Контрольная работа для 4 класса. Оборот there is\ are
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Головко Татьяна Александровна

Контрольная работа состоит из двух вариантов, предлагается задать вопрос и составить отрицательные предложения


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по письму

учени            4 « Б » класса МБОУСОШ №1


1. Вставь  is /are

1. There ______  a pantry in the house.

2. There ______ two bedrooms in the house.

3. There ______ chairs  in the room.

4. There ______ a sofa in the room.

5. There ______ a table in the room.

6. There ______ a lot of windows in the room.

2. Задай вопрос  к предложению и ответь кратко.

1. There is a kitchen in the house. _____________________________________________

 Yes, ____________________________________

2. There are pictures in the room. _____________________________________________

No, ______________________________________

3. There is a table in the room. _______________________________________________

Yes, _____________________________________

4. There are doors in the room. _______________________________________________

No, _____________________________________

3. Составь отрицательные предложения.

1. There is a window in the hall. __________________________________________________

2. There are armchairs in the room.________________________________________________

3. There is a living room in the house. _____________________________________________

4. Выбери нужную форму глагола.

1. He will read/ reads a book tomorrow.    4. They visit / will visit their granny every Sunday.

2. I help/ will help my mother every day.  5. Ann skis / will ski in the park in an hour.

3. We play / will play football next  week.

Контрольная работа по письму

учени            4 « Б » класса МБОУСОШ №1


1. Вставь  is /are

1. There ______  bathrooms  in the house.

2. There ______ a kitchen in the house.

3. There ______ a carpet  in the room.

4. There ______ lamps in the room.

5. There ______ a lot of rooms in the house.

6. There ______ a chair in the room.

2. Задай вопрос  к предложению и ответь кратко.

1. There is a bedroom in the house. _____________________________________________

No, ____________________________________

2. There are two windows in the room. _____________________________________________

Yes, ______________________________________

3. There is a shelf in the room. _______________________________________________

No, _____________________________________

4. There are halls in the house. _______________________________________________

Yes, _____________________________________

3. Составь отрицательные предложения.

1. There is a door in the hall. __________________________________________________

2. There are carpets in the room.________________________________________________

3. There is a bathroom in the house. _____________________________________________

4. Выбери нужную форму глагола.

1. She will watches/will watch TV every day.  4. You have / will have a picnic every Sunday.

2. Jack  draws/ will draw a picture tomorrow.  5. I dive/ will dive  next summer.

3. They skate / will skate next winter.