Контрольные работы для 4 класса My Home
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Варнакина Татьяна Вячеславовна

Контрольные работы ориентированы на проверку лексики по теме, структуры There is/are


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Предварительный просмотр:

4th form               Unit 2                  Test yourself

Pupil ______________________

  1. Look at the picture and mark the  sentences below T(true) or F(false):

  1. It is a bedroom. ______
  2. It is not a kitchen._______
  3. There is a desk in the right corner. _____
  4. There are some shelves above the desk. _____
  5. There is a computer under the desk. ______
  6. There is no wardrobe in the room. ______
  7. You can see a nice lamp between the bed and the desk. _____
  8. They have got a clock on the wall. _____
  9. There are two pictures above the bed. _____
  10. There is a carpet on the floor. _____
  1. Fill in is or are:
  1. Behind the door there …. a green sofa.
  2. There … a clock on the shelf in the corner.
  3. There … a lot of pupils in the classroom.
  1. There … ten pencils and two pens in the pencil box. 
  2. There … no fireplace in the living room.
  3. There … no windows in the pantry.

  1. There  …  three doors in the house.
  2. There  … a big round mirror in the hall.
  3. There  …  many books on the shelves.
  4. There  …  a table in the kitchen.
  5. There  …  four candles on the table
  1. Match the Russian and the English sentences:

  1. There is a big armchair at the table.
  2. There are no books on the shelves.
  3. There is a nice brown table in the middle of the room.
  4. There is a fireplace between the window and the sofa.
  5. There is no carpet in the left corner of the living room.
  1. Между  окном и диваном есть камин.
  2. В середине комнаты красивый коричневый стол.
  3. У стола большое кресло.
  4. На полках нет книг.
  5. В левом углу гостиной нет ковра.

4th form                    Test 2           Variant 1

Pupil ______________________

  1. Translate into Russian:

1) above the shelf _______________  

2) on the floor __________________  

3) between the armchairs ______________  

4) in the left corner ___________________  

5) behind the sofa ____________________

2.   Fill in are or is:

1. There … no fireplace in the corner of the living-room.

2. In the middle of the hall there … a small carpet.

3. There … many posters on the walls in Jim’s room.

4. … there any flowers on the window?

5. … there a table and chairs in the kitchen?

3.   Choose the best preposition:

  1. You can see a wardrobe behind/above/in the corner of the bedroom.
  2. We’ve got two beds in/on/above our room.
  3. There is a TV under/behind/next to the sofa.
  4. There is a lamp between/on/in the sofa and the table.

  1. Ask questions to the answers:
  1.                                                        …?

– Yes, there is a clock on the wall.

  1.                                                                               …?

 – Yes, there are a lot of books on the shelves.

  1.                                                                     …?

 – No, there is no piano in the bedroom.

  1.                                                                                 …?

 – There are two armchairs next to the window.

  1.                                                                               …?

 – There is a carpet in the middle of the room.

  1. Fill in the correct pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them):
  1. I have got a sister and I share a room with   … .
  2. Our grandma and grandpa live in Tomsk and we write letters to   … .
  3. My dad helps   …   with my homework.
  4. My friend plays chess well and we like to play   …   on Sundays.

4th form                    Test 2           Variant 2

Pupil _______________________

  1. Translate into Russian:

1) under the shelf ________________

2) on the wall ___________________

3) behind the table _______________

4) in the right corner ______________  

5) above the sofa _________________

2.   Fill in are or is:

1. There  …  no pictures in  the living room.

2. In the left corner of the hall there  …  a nice big lamp.

3. There  …  a lot of toys in Jill’s room.

4.  …  there any pens and pencils on the desk?

5.  …  there a computer in the kitchen?

3.Choose the best preposition:

  1. There are bookshelves between/on/in the sofa and the window.
  2. You can see a TV behind/above/in the corner of the living room.
  3. We’ve got two lamps in/on/above our room.
  4. There is a big wardrobe under/above/next to the sofa.

4. Ask questions to the answers:

  1.                                                            …?

– Yes, there is a picture on the wall.

  1.                                                                             …?

– Yes, there are a lot of books on the shelves.

  1.                                                                          …?

 – No, there is no fireplace in the bedroom.

  1.                                                                        …?

 – There are three flowers on the window.

  1.                                                                            …?

 – There is a table in the middle of the room.

      5. Fill in the correct pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them):

  1. I have got a brother and I share a room with    … .
  2. Our grandma and grandpa live in Tomsk and they often write letters to   … .
  3. Jim’s and Jill’s dad helps   …   with their homework.
  4. My friend Kate plays chess well and I like to play with   …   on Sundays.

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