Тема "Who rules the country"(США)
материал по иностранному языку на тему

Хардыкайнен Ирина Александровна

УМК АфанасьеваОВ Английский язык 6 класс ФГОС упр 16 стр 90-92. Тема адаптирована для пересказа.


Предварительный просмотр:

Who rules the country?

I would like to tell you about the political system of the USA.

The US government is like a tree with a strong trunk and three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up the tree. The first branch is the Congress. It has two houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators in the Senate. Their term is 6 years. The number of congressmen depends on the population in each state. All in all there are 435 of them. The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey. The second branch is the President and his helpers. The vice president and the members of the Cabinet help the President make decisions. They carry out the laws that the Congress made. The third branch is the Supreme Court. It consists of 9 judges who work in the Supreme Court as long as they live. They control the President and the Congress to follow the Constitution.

As you know the constitution is the highest law in the United States. It was made after the first colonies won the Revolutionary War (the War of Independence 1775-1785). After that they became free and independent states, but they had a problem: they needed one strong government. That’s why in 1787 all the states sent their representatives to Philadelphia where they wrote the constitution. Americans are very proud of their Constitution. Moreover, they can change it. They make amendments to the Constitution. There are 26 of them. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. It guarantees to people such important rights as freedom of press, religion, the right to go to the court, have a lawyer and some others. The 13th amendment ended slavery. The 14th amendment made all Black people citizens of the U.S. The 15th amendment gave Blacks the right to vote. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. The 26th amendment gave people 18 years old the right to vote.

That`s all I wanted to say about the political system of the USA.

  1. What is the US government like?
  2. What is the first branch?
  3. How many senators and representatives are there in the Senate?
  4. How many members are there in it? How long is their term?
  5. What is the second branch? What do they do?
  6. What is the third branch? What is its duty?
  7. What is the highest law of the country?
  8. When and where was the War of Independence?
  9. What country did the colonies in America declare a war on? Who was the winner in it?
  10. What problems did the independent state have?
  11. When and where was the Constitution written?
  12. How can Americans change the Constitution?
  13. What amendments do you know?

                                                 Who rules the country?

I would like to tell you about the political system of the USA.

The US government is like a tree with a strong trunk and three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up the tree. The first branch is the Congress. It has two houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators in the Senate. Their term is 6 years. The number of congressmen depends on the population in each state. All in all there are 435 of them. The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey. The second branch is the President and his helpers. The vice president and the members of the Cabinet help the President make decisions. They carry out the laws that the Congress made. The third branch is the Supreme Court. It consists of 9 judges who work in the Supreme Court as long as they live. They control the President and the Congress to follow the Constitution.

As you know the constitution is the highest law in the United States. It was made after the first colonies won the Revolutionary War (the War of Independence 1775-1785). After that they became free and independent states, but they had a problem: they needed one strong government. That’s why in 1787 all the states sent their representatives to Philadelphia where they wrote the constitution. Americans are very proud of their Constitution. Moreover, they can change it. They make amendments to the Constitution. There are 26 of them. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. It guarantees to people such important rights as freedom of press, religion, the right to go to the court, have a lawyer and some others. The 13th amendment ended slavery. The 14th amendment made all Black people citizens of the U.S. The 15th amendment gave Blacks the right to vote. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. The 26th amendment gave people 18 years old the right to vote.

That`s all I wanted to say about the political system of the USA.

  1. What is the US government like?
  2. What is the first branch?
  3. How many senators and representatives are there in the Senate?
  4. How many members are there in it? How long is their term?
  5. What is the second branch? What do they do?
  6. What is the third branch? What is its duty?
  7. What is the highest law of the country?
  8. When and where was the War of Independence?
  9. What country did the colonies in America declare a war on? Who was the winner in it?
  10. What problems did the independent state have?
  11. When and where was the Constitution written?
  12. How can Americans change the Constitution?
  13. What amendments do you know?

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