Календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку. УМК «Планета знаний - детям», С.В. Литвиненко «Английский язык».Второй год обучения.
календарно-тематическое планирование (подготовительная группа) на тему

Логинова Маргарита Сергеевна

При выборе тематики, лексико-грамматических конструкций учитываются уровень развития детей, их мотивация и интересы, а также соотнесенность с учебными планами по развитию познавательных способностей и речи на русском языке в детском саду. 


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Календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку. УМК «Планета знаний - детям», С.В. Литвиненко «Английский язык».

Второй год обучения

Тема урока

Лексический материал

Грамматический материал


Hello! I’m glad to see you.

Hello, name, glad, see, you, old, thank you, good bye, fine.

What’s your name? How old are you? How are you? I’m fine, thank you.


The Family.

Daddy, mummy, granddad, grandma, a girl, a boy.

Who is this? This is…? I have …


The Body.

Hand, arm, shoulder, knee, feet, toes, leg, stomach, finger.

Where is the…? It is here… I have…


The Face.

Nose, mouth, ear, eye, head, hear.

Where is the…? It is here… I have…


The Body. The Face.

Hand, arm, shoulder, knee, feet, toes, leg, stomach, finger, mouth, ear, eye, head, hear.

Where is the…? It is here… I have… How many… have you got?


At Home.

Table, chair, bed, bedside table, wardrobe, shelf, TV, toilet, bath, sofa.

Where is the…? It is here… I have… There is/are…


At Home.

Mirror, picture, computer, carpet, vase, curtain, alarm clock.

Where is the…? It is here… I have… There is/are…


My Home. Tell about your home.

Mirror, picture, computer, carpet, vase, curtain, alarm clock, chair, bed, bedside table, wardrobe, shelf, TV, toilet, bath, sofa.

Where is the…? It is here… I have… There is/are…



Juice, water, tea, cake, ice-cream, meat, fish, egg, milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter.

What do you like? I like… Do you like…? Yes/ I do/ No I don’t


Food. Vegetables. Fruits.  

Bananas, apples, peaches, grapes, cucumbers, peppers, salad, tomatoes.

What do you like? I like… Do you like…? Yes/ I do/ No I don’t


Food. I Like to eat.

Soup, bread, rice, pasta, повторение лексических единиц по теме «Food».

What is your favorite food? What is your favorite drink?


Autumn. Seasons. Weather.

Rainy, cloudy, windy, leaves change colors, leaves fall down.

What is the weather like in autumn? It is … in autumn.


Time of the Day.

Morning, afternoon, evening, night, in, play, sleep, run, read, draw, dance.

What do you do in the…? In the… I…


MyDaily Routine.

Morning, afternoon, evening, night, in, play, sleep, run, read, draw, dance.

What do you do in the…? In the… I…


Autumn. Clothes.

Coat, raincoat, gloves, jumper, boots, umbrella.

What do you need in autumn? I need…


My Menu.

Eat, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, повторение лексических единиц по теме «Food»

For breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper I eat…


Autumn. Clothes.

Coat, raincoat, gloves, jumper, boots, umbrella.

What clothes do you wear in autumn? I wear… in autumn.


What are they doing?

Washing, drinking, cooking, getting dressed, eating, sleeping.

What is the boy/girl doing? He/she is…


What are they doing?

Drawing, playing, watching, dancing, singing, reading, running.

What is the boy/girl doing? He/she is…


Days of the Week. Monday. With Friends.

Monday, with,повторение лексических единиц по теме «Toys».

What is your favorite toy? My favorite toy is…


Days of the Week. Monday. Clothes. Colors.  

повторение лексических единиц по теме  «Colors»,«Clothes»,«Toys».

What is the boy/girl wearing? The boy/girl is wearing… What color is the…? It is … What is your favorite toy?


Autumn. Seasons. Weather.

Rainy, cloudy, windy, leaves change colors, leaves fall down.

What is the weather like in autumn? It is … in autumn.


What are they doing?

Повторение глаголов действия в Present Continuous.

