английские стихи малышам
методическая разработка на тему

Судник Галина Владимировна

Заучивание стихов на английском языке весьма благотворно сказывается при изучении английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:


One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.


Fly, little bird, fly!
Fly into the blue sky!
One, two, three,
You are free!


Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the house-top,
But not on me.


My cat is black,
My cat is fat,
I like my cat
It is my pat.


Red, yellow, pink and white.
Let's play ball day and night!

I like.

I like comics, I like hats.
I like biscuits, trees and cats.
I don't like spider, I don't like cheese.
I don't like rats or big yellow bees.

One, two, three, four,
Mary at the cottage door,
Five, six, seven, eight,
Eating cherries off a plate.

Betty Blue
Little Betty Blue
Lost her holiday shoe,
What can little Betty do?
Give her another
To match the other,
And then she may walk out in two.

What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all things nice,
That's what little girls are made of?

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

The Crooked Man
There was a crooked man,
And he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence
Against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat,
Which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together
In a little crooked house.


The farm is in a flurry.
The rooster caught the flu.
His cock-a-doodle-doo
Has changed to cock-a doodle-choo!


How come a cow
Never says "Ow!"
Whenever there's milking to do?
It doesn't say "Ow!"
For it pleases the cow,
So instead, the cow says "Moo!"


Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.


Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
of the beak of a parrot.


Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.

If You're Happy and You Know It



If you're happy and you know it,
Bounce around “b” “b”
If you're happy and you know it,
Bounce around “b” “b”
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Bounce around “b” “b”.

Catch a ball “c” “c”...
Dance with me “d” “d”...
Fall down “f” “f”...
Gallop like a horse “g” “g”...
Hop on one foot “f” “f”...
Jump so high “j” “j”...
Kick in the air “k” “k”...
Laugh out loud “l” “l”...
March in place “m” “m”...
Nod your head “n” “n”...
Paint a picture “p” “p”...
Run in place “r” “r”...
Sit on the floor “s” “s”...
Talk to me “t” “t”...
Vacuum the rug “v” “v”...
Walk around “w” “w”...
Yawn right now “y” “y”...
 Zip your zipper “z” “z”...

Old Macdonald's Vowel Song

(to the tune of "Old Macdonald Had a Farm", this version is using short vowels, but you can change it for long vowels too)

Old Macdonald had a farm AEIOU...
and on this farm he had an l
amb, AEIOU
with an AA here and an AA there
here an A there an A every where an AA
Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU

Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU
and on this farm he had a h
with and EE here and a EE there
here an E there an E every where an EE
Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU

Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU
and on this farm he had a p
with and II here and a II there
here an I there an I every where an II
Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU

Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU
and on this farm he had a d
with and OO here and a OO there
here an O there an O every where an OO
Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU

Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU
and on this farm he had a d
uck, AEIOU
with and UU here and a UU there
here an U there an U every where an UU
Old MacDonald had a farm AEIOU.

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