комплекс упражнений,направленный на развитие самостоятельно иноязычного чтения
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8 класс) на тему

Пискунова Ирина Михайловна

Данные упражнения рекомендованы учащимся 7-8 классов.Комплекс упражнений, способствует  развитию стратегий самостоятельного иноязычного чтения обучающихся основной общеобразовательной школы,повышает мотивацию к чтению.


Предварительный просмотр:

Приложение 6

Surprise! It’s Your Wedding.

Goodnight, John."  

  "Goodnight, Lynn."

Lynn Miliington kissed her boyfriend goodnight. He walked to his car and drove away. Lynn walked into her house. It was midnight. Her parents were sleeping, and the house was quiet. Lynn sat down on the sofa. She had a problem, and she needed some time to think. Lynn's boyfriend was John Biggin. John loved Lynn, and Lynn loved John. They were very happy together. What was the problem? Lynn wanted to get married. John wanted to get married, too, but he was afraid.

Sometimes Lynn and John talked about getting married. "Let's get married in June," Lynn said. "June is a beautiful month for a wedding."

"June?" John asked. "This June? Let's not get married in June. Let's wait a little longer."

Lynn waited . . . and waited. She was very patient. She was patient, but she wanted to get married. Lynn's parents wanted her to get married, too; they liked John. John's parents also wanted them to get married because they liked Lynn. Suddenly Lynn had an idea. "John's parents will help me!" she thought.

The next morning Lynn telephoned John's parents. "I need your help," Lynn told them. "John wants to get married, but he's afraid. Let's plan a wedding for John and me. It will be this Saturday. Invite your family. But don't tell John about the wedding."

Next, Lynn telephoned Bob Raper. Bob was John's best friend. "I need your help," Lynn told Bob. "Tell John that you're getting married this Saturday. Invite him to your wedding." Bob wasn't really getting married on Saturday. It was a trick. John and Lynn were getting married on Saturday, but John didn't know it.

On Saturday morning John put on his best suit. Then he drove to the courthouse in Bridlington, England. He walked into the courthouse and looked around. He saw his friend Bob. He saw his girlfriend Lynn. Then he saw his parents, relatives, and friends. He saw Lynn's family and friends. Suddenly John understood. This was not Bob's wedding! This was John's wedding! John began to shake, but he didn't run away. Twenty minutes later John and Lynn were husband and wife.

After the wedding a photographer took pictures of John and Lynn. In one picture John is pretending to punch Lynn. He is pretending that he is angry. John is not really angry; he is smiling. Lynn, of course, is smiling, too.

Pre-reading activities

Exercise 1 Have a look at these  words: wedding, to  kiss, to get married,  husband, happy. What do you think this story is  about? Can you guess what will happen in the text?

Exercise 2What associations do you have  with the word “wedding”

Text activities

Exercise 3 Read the 1st paragraph of the text. Imagine this situation  and give your own vision of the following  part

Exercise 4 Read the text up to the end and match each subheading with the paragraph(s) it best describes

The letter of the paragraph


Talks about the wedding

John’s fear

Lynn operates

A good idea, that will help me

Whose wedding is it?

A happy couple

Exercise 5 Read the 5th paragraph and underline the facts that  prove the idea that it was  John and  Lynn’s wedding

Exercise 6 Find answers to these questions in the text. Do it in a written form

1.Why was  Lynn sad?

2. What was wrong with John?

3. Who could help Lynn?

4 What was Lynn’s plan?

5.How did John feel  when he saw  Lynn, parents, friends ?

Exercise 7 Find the antonyms in the text

1) Hate

 2)Get divorced


4)Put off









Exercise 8. Paraphrase  the sentences, using  the active words from the previous exercise

1)Lynn had a romantic relationship with John Biggn

2) Sometimes Lynn and John talked about involving marriage

3) June was a nice month for a wedding

4) Lynn could wait for a long time.