What is the girl/boy doing? The girl/boy is…


Days of the Week. Tuesday. In the Town.

Supermarket, market, café, zoo, pre-school, playground, sport center.

What is this? This is…


Days of the Week. Tuesday. Transport.

Road, car, bus, train, bicycle (bike).

What is your favorite type of transport? My favorite type of transport is…


Days of the Week. Wednesday .

Roundabout, swing, slide, seesaw, sandpit, skipping rope, tree, bush, flower.

What do you like to do? I like to…


Days of the Week. Wednesday. In the pre-school.

Pencil, pen, scissors, glue, picture, clock.

What do you like to do? I like to… What is this? This is…


Inside or outdoor

Roundabout, swing, slide, seesaw, sandpit, skipping rope, tree, bush, flower, pencil, pen, scissors, glue, picture, clock.

Where is the… inside or outdoor? It is…


Winter. Weather.

Snowy, cold, freezing, hailing, bare trees.

What is the weather like in winter? It is…in winter.


Winter clothes.

Fur coat, hat, scarf, mittens, winter coat, boots.

What clothes do you wear in winter? I wear… in winter.


Days of the Week. Thursday.

Badminton, tennis, gymnastics, football, sport.

What do you like? I like… Do you like tennis/football…?


Thursday. In the Sport Centre.

Swimming, running, playing, ice-skating.

What is your favorite type of sport? My favorite type of sport is…


Animals (Farm, pets, wild).

Horse, crocodile, cow, pig, cat, dog, hen, parrot, duck, lion, zebra, tiger.

Who is wild/domestic/farm animal?



Christmas tree, Father Christmas, card, presents, lights, doll, dinosaur.

Let’s sing a song. Let’s dance and have fun. I want to tell you a poem.


New Year.

Christmas tree, Father Christmas, card, presents, lights, doll, dinosaur.

What is this? This is… I see… I want for present…


Days of the Week. Friday.

Spoon, fork, knife, plate, cup, saucer, pan, frying pan.

What is this? This is…


Friday. Helping your Mum and Dad.

Washing machine, vacuum cleaner, computer, table, mobile phone.

Can I help you? May I… I can...



Big-small, new-old, happy-sad, hot-cold.

What is this? This is…

It is bid/hot/small…He/she is sad/happy.


Days of the Week. Saturday.

House, shed, vegetable patch, field, forest, tractor.

What do you like in the village? I like…in the village.


Saturday. In the Village.

House, shed, vegetable patch, field, forest, tractor.

Where do you go on Saturday? What is this? This is…


Winter. Weather.

Snowy, cold, freezing, hailing, bare trees.

What is the weather like in winter? It is…in winter.


Days of the Week. Sunday. In the Forest.

Tree, bush, berries, flower, grass, river, to have a picnic.

What do you like to do on Sunday? I like to…


Forest Animal.

Rabbit, fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hedgehog.

What is this? This is… Do you like the…? What is your favorite animal?



Winter, spring, summer, autumn.

What is your favorite season? My favorite season is…


The family.

Cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, father, sister, brother.

Who is this? This is…What is his name? His name is…


Describing people.

Blond/brown/black/red/grey hair, blue/brown/green/dark eyes, tall, short, young, old, average height.

The boy/girl has…

What color is girl’s/boy’s … He/she is…


My Family.

Mother, father, uncle, aunt, cousin, my.

I have… He/she has …


My Body.

Head, hair, arm, shoulder, knee, feet, toes, leg, stomach, finger.

How many … have you got? I have…


Daily Routine. In the Morning.

Get up, wash the face, eat, breakfast, get dressed, go to school, have lessons.

What do you do in the morning? What does the boy do in the morning?


Daily Routine. In the afternoon.

Write, run in the stadium, go back home, eat lunch, play in the playground, do the homework.

What does the boy/girl do in the morning? What do you do in the afternoon?


Daily Routine. In the Evening.

Sing, dance, swim, play computer games, watch TV, eat dinner, go to bed, sleep.

