Методическая разработкаурока английского языка по внеурочной деятельности Cambridge Movers
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Попова Наталья Павловна

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по внеурочной деятельности Cambridge  Movers

учителя английского языка

ГБОУ СОШ № 283 Кировского района



Поповой Натальи Павловны


Предмет: английский язык

Уровень: Cambridge Movers Unit 32

Автор УМК: Анна Робинсон, Карен Саксби Fun for Movers

Тип урока: комбинированный. Урок закрепления материала

Используемая технология: технология развития критического мышления

Методы обучения:  объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный





Ход урока


I этап «Вызов»

  1. Приветствие

Good morning, Dear boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. How are you? Today we have a lot of guests. Let’s greet them and each other. Ok. Sit down.


  1. Метод «Mind - Map» (Карта памяти)

Look at the blackboard.  In the middle you can see the word – FOOD. Let’s think and tell me, please, what is it – food? What are your associations about food?

                                                         tea                          rice



                                                                   FOOD                                      pasta



2 мин                                                                    noodles

3) Определение темы урока

-Good. It’s time to find out the subject of our lesson. How do you think? May be cook? Kitchen? What do you want to know about cookers? Fried, fries… Yes, but how can we unit these words? What has every cooker do?  Of course, food and meal. It’s one of the subject of our lesson. How do you think, what will we do today? 

- read, pronounce and learn to use grammar;

 - make up sentences;

 - make the dialogues;


 - read texts;

- ask questions and answer them.

2 мин

4) Речевая разминка

Ok. But at first let’s warm-up. Open your books at page 68 and let`s remember how to use There is…and There are….

5 мин

Итого: 10 минут

II этап. Стадия осмысления

  1. Знакомство с новой грамматикой

As we decided, the subject of our lesson is Food. Look at your book.        P. 68ex. A.  Let’s repeat the words but I think they are familiar for you.          And these words are Количественные местоимения.

Объяснение новой грамматики на русском языке. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные и правило использования с ними количественных местоимений: only, a lot of, not much, some, any

Let`s talk. Use There is/There are to say what can you see at point A

6 минут

  1. Первичная проверка понимания

Look at the girl in A, her name `s Mary and this is her kitchen. Mary goes to the market on Tuesdays. What does she need to buy this week? Look at B

(potatoes) Does she need potatoes? /yes, she does

Let`s check and compare the list and the pic in A. (+,-)

Try to use a construction   «She needs/doesn`t need to buy some/any …?»

Photocopies p 125


5 минут

3. Прием «Cравнение картинок»

Look at your copy(A/B pairs). They are not the same. You should tell the sentence about A and you neighbor should find difference and tell us.

For example:


  1. In my picture, there are a lot of lemons
  2. But in my picture, there`s one lemon

All differences:

1. some/ a lot of grapes

2. one/eight pineapples

3. lots of/two sandwiches

4. two/ten burgers

5. not much/a lot of milk

6. lots of lemons/one lemon

7. three/a lot of pears

8. not much/ a lot of watermelon

9. a lot of/not many chips/fries

10. 20 bottles of water/ one bottle of water

6 минут

Итого: 30 минут


4. Диалогическая речь

Complete the sentences with the correct word. Read the story describing pictures

Fill in the gaps. You should put the words in missing places. And guess what is this text about?

P68-69 C



5 минут

Итого: 31 минута


5. Физкультминутка

2 минуты


Итого: 33 минуты

III этап. Стадия рефлексии

  1. Составление проекта

p.69 E

Who do really like cheese?

Answers: I do/I don`t

Who likes pasta? Do you put cheese on your pasta? Do you know how to make cheese? What do you need?


Read the text please. Does the text tell us about eating cheese or making? (making)

Is a twelve-years-old cheese younger or older than you?

Read the text, choose the words? Write them down on the lines.


How many big bowls of milk are in one big bowl of cheese? (10)

How old is some cheese in supermarkets? (more than 12)



8 минут

  1. Оценка своей деятельности на уроке
  2. Домашнее задание

Выбрать любой сорт сыра, при помощи информации из интернета подготовить проект о том из чего его делают, сколько лет готовят, интересный факт связанный с выбранным сортом.

