Викторина на английском языке "We love English"
методическая разработка по английскому языку



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

GUESS eHwlenaol nlEishg taCplia naLgeaug oLdonn Ccolk

Слайд 3

GUESS Halloween - eHwlenaol English - nlEishg Capital - taCplia Language - naLgeaug London - oLdonn Clock - Ccolk

Слайд 4

Fill in w…ather C…rist…as Ho…ida… … meri … a Te … c … er Sch … ol P…es … dent F … otb … ll

Слайд 5

Fill in w e ather C h rist m as Ho l ida y A meri c a Te a c h er Sch o ol P r es i dent F o otb a ll

Слайд 6

Proverbs No news – is a good news. Live and learn. Tastes differ . It’s never too late to learn. A bird may be known by its song. East or West – home is best.

Слайд 7

Proverbs 1. No news – is a good news. Отсутствие вестей - хорошая весть 2. Live and learn. Век живи , век учись 3. Tastes differ . О вкусах не спорят 4. It’s never too late to learn. Учиться никогда не поздно 5. A bird may be known by its song. Птица видна по полёту 6. East or West – home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Слайд 8

I know English. Темы: - food - sport - weather - holidays - clothes - animals

Слайд 9

The odd word. Easter, Christmas, St Valentine’s Day, Columbus Tea, coffee, juice, lemon Swimming, hockey, moving, football Dress, T-shirt, suit, boots Tree, sun, rain, cold Englishman, American, Ausralia, Canadian

Слайд 10

The odd word. Easter, Christmas, St Valentine’s Day, Columbus Tea, coffee, juice, lemon Swimming, hockey, moving , football Dress, T-shirt, suit, boots Tree, sun, rain, cold Englishman, American, Ausralia , Canadian

Слайд 11

What do you know about Great Britain? 1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese 2. Great Britain is divided into … a) five parts b) three parts c) four parts d) two parts

Слайд 12

1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English 2. Great Britain is divided into … c) four parts

Слайд 13

3 What is the Tower of London now? a) a prison b) a museum c) a house d) a fortress 4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is … a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Windsor palace d) the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 14

3 What is the Tower of London now? b) a museum 4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is … d) the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 15

6. The capital of Great Britain is … a) Manchester b) Liverpool c) London d) Cardiff 7. What can you see in Trafalgar square? a) Nelson statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial d)Michael Gorbachev memorial

Слайд 16

6. The capital of Great Britain is … c) London 7. What can you see in Trafalgar square? a) Nelson statue

Слайд 17

8. Big Ben is … a) a clock b) a horse c) an animal in the zoo d) a famous name 9. When can you see the flag over the Queen's Palace? a) When she is out b) When she is abroad c) When she has a party d) When she is at home

Слайд 18

8. Big Ben is … a) a clock 9. When can you see the flag over the Queen's Palace? d) When she is at home

Слайд 19

10. England is in … a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia 11. The name of the river in London is … a) The Severn b) The Thames c) The Avon d) The Clyde 12. Westminster Abbey is … a) the chapel b) the monastery c)the inn d) the famous Royal Church

Слайд 20

10. England is in … a) Europe 11. The name of the river in London is … b) The Thames 12. Westminster Abbey is … d) the famous Royal Church

Слайд 21

13. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen b) the Tzar c) the Prime Minister d) the President 14. In what country do men wear skirts? a) France b) England c) Scotland d) Norway

Слайд 22

13. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen 14. In what country do men wear skirts? c) Scotland

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

GUESS eHwlenaol nlEishg taCplia naLgeaug oLdonn Ccolk

Слайд 3

GUESS Halloween - eHwlenaol English - nlEishg Capital - taCplia Language - naLgeaug London - oLdonn Clock - Ccolk

Слайд 4

Fill in w…ather C…rist…as Ho…ida… … meri … a Te … c … er Sch … ol P…es … dent F … otb … ll

Слайд 5

Fill in w e ather C h rist m as Ho l ida y A meri c a Te a c h er Sch o ol P r es i dent F o otb a ll

Слайд 6

Proverbs No news – is a good news. Live and learn. Tastes differ . It’s never too late to learn. A bird may be known by its song. East or West – home is best.

Слайд 7

Proverbs 1. No news – is a good news. Отсутствие вестей - хорошая весть 2. Live and learn. Век живи , век учись 3. Tastes differ . О вкусах не спорят 4. It’s never too late to learn. Учиться никогда не поздно 5. A bird may be known by its song. Птица видна по полёту 6. East or West – home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Слайд 8

I know English. Темы: - food - sport - weather - holidays - clothes - animals

Слайд 9

The odd word. Easter, Christmas, St Valentine’s Day, Columbus Tea, coffee, juice, lemon Swimming, hockey, moving, football Dress, T-shirt, suit, boots Tree, sun, rain, cold Englishman, American, Ausralia, Canadian

Слайд 10

The odd word. Easter, Christmas, St Valentine’s Day, Columbus Tea, coffee, juice, lemon Swimming, hockey, moving , football Dress, T-shirt, suit, boots Tree, sun, rain, cold Englishman, American, Ausralia , Canadian

Слайд 11

What do you know about Great Britain? 1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese 2. Great Britain is divided into … a) five parts b) three parts c) four parts d) two parts

Слайд 12

1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English 2. Great Britain is divided into … c) four parts

Слайд 13

3 What is the Tower of London now? a) a prison b) a museum c) a house d) a fortress 4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is … a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Windsor palace d) the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 14

3 What is the Tower of London now? b) a museum 4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is … d) the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 15

6. The capital of Great Britain is … a) Manchester b) Liverpool c) London d) Cardiff 7. What can you see in Trafalgar square? a) Nelson statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial d)Michael Gorbachev memorial

Слайд 16

6. The capital of Great Britain is … c) London 7. What can you see in Trafalgar square? a) Nelson statue

Слайд 17

8. Big Ben is … a) a clock b) a horse c) an animal in the zoo d) a famous name 9. When can you see the flag over the Queen's Palace? a) When she is out b) When she is abroad c) When she has a party d) When she is at home

Слайд 18

8. Big Ben is … a) a clock 9. When can you see the flag over the Queen's Palace? d) When she is at home

Слайд 19

10. England is in … a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia 11. The name of the river in London is … a) The Severn b) The Thames c) The Avon d) The Clyde 12. Westminster Abbey is … a) the chapel b) the monastery c)the inn d) the famous Royal Church

Слайд 20

10. England is in … a) Europe 11. The name of the river in London is … b) The Thames 12. Westminster Abbey is … d) the famous Royal Church

Слайд 21

13. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen b) the Tzar c) the Prime Minister d) the President 14. In what country do men wear skirts? a) France b) England c) Scotland d) Norway

Слайд 22

13. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen 14. In what country do men wear skirts? c) Scotland

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