Задания к газетной статье" Feel tired on Mondays? Don’t lie in at weekends" для элективного курса.
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Статья из Британской газеты "The Telegraph" и задания к ней для элективного курса "Читать газеты - это интересно".


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The Telegraph

Feel tired on Mondays? Don’t lie in at weekends

 If you struggle to get out of bed on a Monday morning, you may have to blame yourself for lying in over the weekend, according to scientists.

By  Nick Collins, 11 Sep 2012

The idea that staying in bed longer on Saturday and Sunday will help “catch up” on sleep missed during the week is a myth, according to a study. *

 The research suggests that, rather than sending workers into the new week feeling refreshed, extra hours of sleep over the weekend can result in people feeling even more tired.

 The extra hours in bed are said to disrupt the circadian cycle, which governs the internal body clock and triggers when to wake up in the morning or to feel tired at night.

 Because the cycle lasts about 24 hours, staying in bed for longer than usual at the weekend confuses the body clock and results in a person feeling more tired when they try to revert to their normal pattern.

 Dr Gregory Carter, a specialist in sleep medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern, said: “A great myth of sleep deprivation is that if we miss sleep over the course of the work week, we need to catch up on an hour-by-hour basis at the weekend.

 The body can accommodate a delay to the circadian clock of up to an hour, meaning that a short lie-in at weekends is unlikely to have any significant effect on tiredness on a Monday morning.

 However, delays of up to two hours or more can throw the body out of sync, making it more difficult to get to sleep on a Sunday night and even harder to get out of bed the following morning.

 Any “sleep debt” built up by going to bed too late during the week can be balanced out on Saturday or Sunday simply by getting eight hours of sleep, because the brain rests more efficiently when someone is tired, said Dr Carter.

 The most effective approach is to go to bed earlier rather than sleeping later at the weekend, in order to continue waking up at the normal time while getting the optimum amount of rest. The approach is beneficial even to insomniacs. *

 In contrast, staying up late on Friday or Saturday nights and having a lie-in the following morning – especially when coupled with other behaviour which harms sleep quality such as drinking alcohol or checking emails just before bed time – makes Monday morning all the more painful.

 Researchers have previously shown that even hitting the alarm’s snooze button to get a few more minutes’ rest after a sleepless night can make people feel worse than simply getting out of bed.*

The idea that staying in bed longer on Saturday and Sunday will help “catch up” on sleep missed during the week is a myth, according to a study.

 The research suggests that, rather than sending workers into the new week feeling refreshed, extra hours of sleep over the weekend can result in people feeling even more tired.

  1. Learn the words:







  1. Find the phrases in the text that mean:

Если вам трудно встать утром –

Руководит внутренними часами –

Они стараются вернуться к нормальному ритму –

Может выбить тело из ритма -  

  1. Translate paragraphs marked with *.


  1. I´m no specialist, but it must be obvious that everyone´s sleep pattern is different and what suits one doesn´t necessarily suit someone else. I´m sure that a huge amount of money is spent and earned putting out comments that are in no way proven.

  1. Never do today what you can put off until the day after tomorrow, that's what I say.

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