Дополнительные задания к книге для чтения для 7 класса к УМК Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Алешина Маргарита Вячеславовна

Данный материал предназначен для использования на уроках домашнего чтения в 7 классе и разработан по произведению "Five on a Treasure Island" ("Тайна острова сокровищ"). Методическая разработка включает в себя презентацию об авторе произведения - М.Блайтон, а также самостоятельные работы по главам (на данный момент по 1 и 2 главе, 6-8 главам), направленные на проверку понимания прочитанного.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Enid Blyton (1897-1968) Biography

Слайд 2

Facts One of the most popular children’s writers in Britain Was born in London, brought up in Buckingham Began writing poetry in her early teens Was trained as a kindergarten teacher, later became a journalist Was a talented pianist but gave up musical studies when she trained as a teacher Was married to A.Pollock . The couple honeymooned in Jersey and Enid later based Kirrin in the Famous Five books on an island, castle and village they visited there.

Слайд 6

The Famous Five – the most popular series of books

Слайд 7

Blue plaque on the site of her home in East Dulwich

Слайд 8

Subject matter of her books Adventures, solving crimes e.g. Famous Five , Secret Seven and Adventure series Boarding school story (day-to-day life at school) e.g. the Malory Towers stories, the St Clare’s stories, the Naughtiest Gir l series Fantastical e.g. the Wishing-Chair books and The Faraway Tree

Слайд 9

Why is she still so popular? Good understanding of how to grip a child’s interest Clear, pure style Captivating plots

Слайд 10

QUESTIONS When was she born? When did she die? Who did she write for? How many books did she write? Where was she born? Where was she brought up? What talent did she have? Enyd Blyton isn’t the only name she is known by. What is another one? What is the most famous series of books? What is the genre of her books?

Слайд 11

ASWERS 1897 1968 Children More than 600 London Buckingham For music Mary Pollock The Famous Five Children’s adventure stories, fantasy, magic

Предварительный просмотр:

Five on a Treasure Island

Chapter I. The Strange Cousin


Choose the correct answer.

  1. Why couldn’t Julian, Dick and Anne go away on holiday with their parents as they usually did?
  1. Because their mother was too ill to travel.
  2. Because their father had to do some extra work in the office.
  3. Because the hotels were quite full up that year.
  1. Which town did they usually go to?
  1. Portsmouth
  2. Polseath
  3. Plymouth
  1. How old is George?
  1. Thirteen – she is the oldest
  2. Eleven – the same as Dick
  3. Twelve – the same as Julian
  1. Who is Quentin?
  1. The children’s father’s brother
  2. The children’s mother’s brother
  3. George’s uncle
  1. When did the children arrive at Kirrin Bay?
  1. On Monday
  2. On Thursday
  3. On Tuesday
  1. How old was Kirrin Cottage?
  1. About 100 years old
  2. About 200 years old
  3. About 300 years old
  1. What type of hair did George have?
  1. Short curly
  2. Short straight
  3. Long curly
  1. When did the four children go to the beach?
  1. Before breakfast
  2. After breakfast
  3. Before lunch

Предварительный просмотр:

Five on a Treasure Island

Chapter II. A Queer Story and a New Friend


Answer these questions.

  1. Did George ever tell lies? Who told the children about that?
  2. Who was Alf?
  3. Why couldn’t George keep Timothy at home?
  4. In what way did George pay Alf?

Choose the correct answer.

  1. As a dog Tim was
  1. Perfect
  2. Almost perfect
  3. Far from perfect
  1. Timothy was
  1. Grey
  2. Brown
  3. We don’t know what colour he was
  1. The wreck which belonged to George was a ship belonging to one of her
  1. Great-grandfathers
  2. Great-great-grandfathers
  3. Great-great-great-grandfathers

Five on a Treasure Island

Chapter II. A Queer Story and a New Friend


Answer these questions.

  1. Did George ever tell lies? Who told the children about that?
  2. Who was Alf?
  3. Why couldn’t George keep Timothy at home?
  4. In what way did George pay Alf?

Choose the correct answer.

  1. As a dog Tim was
  1. Perfect
  2. Almost perfect
  3. Far from perfect
  1. Timothy was
  1. Grey
  2. Brown
  3. We don’t know what colour he was
  1. The wreck which belonged to George was a ship belonging to one of her
  1. Great-grandfathers
  2. Great-great-grandfathers
  3. Great-great-great-grandfathers

Предварительный просмотр:

Five on a Treasure Island

Chapters VI-VIII


  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. Inside the box lay
  1. some old papers and a book
  2. diamonds
  3. coins
  1. Uncle Quentin stayed in his study
  1. for e few hours
  2. all day
  3. all the morning
  1. What is a dungeon?
  1. a bar of gold
  2. a dark underground prison, especially under a castle
  3. a room in a castle
  1. How did George feel sharing her island with newspaper men?
  1. enthusiastic
  2. proud
  3. furious
  1. The children were planning to go to Kirrin Island and spend
  1. a day or two there
  2. several days there
  3. a week there
  1. Julian thought fighting grown-ups was
  1. was a good idea
  2. wasn’t good
  3. was a forbidden thing to do
  1. Anne and Dick were waiting for George and Dick
  1. in the garden
  2. in the boat
  3. in the house
  1. Who got the map out of the water?
  1. Julian
  2. Timothy
  3. nobody
  1. Who brought the children safely to the little harbor?
  1. George’s parents
  2. Julian
  3. George
  1. How many ways of getting down into the dungeons were there?
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  1. Say true, false or not stated.
  1. Uncle Quentin was glad that the children had visited the wreck.
  2. None of the children knew what ingots meant.
  3. Julian was sorry they had left the real map in the box.
  4. Uncle Quentin sold the old box to a man who bought antique things for two hundred pounds.
  5. George said she wouldn’t touch a penny of the money her parents could get for the island.
  6. There were twenty-six items on the list of necessary things for the trip.
  7. The children decided to look for a well.
  8. The children began clearing the grass and worked for three hours.

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