2 минуты

Итого: 45 минут


Файл metodicheskaya_razrabotka_cambridge_movers.docx33.8 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по внеурочной деятельности Cambridge  Movers

учителя английского языка

ГБОУ СОШ № 283 Кировского района


Поповой Натальи Павловны

Предмет: английский язык

Уровень: Cambridge Movers Unit 32

Автор УМК: Анна Робинсон, Карен Саксби Fun for Movers

Тип урока: комбинированный. Урок закрепления материала

Используемая технология: технология развития критического мышления

Методы обучения:  объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный

Ход урока

I этап «Вызов»

  1. Приветствие

Good morning, Dear boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. How are you? Today we have a lot of guests. Let’s greet them and each other. Ok. Sit down.

  1. Метод «Mind - Map» (Карта памяти)

Look at the blackboard.  In the middle you can see the word – FOOD. Let’s think and tell me, please, what is it – food? What are your associations about food?

                                                         tea               rice



                                                                   FOOD        pasta



2 мин        noodles

3) Определение темы урока

-Good. It’s time to find out the subject of our lesson. How do you think? May be cook? Kitchen? What do you want to know about cookers? Fried, fries… Yes, but how can we unit these words? What has every cooker do?  Of course, food and meal. It’s one of the subject of our lesson. How do you think, what will we do today?  

- read, pronounce and learn to use grammar;

 - make up sentences;

 - make the dialogues;


 - read texts;

- ask questions and answer them.

2 мин

4) Речевая разминка

Ok. But at first let’s warm-up. Open your books at page 68 and let`s remember how to use There is…and There are….

5 мин

Итого: 10 минут

II этап. Стадия осмысления

  1. Знакомство с новой грамматикой

As we decided, the subject of our lesson is Food. Look at your book.        P. 68ex. A.  Let’s repeat the words but I think they are familiar for you.          And these words are Количественные местоимения.

Объяснение новой грамматики на русском языке. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные и правило использования с ними количественных местоимений: only, a lot of, not much, some, any

Let`s talk. Use There is/There are to say what can you see at point A

6 минут

  1. Первичная проверка понимания

Look at the girl in A, her name `s Mary and this is her kitchen. Mary goes to the market on Tuesdays. What does she need to buy this week? Look at B

(potatoes) Does she need potatoes? /yes, she does

Let`s check and compare the list and the pic in A. (+,-)

Try to use a construction   «She needs/doesn`t need to buy some/any …?»

Photocopies p 125

5 минут

3. Прием «Cравнение картинок»

Look at your copy(A/B pairs). They are not the same. You should tell the sentence about A and you neighbor should find difference and tell us.

For example:

  1. In my picture, there are a lot of lemons
  2. But in my picture, there`s one lemon

All differences:

1. some/ a lot of grapes

2. one/eight pineapples

3. lots of/two sandwiches

4. two/ten burgers

5. not much/a lot of milk

6. lots of lemons/one lemon

7. three/a lot of pears

8. not much/ a lot of watermelon

9. a lot of/not many chips/fries

10. 20 bottles of water/ one bottle of water

6 минут

Итого: 30 минут

4. Диалогическая речь

Complete the sentences with the correct word. Read the story describing pictures

Fill in the gaps. You should put the words in missing places. And guess what is this text about?

P68-69 C

5 минут

Итого: 31 минута

5. Физкультминутка

2 минуты


Итого: 33 минуты

III этап. Стадия рефлексии

  1. Составление проекта

p.69 E

Who do really like cheese?

Answers: I do/I don`t

Who likes pasta? Do you put cheese on your pasta? Do you know how to make cheese? What do you need?

Read the text please. Does the text tell us about eating cheese or making? (making)

Is a twelve-years-old cheese younger or older than you?

Read the text, choose the words? Write them down on the lines.


How many big bowls of milk are in one big bowl of cheese? (10)

How old is some cheese in supermarkets? (more than 12)


8 минут

  1. Оценка своей деятельности на уроке
  2. Домашнее задание

Выбрать любой сорт сыра, при помощи информации из интернета подготовить проект о том из чего его делают, сколько лет готовят, интересный факт связанный с выбранным сортом.

2 минуты

Итого: 45 минут

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты



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