5)John is  pretending  that he is annoyed

6) Suddenly John realized that in was his wedding

7) John got into his best suit

8) Lynn was the woman that John was married to

9) John started to shake

10) John and Lynn had a strong feeling towards each other

After-Text activities

Exercise 9. Make up  a five sentence outline of this story, using active words

Exercise 10 Correct  each false statement to make it true

  1. John loved Lynn and wanted to get married, but he was angry
  2. Lynn told John’s brothers, “ I need your help”
  3. “ Let’s plan a party for John and me, “ Lynn told John’s  parents
  4. Next, Lynn telephoned Bob Raper, who was John’s boss
  5. She told him, “ Tell John that you’re getting married this Monday and invite him to the wedding
  6. Bob wasn’t really getting married; it was a problem
  7.  On Saturday morning John put on his best suit and drove to the library  in Bridlington, England
  8. At the courthouse he telephoned Lynn, his friends, and his relatives
  9. Suddenly he understood: This was Bob’s wedding!

   10)Twenty minutes later John and Lynn were boyfriend and wife









Exercise 11. Read the sentences and circle YES or No.

Prove your point of view.

1I think John is happy that he married Lynn                                        

2Lynn tricked John. I think that was a good idea                                

3 John is 24 years old. That is a good age for a man to get married    

4 I am afraid to get married                                                                      

Exercise 12. Think over  the arguments  for  these two statements

It is better to be married. Why ?       It is better to be single. Why?

Приложение 7

Why can’t they Quit?

Ali is from Saudi Arabia, but he is living in the United States. Ali will stay in the United States for one year. During the year, Ali wants to do two things. First, he wants to learn English. Second, he wants to quit smoking.

Ali has smoked for nine years. He smokes a pack of cigarettes every day. Ali says, "I tried to quit smoking in Saudi Arabia, but it was impossible. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. It will be easier to quit here."

Many smokers are like Ali: they want to quit smoking. They know that smoking is bad for their health. They know it can cause cancer and heart : disease. But it is difficult for them to stop smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug ,  nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine.

The first few times a person smokes, the smoker usually feels terrible. The nicotine makes the person sick. In a few days, the smoker's body gets sad to the nicotine, and the smoker feels fine.

Later, the smoker needs nicotine to feel fine. Without it, the smoker feels terrible. The smoker is addicted to nicotine.

What happens when people quit smoking? What happens when smokers don't have nicotine? People who quit smoking are often depressed and nervous for weeks. Some people eat instead of smoking, so they gain weight.

Doctors sometimes give special chewing gum to people who want to quit smoking. The chewing gum has a little nicotine in it. When smokers need nicotine, they don't smoke cigarettes. They chew the gum instead. Each day the smokers try to chew the gum less often. With the gum, people can quit smoking and then gradually give up nicotine.

It is very difficult to quit smoking, and many people who quit will smoke again. At a party or maybe at work they will decide to smoke "just one" cigarette. Then they will smoke another cigarette, and another. Soon they are smokers again. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start.

Pre-reading activities

Exercise 1 What bad habits do you know? What methods can we use to stop  our bad habits?

Exercise 2 What associations do you have  with the word “ smoking”?

Text activities

Exercise 3 Find the English equivalents to the following:

Бросить курить, курить на протяжении, попытался бросить,

это было невозможно, практически все,  вредно для здоровья, вызывать рак, в сигаретах содержится наркотик, ужасно себя чувствовать, привыкнуть к , пристраститься к , терять вес, жевательная резинка, постепенно

Exercise 4 Read the text up to the end and match each two columns : the main idea& details

