Тест "Seasons"
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Миронова Виолетта Олеговна

УМК Верещагиной, Притыкиной


Файл test_po_teme_vremena_goda.docx78.67 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Вопросы составлены на основе УМК Верещагиной и Притыкиной для 3 кл.

1. How many seasоns are there in the English year? (Правильный ответ- 4)

  1. One
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four (+)
  5. five
  1. Name the winter months in Great Britain. (1, 2, 4, 5)
  1. November +
  2. December +
  3. June          -
  4. January    +
  5. February  +
  1. Put the English months in the correct order. (January, February, March, April, May)

   ▪   January

           ▪   April

           ▪   February

           ▪   May

           ▪   March

  1. Match the English holidays with the months of their celebration.

Christmas                                    October

Thanksgiving Day                       February

Father’s Day                                November

Halloween                                   December

St. Valentine’s Day                     June

Ответы: Christmas -  December, Thanksgiving Day – November, Father’s Day – June, Halloween – October, St. Valentine’s Day – February.

  1. Give «yes»/ «no» answers for these statements:

In order to bring luck the «First foot» in Scotland…

▪ must be a man or a boy (+)

▪ must be young (-)

▪ must have dark hair (+)

▪ must be in a bad mood (-)

▪ must give a present (-)

  1. How many days are there in April? (30)
  2. Answer the question: «What do children send to people they love on the 14-th of February»? (Valentine cards)
  3. Point to the national emblem of Ireland.
