sell?

        coffee        Can we buy here?        

How many             jars of coffee
bottles if water
tins of fish
bars of chocolate
loaves of bread        

- They've got / They sell / We can buy.

Example: P] (shopper): How much bread do you sell in the shop every day?

P2 (salesperson): Every day we sell 20 loaves of bread, etc.

VII.        Dialogical speech (Work in pairs) (ex. 6, p. 133).

Teacher. Do you know a recipe (рецепт) for your favourite dish?

1)        The task for pupil (I).

  1. You should make a list of foods you've got.
  1. Answer your partner's questions about how much of each food you've got to cook, your partner's favourite dish.

2)        The task for pupil (II).

You should ask your partner if she / he has got enough food to cook your dish.

Example: "Potato cakes".

                     P2: Have you got a few potatoes?

Pi: I've got a lot of potatoes and it is enough.

P2: Have you got a little flour?

Pi: I've got a lot of flour as much as I need.

P2: Have you got a little butter?

P,: A little butter? Let me see! There is a little butter and it's enough.

                   P2: Have you got a little cheese?

P,: There is a little cheese and it's enough. (Pupil i shows his recipe.)

3) Here's a real recipe [resapi] (рецепт). It's delicious!

Potato  cakes

ingredients:   400 g  potatoes 150 g   flour 40 g   butter 40 g   cheese (grated)

salt Instructions:

  1. Peel (почистить) the potatoes and slice them.
  2. Put the potatoes in a saucepan with some water and a bit of salt. Boil them for 20 minutes.
  3. Mash (размять) the potatoes.
  4. Put the mashed potatoes, the flour and the butter into a bowl and mixthem with a fork.
  5. Make 10 potato cakes.
  6. Try the potato cakes in a frying pan until they are brown on both sides.
  7. Cover the cakes with the grated (тертый) cheese.
  8. Put them in a dish!

VIII. The conclusion of the lesson.

Teacher. Your work is wonderful at the lesson. I think you are tired. Let's sing the song "I like food".


I like food, I like food,

I like eating lots and lots of food   (2 times)

Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,

Cakes and biscuits too.

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

                          Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas

And salted mushrooms too.

Homework: ex. 3, p. 133; ex. 7, p. 133;

ex. 8, p. 133 (all about me); (AB № 11) What we've got in our refrigerator

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