Main ideas


Ali wants to do some things inn The USA

It was impossible to quit smoking in Saudi Arabia

Smokers are alike

Cigarettes have  drug in them

Giving up smoking is  stress

Doctors help smokers

You are the smoker again

Exercise 5 Complete the sentences

1 Ali wants to do two things ….

2 Ali smokes a  pack….

3 Smoking is bad for the smoker’s health because ….

4 Instead of smoking people …..

5 It was impossible to quit  smoking in Saudi Arabia because

6 It is difficult for people to stop smoking because cigarettes ….

7 People who quit smoking are often ….

8 People who  quit  will smoke again because….

Exercise 6 Complete the sentences with the words below

Get used to, instead of, pack, quit, causes, impossible, sick, way

1. Ali tried to stop smoking in Saudi Arabia, but it was…… .

2. Ali hopes it will be easier to ….. smoking in the USA.

3. Sometimes people who smoke have cancer or bad  hearts because smoking …….. these diseases.

4. When people smoke for the first time, the nicotine makes them … .

5. In a few days smokers feel fine because their bodies ….. the nicotine.

6. Sometimes people eat  …… smoking.

7. Never start is maybe the only ….. to quit smoking.

Exercise 7.  Complete each sentence. Then read the story again and check your answers

It is difficult to  quit smoking because smokers are ……. To nicotine. Nicotine is a ……. That is in cigarettes. People who quit …… are often depressed and nervous. Some people gain …. Because they eat instead of smoking. People who want to quit smoking sometimes chew a special …… The gum has a ……. Nicotine in it. When smokers need nicotine, they …….. the gum. It is very difficult to ….. smoking, and many people who quit will …… again. Maybe there is only one easy  ….. to quit smoking : never start.

After text activities

Exercise 8 Make up  an outline of this story, using  these words:

Quit smoking, impossible, cause, drug, feel terrible, chewing gum

Exercise 9.  Correct  each false statement to make it true

  1. Ali  is from the USA.
  2. In the USA Ali wants to learn French and  stop smoking.
  3. Ali never tried to quit smoking.
  4. People who smoke  a lot need  adrinalin.
  5. Without the nicotine the smoker feels wonderful.
  6. The smoker is addicted to drinking alcohol.
  7. Some people work in stead of  smoking.
  8. Biscuits  have  a little nicotine.
  9. It is easy to stop smoking.
  10.  The smoker needs nicotine to loose weight.

Exercise 10. Make two lists

Many people think smoking is a bad habit. There are other bad habits. Some people, for example, drink too much coffee.

What are your bad habits that you  would like to stop. What are your good habits. 

My bad habits

My good habits

Drink too much coffee




 A good pupil




Приложение 8

Parents at School

Tom, a 13-year-old boy, was a student at a junior High school in  Ohio. He was not a good student. He did not behave at school. He talked in class, and he was often late. His teachers told him, "Go to the principal's office."

John Lazares was the principal at Tom's school. Tom went to Mr. Lazares's office. First Mr. Lazares disciplined Tom. He told him, "You have to stay at school an extra hour tomorrow." Then Mr. Lazares tried to talk to Tom, but Tom didn't pay much attention. "He'll be back in my office soon," Mr. Lazares thought. He told Tom, "If your teachers send you to my office again, I'm going to call your mother. I'm going to say, “The teachers are having problems with your son. Please come to school. I want you to go to classes with him.”

Suddenly Tom sat up in his chair. "Oh, no!" he said. "Don't do that! I don't want my mother at school! I'll be good. I promise."

Later Mr. Lazares thought about Tom's words: "I don't want my mother at school." "Hmm," Mr. Lazares thought. "Maybe I have a new way to discipline students."

In the United States, principals and teachers : discipline students in several ways. The teacher often writes or calls the student's parents. Sometimes students have to stay at school for an extra hour. If a student behaves very badly, the principal can suspend the student. The student cannot come to school for one, two, or three days. Mr. Lazares didn't like to suspend students. When he suspended some students, they were happy. "A three-day vacation!" they thought.

A few days later, another boy was in Mr. Lazares's office. The boy was not behaving in class. Mr. Lazares telephoned the boy's parents. "If you come to school with your son, I won't suspend him," he said. The boy's father came to school and went with his son to every class. Other students stared at the boy and his father. The boy was embarrassed. After that, he behaved better. He didn't want his father to come to school again. Other students behaved better, too. They thought, "I don't want my parents to come to school!"

