Конспект урока по теме Seasons
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Конспект урока по теме Seasons в 5 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Приветствие

Good-morning, boys and girls ! I’m glad to see you today! Sit down , please. Today we have a very interesting lesson. Before we start I’d like you to do some phonetic exercises.


 Look at the board, you see a tongue-twister, first let’s read it altogether after me. Now, Nastya, read it as quickly as you can. Thank you. Vova, you, please. Thank you.

  1. Введение темы урока.

What is this tongue-twister about? Right you are, it’s about weather, look at the board and guess what the topic of our lesson is. Yes, the topic of our lesson is Seasons and we have got the tour to the Seasons Land! First let’s watch the video. Be ready to answer my questions.

  1. Работа с видео и лексикой.

Who is the main character in this video? Who are his friends? Who is his best friend? What’s its name? What is the weather like? Yes, but it’s an unusual deer, it’s an American deer and it’s called a moose. Let’s repeat its name altogether. Try to remember its name. He is our guide in the Seasons land, because he knows everything about seasons. He has got a lot  of interesting tasks for you. But now I’d like you to answer my question-what’s the most important thing in every season? Right it’s the weather and it’s the first task for you from the moose- look at the board. Name the weather on the pictures. The weather is different in every season and it’s very changeable, so you suitable clothes for every season. Look at the board and say what clothes you need when it’s winter…There are four seasons and there are four items in every group. Good of you.

Now, let’s watch the next video. Watch it very attentively, because  then you should do the task and answer some questions-What season is our moose in? Does he like it? Why? What activities can we do in winter? What is your favourite activity? Look at the board and guess some winter activities, the pictures will help you. There were some words about winter in this video and our moose has got a crossword for you. Look at the board. You can see the crossword, we will check up the words here. Open your tasks for the lesson at the first page and find the crossword with the tasks  there.  Let’s do it altogether. Good of you! Do you know any poems about winter? Alisa, go to the board and tell us it.

What season is after winter? Right, it’s spring. Let’s watch our moose in spring. Be ready to answer some questions. What’s the weather like in the video? What’s the nature? Look at the pictures on board and try to describe them. Describe the weather, the nature and people.( 4 pictures))

  1. Работа с видео и диалогами.

What season is after spring? Do you like summer? Why? And our moose likes summer, too. Let’s watch a video. Watch it very attentively and be ready to answer my questions. What’s the weather like in this video? Where is the moose? What is he wearing? What is he doing? So, summer is the hottest season and we usually travel in summer. You go to another cities or countries. We can do different activities there. Look at the board, there is a dialogue. A moose and his friend are talking about summer. First we will read it and then you should make similar dialogues. You can see the examples with the questions and answers on the board.

  1. Работа с видео. True, False.

What season is after summer? Look at the moose in autumn. Be ready to answer the questions. How does the weather change in autumn?  What’s the weather like in autumn? What do you usually do in autumn? Let’s look at the board. Our moose asks you to help him to correct some facts about the weather in autumn. You should say if the sentences are true or false and correct them.

  1. Работа с лексикой, чтение.

Your work is excellent and our moose has got a letter for you, but some words are missing, they’re hidden in the pictures. Look at the board, here’s this letter. Open your tasks and find the letter there. You should complete the letter with the words and read it. Let’s do it altogether.

Where is the moose now? What’s the weather like here in Australia? Where does he want to go? What does he want to do? What is his favourite season?

  1. Монологическая речь.

Now our moose wants to know what your favourite season is. I’d like you to tell me about it and explain why you like it.

Well done. The moose is happy- you know a lot about seasons! He’s got the last surprise for you. It’s a song, you can see it on the board and you’ve got the words in your tasks.

Thank you for you work, your marks are excellent today. As usual))

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