What does the boy/girl do in the morning? What do you do in the evening?


My Daily Routine.

Повторение лексических единиц по теме  «Daily Routine».

What do you do in the morning/afternoon/evening?


Spring. Weather.

Warmer, the snow melt, baby animals, grass, green leaves.

What is the weather like in spring? It is…


Spring. Clothes.

Coat, wellington boots, trainers, jeans, tracksuit.

What clothes do you wear in spring? In spring I wear…


Days of the week. Monday and Tuesday.

Play the piano, play football, ride a bike, draw.

What do you do on Monday/Tuesday? What does he/she do on Monday/Tuesday?


Days of the week. Wednesday and Thursday.

Do ice-skating, do gymnastics, play with friends, play tennis.

What do you do on Wednesday/Thursday? What does he/she do on Wednesday/Thursday?


Days of the week. Friday and Saturday.

Cook dinner, read a book, go shopping, play badminton.

What do you do on Friday/Saturday? What does he/she do on Friday/Saturday?


Days of the week. Sunday.

Watch a show, go travelling, have a picnic, visit your granny.

What do you do on Sunday? What do they do on Sunday?


Back to school.

Classroom, hall, library, sport hall, dining hall, computer room, office, music room, toilet.

What is this? This is… Where is the… It is…


School subjects.

Music, Mathematics, Science, Reading, Art, Sport, Writing, Design and Technology, IT

What subject do you want to study? I want to study…


Your  School Time - Table.

Повторение лексических единиц по теме «School», «Days of the week»

What lessons have you got on Monday/Thursday/Wednesday…?

I have … on Monday/Thursday…


Harvest. Vegetables. Numbers 1-10.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbages, potatoes, carrots, numbers 1-10.

What are these? These are… How many… are there? There is/are…


Harvest. Fruits.

Bananas, apples, peaches, grapes, pears/ oranges/ plums, numbers 1-10.

What is your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is… How many… are there? There is/are…



Milk, meat, yoghurt, cheese, a fish, a bread, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, soup, juice, cake.

What is your favorite food? My favorite food is… Would you like some…? Yes, please/No, thank you.


Opposites. Adjectives.

New-old, big-small, sad-happy, cold-hot, up-down, tall-short, fast-slow, hungry-full.

What is this? This is…

It is bid/hot/small…He/she is sad/happy.


Animals (wild, domestic, farm).

Cat, horse, fish, pig, dog, goose, parrot, tortoise, cow, hen, duck, hamster, rabbit.

What color is the…? What is your favorite animal?


Summer. Weather.

Sunny, hot, dry, flower, berried, dress, shorts, T-shirt, skirt, shoes, sandals.

What is the weather like in spring? It is…What clothes do you wear in summer? In summer I wear…


Summer Holidays.

Повторение лексических единиц по теме «Sport», «Verbs», «Days of the Week»

What do you like to do in summer? Do you like to swim/read/play football…

Описание места в учебном плане.

Образовательная деятельность в соответствии с программой проводятся 2 раза в неделю. Продолжительность ОД в соответствии с требованиями СанПиН2.4.1.3049-13устанавливается в пределах:

  • 20 минут для детей 4-5 лет.
  •  25 минут для детей 5-6 лет.
  • 30 минут для дошкольников 6-7 лет.

Количество ОД в месяц – 8 в год – 68 (при 9 учебных месяцах в году).

 Предусматривает 2-х кратное проведение непосредственной образовательной деятельности в неделю. Но их количество, последовательность и тематика могут варьироваться с учетом праздников, периода подготовки к Новому году и диагностики детей.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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Календарно тематическое планирование по английскому языку. УМК «Планета знаний-детям», С.В. Литвиненко «Английский язык». Первый год обучения.

Образовательная деятельность в соответствии с программой проводятся 2 раза в неделю. Продолжительность ОД в соответствии с требованиями СанПиН2.4.1.3049-13устанавливается в пределах:20 минут для детей...

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Рабочая программа по обучению английскому языку детей 5 – 7 лет «Английский язык»...