That year about 60 parents came to school with children who didn't behave. The next year only a few parents had to come to school. The students were behaving better.

Principals at other schools heard about Mr. Lazares's new way to discipline students. Now principals all over the United States are trying Mr. Lazares's idea. They, too, think that students behave better when parents come to school.

Pre-reading activities

Exercise 1. What associations do you have with the word “school”

Exercise 2. Have a look at the title of the story, What do you think this story is about? Can you guess what will happen in the text?

Text activities:

Exercise 3.Read the text up to the end and match each two columns : the main idea& details

The main ideas


Tom misbehaved at school

 Tom is disciplined

A new way to discipline students

The USA has its own ways of disciplining students

Parents at school

Students improve their discipline

Mr Lazares’s method is very  famous

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the synonyms from the text

1 Tom was a student at a school for children between the ages of 7 –11

2Tom wasn’t often on time in class

3 Mr Lazares tried to talk to Tom , but he didn’t listen to what Mr Lazares said

4 Tom told Mr Lazares that he would be  good

5Principals  and teachers  punish students for misbehaving in several ways

6On some occasions but not always students have to stay at school  for an extra hour

7 The principal can stop students who misbehave  from going to school

8Other students  looked at the boy with his father

9The boy was nervous, ashamed because other students laughed at him

10 Principals all over the USA  are practicing Mr Lazares’s idea

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. Find the right words from the box.

Behave, disciplined, suspends, embarrassed, late, pay attention, promise, stare

1) Tom talked in class and  he was often _________ .

2) Tom didn’t  __________  at school .

3) The principal told Tom, “ You have to stay at school an extra hour tomorrow”. The principal _______ him .

4) Students who behave very badly cannot come to school for one, two, or three days. The principal  _______ them .

5) Other  students ___________ at the boy and his father.

6) The boy was _____________.

7) Tom didn’t ____ much _______ to Mr Lazares’ words.

8) Tom ________ to be good because he didn’t want his mother at school.

Exercise 6. Find the best way to complete each  sentence

1) Tom didn’t behave at school, so________.

2) Tom didn’t want his mother at school, so________.

3) Some students want a three-day vacation, so_________.

4) Other students stared at the boy  and his father, so_______.

5) The other students didn’t want their parents to come to school, so_______.

  1. he said, “ I’ll be good. I promise.”
  2.  The boy was embarrassed
  3. his teachers send him to the principal’s office
  4. they behaved better
  5. they are happy when the  principal suspends them

Exercise 7. Imagine: You want to tell the story “ Parents at School” to a friend. You want to tell the story quickly, in only four sentences. Which four sentences tell the story best?

1.____ The principal of a junior high school in Ohio has a new way to discipline students. If students don’t behave, their parents have to come to school with them. Students at the school are behaving better now. Principals all over the United States are trying this new way to discipline students.

2___ Tom, a 13-year-old boy, is a student at a junior high school in Ohio. Tom didn’t behave well at school: He talked in class, and he was often late. The teachers often sent Tom to the principal’s office.  The principal tried to talk to Tom, but Tom didn’t pay much  attention

After-Text activities

Exercise  8. Think over the following

    1)Why do the students misbehave?

2) Is the teacher strict or not?

3) How do the teachers discipline students who don’t behave well?

4) Do you behave well at school?

     5) Have your parents ever  gone with you to your classes?

Exercise 9. Joe and Pete are students. Joe is a good student; Pete isn’t.. What does Joe do?

Make a list of the things that Joe does. Then make a list of the things that Pete does



He always does his homework





He is always late




Exercise 10. How do you understand these proverbs. Write a few words about it.

The best way to behave is to misbehave.

Foolishness is bound up  in the heart of a child, but the road of discipline will drive  it far from him.

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