Тренажер для чтения на английском языке для 2 класса, тексты(9 -15) на 1 минуту (подготовка + чтение)
тренажёр по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему

Бердникова Ирина Алексеевна

Тренажер для чтения на английском языке для 2 класса, тексты(9 -15) на 1 минуту (подготовка + чтение)


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Слайд 1

Презентация – тренажер по чтению (начальная школа) Выполнила: Бердникова Ирина Алексеевна

Слайд 2

9 Our C lassroom

Слайд 3

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . Our classroom is very nice. It is large, clean and light. There are three windows in our classroom. The walls are blue and the floor is brown. The blackboard is black. There are fifteen desks in the classroom. There are a lot of flowers on the window-sills. We like our classroom.

Слайд 4

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer Our classroom is very nice. It is large, clean and light. There are three windows in our classroom. The walls are blue and the floor is brown. The blackboard is black. There are fifteen desks in the classroom. There are a lot of flowers on the window-sills. We like our classroom.

Слайд 5

10 Shopping

Слайд 6

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . I like to go shopping. Sometimes my mother asks me to buy some food. Sometimes I go shopping with my mum. It is very interesting to go to the shop. There are a lot of bright nice things there. We choose the goods and put them in the basket. Then we pay for these things. We bring home bags with tasty food.

Слайд 7

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer I like to go shopping. Sometimes my mother asks me to buy some food. Sometimes I go shopping with my mum. It is very interesting to go to the shop. There are a lot of bright nice things there. We choose the goods and put them in the basket. Then we pay for these things. We bring home bags with tasty food.

Слайд 8

11 Food and D ishes

Слайд 9

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . M y mother cooks for our family. She cooks breakfast, dinner and supper. For breakfast I like to eat sandwiches and tea or milk. I like to drink apple or orange juice. I also like to eat chicken and potatoes. I like salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. I eat fruit and vegetables. They are good for us.

Слайд 10

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer M y mother cooks for our family. She cooks breakfast, dinner and supper. For breakfast I like to eat sandwiches and tea or milk. I like to drink apple or orange juice. I also like to eat chicken and potatoes. I like salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. I eat fruit and vegetables. They are good for us.

Слайд 11

12 Holidays

Слайд 12

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . I like holidays. They are funny. The holidays are New Year, Women's Day, Victory Day, Christmas, Easter, Independence Day. These holidays are important for people. Birthday is my favourite holiday. I get a lot of presents on my birthday. I always invite my friends for my birthday. We have much fun.

Слайд 13

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer I like holidays. They are funny. The holidays are New Year, Women's Day, Victory Day, Christmas, Easter, Independence Day. These holidays are important for people. Birthday is my favourite holiday. I get a lot of presents on my birthday. I always invite my friends for my birthday. We have much fun.

Слайд 14

13 Birthday

Слайд 15

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . I am nine years old. I love all holidays. Birthday is my favourite holiday. My birthday is on the fifth of May. I usually have a party on this day. I invite my friends. We have much fun during the party. We eat cakes, sweets and ice cream. We play games. I get a lot of presents on this day.

Слайд 16

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer I am nine years old. I love all holidays. Birthday is my favourite holiday. My birthday is on the fifth of May. I usually have a party on this day. I invite my friends. We have much fun during the party. We eat cakes, sweets and ice cream. We play games. I get a lot of presents on this day.

Слайд 17

14 New Year

Слайд 18

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . New Year is a very good holiday. It is merry. We have got a New Year tree. I decorate the tree with lamps and toys. We decorate our flat, too. Everybody is happy at New Year, We laugh and sing songs. And we give presents to our family and friends.

Слайд 19

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer New Year is a very good holiday. It is merry. We have got a New Year tree. I decorate the tree with lamps and toys. We decorate our flat, too. Everybody is happy at New Year, We laugh and sing songs. And we give presents to our family and friends.

Слайд 20

15 Seasons

Слайд 21

Task 1. . You have found some interesting story and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1 minute to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1 minute to read it . TASK #1. PREPARATION – 1 min. ANSWER – 1 min. PREPARATION 1 ____________________________________ . There are four seasons. They are: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is a very cold season. There is usually much snow in winter. In spring the trees become green and birds sing. In summer it is hot. Summer is my favourite season. In autumn the weather is usually rainy. Schoolchildren go to school in September.

Слайд 22

Task 1. Read the text aloud TASK #1. ANSWER – 1 min. ANSWER 1 End answer There are four seasons. They are: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is a very cold season. There is usually much snow in winter. In spring the trees become green and birds sing. In summer it is hot. Summer is my favourite season. In autumn the weather is usually rainy. Schoolchildren go to school in September.

Слайд 23

Интернет ресурсы: http://daisovet.ucoz.ru/_nw/6/49316888.jpg https://www.rowanshospice.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/freecarboot.jpg http://dayfun.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/How-to-Draw-a-Junk-Food.mp4_20150926_215237.074.jpg http://clipart-work.net/data_gallery/kindergeburtstags-party-oajona-offenes-atelier-f-r-kunst-und-yuwF9Y-clipart.jpg https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=dba889806d6c90c6f0267bbeb9d0b1a5&n=33&h=215&w=371 http://www.greatpriceshere.com/Images/merry-christmas.gif https://klv-oboi.ru/img/gallery/1/thumbs/thumb_l_4140.jpg Тексты - https://nsportal.ru/nachalnaya-shkola/inostrannyi-yazyk/2016/11/25/teksty-dlya-chteniya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-v

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