Музыкальная пьеса "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Бережная Ольга Анатольевна

Сценарий музыкальной пьесы для 4 класса. Данная разработка предназначена для УМК«Spotlight», авторы: В.Эванс, Дж. Дули. Данное мероприятие разработано с целью повторения и обобщения изученного материала. 


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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
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В спектакле заняты учащиеся 4  класса.

Аудитория: 2–6 классы, родители, гости.

Действующие лица:


 Goldilock’s mother

 Baby Bear

 Mother Bear

 Daddy Bear


Сцена 1


Goldilocks, a little girl

Has big blue eyes

 And golden curls,

  Her mother tells her…


Now, be good!

Don’t go walking in the wood!

Goldilocks: Oh, Mummy, please don’t worry!

Narrator:  But Goldilocks is in a hurry.


The wood is nice

 The wood is cool,

  I can walk there

 On my way to school.

Mother, narrator and Goldie sing the song:

Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

Is as pretty as can be.

Her mother tells her every day:

“Now, listen to me!”

                Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

                With long golden curls

                Through the wood she takes a walk –

                The naughty girl!

                Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

                With long golden curls

                Through the wood she takes a walk –

                The naughty girl!

Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

Is on her way to school.

She says “The woods look lovely”

And she breaks her mother’s rule!

Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

                With long golden curls

                Through the wood she takes a walk –

                The naughty girl!

                Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks

                With long golden curls

                Through the wood she takes a walk –

                The naughty girl!

Сцена 2

На сцене появляются три медведя. Мама- медведь  доваривает кашу.


Now in the wood there live three bears!

Mummy, Daddy and Baby.

Daddy: Let’s take a walk.

Mummy: Well, maybe:

I’ve got some porridge in this pot

It’s very nice – but it’s very hot!

We can eat it when we all return.

Let’s go outside and get some sun!


Now, to the house comes Goldilocks

And on the door she gives three knocks!


No one home… What luck –

I’ll go inside and have a look!

 Yum! I want some porridge

 Yuk, not this – and this one’s horrid!

But this one here is very good –

And porridge is my favourite food!

Голдилокс поет песню, припев подпевают за кулисами все актеры:

Please put my porridge

In a pretty little pot.

I like it for my breakfast

And I like it nice and hot.

                Porridge oats, porridge oats

                As tasty as can be.

                Porridge oats, porridge oats

                The only food for me.

Голдилокс садится на стул:

 Oh no! Not this one – that one there!

It’s nice and small – not big at all!

Narrator: But then, poor Goldie has a fall.

Goldilocks: Never mind the chair!

                         I need a bed – I’ll go upstairs!

Сцена 3

Голдилокс идет в спальню.

Narrator: The bed she finds is nice and small.

                         She goes to sleep in no time at all.

Narrator sings the song:

                        Go to sleep, Goldie,

                        Have a sweet dream,

                        Think of your porridge

                        With lots of cream!

                        Sleep on the soft bed,

                        Sleep for a while,

                        Stay warm in bed

                        And wake with a smile!

Mummy: Now, come on, everyone!

                         Let’s see the porridge!

                        Yummy, yummy!

Baby: But where is mine?

                It’s not here, Is it there?

Daddy (увидел стул поломаный медвежонка): Oh dear! Oh dear!

Baby: Mummy,  Mummy, it’s not fair!

                 Now I haven’t got a chair!

Daddy: Let’s check the beds!

Daddy and Mummy sing the song:

Poor Baby, poor Baby

Poor Baby Bear!

No porridge for him

It just isn’t fair!

                Poor Baby, poor Baby

                Poor Baby Bear!

                Now he hasn’t even

                Got a chair!

Poor Baby, poor Baby

Poor Baby Bear!

He doesn’t know Goldie

Is sleeping upstairs!

Baby: Who’s this? Who’s this in my nice bed?

(Голди поднимает сонную голову): 

Oh, no! I’m very sorry!

 But please don’t cry!

Please don’t worry!

Come to my house, come with me!

We can eat some cakes and drink some tea!

Narrator: So Goldilocks and her three new friends are very happy in the end!

Goldie, Goldilock’s mother, Baby Bear, Mother Bear, Daddy Bear, Narrator sing the song:

        And so our little story

Reminds us every day

To always say we’re sorry

When we make mistakes.

                We all need friends,

                We need to care.

                We all need friends,

                We need to share!

Now everybody’s happy!

Let’s sing a happy tune.

Goodbye, everybody

We hope to see you soon!

                We all need friends,

                We need to care.

                We all need friends,

                We need to share!

В представлении использованы стихи и песни из следующих источников:

1.        Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2014.

2.        Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Английский язык. Книга для учителя.  4 класс: пособие для общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2012.

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