Презентация на тему «Teddy Bear as a symbol of unloneliness» ("Плюшевый мишка как средство против одиночества").
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Бородич Юлия Владимировна

Презентация об истории появления плюшевого мишки и причинах его популярности среди людей всего мира


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Слайд 1

«Teddy Bear as a symbol of unloneliness »

Слайд 2

Teddy bear appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century and became a symbol of love, friendship and luck .

Слайд 3

Many people collect teddy bears and they have a special name – “ arctophiles ” and their hobby is know as “ arctophily ” from Greek words “ arctos ” (meaning “bear”) and “ philos ” (meaning “love” )

Слайд 4

Doctors and nurses often use it in their work because a teddy bear can comfort patients if they hug it.

Слайд 5

Teddy bear appeared in November 1902, when the 26 th President of the USA Theodore Roosevelt , know to his friends as Teddy , went hunting.

Слайд 6

During the hunting Roosevelt didn’t want to shoot a helpless bear and American journalists wrote about this incident in the Washington Post.

Слайд 7

Rose Michtom , the wife of a Russian immigrant, who had a toy shop in Brooklyn made a soft jointed bear modeling it on the picture from the newspaper.

Слайд 8

The Michtoms wrote to the White House asking the President’s permission to call it “Teddy’s bear” and he agreed.

Слайд 9

In 1904 Roosevelt made the Teddy bear an element of his election campaign. Its size was from 15 to 30 centimetres and it had googly eyes.

Слайд 10

But the Steiff family from Germany began using mohair plush for making teddy bears, which is widely used nowadays.

Слайд 11

The Steiffs ’ first Teddy bear was grey and had long legs and arms and is known as a 55PB.

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Then they modified the Teddy bear making the body less chunky and used a lighter coloured fur. And the Steiffs got two Gold Medals and the Grand Prix award for their toys.

Слайд 13

Later cheap imitations of the early teddy bears appeared and women began knitting them and made them from sheepskin and old blankets.

Слайд 14

During the Second World War people used teddy bears as talismans and gave them to the dearest people.

Слайд 15

Teddy is the main character in many books and cartoons Winnie-the-Pooh Paddington bear

Слайд 16

Teddy bears have become like “little people”, silent, yet understanding companions, providing for many people an important link to childhood and an antidote to loneliness .

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