The text "Bob and his friends" - 2 form
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2 класс) по теме

Столбовая Ирина Игоревна

Read the text and do the task - true or false. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Bob and His Friends

Bob is a little boy. He is ten but he has got a lot of friends: Alison, Sally and Jason.

Alison is a pupil. She goes to school. She likes to play leapfrog and hopscotch. She goes to the stadium.

Sally likes to eat tasty things very much: cakes, chocolate, ice cream, bananas, biscuits. She doesn’t like pizzas and steak.

Jason has got a lot of toys: brown trains, white robots, orange and purple cars.

Bob loves his friends and likes to go to the park with them.

True or False:

  1. Bob is a teacher.
  2. Alison likes to play sports games.
  3. Sally likes steak but she doesn’t like biscuits.
  4. Jason has got a lot of toys.
  5. Bob likes to go to the park with his friends.

Bob and His Friends

Bob is a little boy. He is ten but he has got a lot of friends: Alison, Sally and Jason.

Alison is a pupil. She goes to school. She likes to play leapfrog and hopscotch. She goes to the stadium.

Sally likes to eat tasty things very much: cakes, chocolate, ice cream, bananas, biscuits. She doesn’t like pizzas and steak.

Jason has got a lot of toys: brown trains, white robots, orange and purple cars.

Bob loves his friends and likes to go to the park with them.

True or False:

1. Bob is a teacher.

2. Alison likes to play sports games.

3. Sally likes steak but she doesn’t like biscuits.

4. Jason has got a lot of toys.

  1. Bob likes to go to the park with his friends.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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