План-конспект урока My Favourite Cartoons
план-конспект урока (6 класс)

Сурова Наталья Владимировна

План -конспект урока "Мои любимые мультфильмы" в 6 классе по УМК "Spotlight"


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока

УМК- Spotlight 6

Класс – 6

Тема – My favourite cartoons

Цель  – Активизировать словарный запас (лексика по теме «мультфильмы»), отработать и закрепить видовременные формы

Оснащение –  доска, учебник, ручка, словарь, раздаточные материалы, ноутбук, мультимедийная презентация

Задачи – закрепление видовременных форм

               - закрепление лексики по теме «Cartoons!”

               - развитие умений анализировать речь других

               -развитие навыков подготовленной монологической речи

               - развитие навыков аудирования

               - развитие навыков работы в группе

               - развитие самоконтроля и ответственности

Ход урока





2 min

Good morning!

Thank you very much!

Sit down please.

What is the date today?

What is the day today?

Who is absent?

What’s the weather like today?

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you,

Good morning, good morning,

We are glad to see you!

Today is the 12th of March

Today is the Wednesday

All are present today

It’s warm. It’s windy. It’s not snowy, etc…

Организационный момент + речевая разминка

3 min

Tell me please, how do we read s, th? (Как мы читаем s, th?)

Let’s practice – по моему сигналу:

Ряд справа -  S (обычное)

Ряд слева -  0 (мужзубное)

Поменялись ролями!

Repeat after me, please – think, thin, thing, thick, mouth

  • Six, mouse, mice

Very good! And now let’s revise our tongue-twister (Давайте вспомним нашу скороговорку)–

I can think of thin things,

Six thin things, can you?

Yes, I can think of six thin things

And of six thick things, too!

S (обычное)

0 (мужзубное)

Фонетическая разминка

Карточками со звуками показываю, какая команда говорит

Хоровое повторение слов, входящих в рифмовку

Хоровое повторение рифмовки, затем 2-3 человека самостоятельно (сильные), все остальные по очереди

4 min

3 min

Today we are to held the presentation of our project on Walt Elias Disney, his life and work.

Let’s listen to some facts of his biography.  Everybody listens to …, and then I’ll ask you some questions. Irina, please…..

Great! Thanks a lot!

Now, the questions…

1 – the middle name of Walt Disney is




2 – When was he born?

a) December, 5th 

b) December, 15th 

c)December, 4th 

3 – When did he sell his first sketch?

a)  when he was 6

b) when he was 17

c)  when he was 7

4 – How much money did he have, when he went for Hollywood?

a) 40 dollars

b) 4 dollars

c) 14 dollars

5 – How old was he, when he went for Hollywood?

a) 20 years old

b) 22  years old

c) 24  years old

Walt Elias Disney was born on the 5th of December in 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He liked drawing from an early age. He sold his first sketches when he was 7. In 1923 he went for Hollywood. He had only 40 dollars then. He and his brother started the now famous Disney Brothers studio in their uncle’s garage.

Биография Диснея

Краткий опрос по прослушанной информации

4 min

Thanks a lot! But now let’s learn a little about The Walt Disney Company.

Everybody listens to _____, and then I’ll ask you some questions again.

_____, please.

1 -  The Walt Disney Company is an _____ mass media corporation

a) British

b) American

c) Canadian

2 – When was it founded?

a) in 1923

b) in 1925

c) in 1924

3 – What is Walt Disney’s brother’s name?

a) Paul

b) Sam

c) Roy

4 – How many theme parks are there around the world?

a) 14

b) 15

c) 16

5 – What is the symbol of The Walt Disney Company?

a) Donald Duck

b)  Mickey Mouse

c) Pluto

The Walt Disney Company is an American mass media corporation. It was founded on October 16, 1923, by Walt and Roy Disney as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. It began with short film entitled Alice's Wonderland. The Walt Disney Studios, is today one of the largest and best-known studios in Hollywood. Disney also owns and operates cable television networks, 14 theme parks around the world.

An early and well-known cartoon, Mickey Mouse, is a primary symbol of The Walt Disney Company.

12 min

Well Done! Thanks! Now, I give you cards with cartoon characters.  Your task is to find your partners. You ask – “What have you got?” Ready? Stand up!

Great! Sit down, please!

Задания викторины –

On the screen you will see a text. You read it and choose the character.

Text 1 -  It is a cartoon character created in 1930. He is a short-haired dog with black ears. He is Mickey Mouse's pet.

  1. Pluto
  2. Minnie Mouse
  3. Donald Duck

Sure, it is Pluto. Tell us some facts about the cartoon, please - _____

Thank a lot!

Text 2 - It is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1934. He is a white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor suit with a cap and a black or red bow tie.

a) Minnie Mouse

b) Scrooge McDuck

c) Donald Duck

2 – What is the name of Donald Duck’s girlfriend?

a) Daisy Duck

b) Maisy Duck

c) Mary Duck

3 - What is the name of Donald Duck’s uncle?

a) Donald McDuck

b) Scrooge McDuck

c) Dewey McDuck?

4 – Has Donald Duck got nephews?

a) Yes (Huey, Dewey, and Louie)

b) No

Now, ____tell us more about Donald Duck.

Text 3 – 

He is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1932. He is a tall dog. He wears a vest, with pants, shoes, white gloves, and a tall hat.

a) Mickey Mouse

b) Pluto

c) Goofy

You are right! Let’s listen about him. _____ please.

Pluto appeared in 24 Mickey Mouse films. All together he appeared in 89 short films. Some of these were nominated for an Academy Award. Lend a Paw (1941), won the award in 1942. Because Pluto does not speak, his films rely on physical humor.

Donald is most famous for his semi-intelligible speech and irritable personality. His distinctive voice was created by Clarence Nash, who performed the role for 50 years. Donald's first appearance was in The Wise Little Hen (1934)

Goofy is a close friend of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and is one of Disney's most popular characters.

Goofy appeared in animated cartoons, starting in 1932 with Mickey's Revue. In 1939 Goofy was given his own series. Two Goofy shorts were nominated for an Oscar: How to Play Football and Aquamania.

We can see Goofy in video games. For example - Goofy is captain of the royal guard at Disney Castle in the Kingdom Hearts video game series.

Дети получают карточки с персонажами мультиков, находят свои команды






Great! As you know, one famous cartoon, created by Walt Disney is titled – “Alice in Wonderland”. Now, we are going to watch an extract of the cartoon, created by W. Disney.

Просмотр частично мультика, созданного Диснеем

Home Task – распечатка из сборника - № 14 стр 86




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