презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Лысенко Надежда Серегеевна



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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Today we are going to - learn new words on topic “ The weather and seasons”; - speak about the weather and seasons.

Слайд 3

The winter months are: December, January, February.

Слайд 4

The spring months are: March, April, May.

Слайд 5

The summer months are: June, July, August.

Слайд 6

The autumn months are: September, October, November.

Слайд 7

The weather can be: sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy stormy foggy frosty

Слайд 8

Match seasons and the words meaning the weather. Winter Spring Summer Autumn sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy stormy foggy frosty, cold hot warm cool

Слайд 9

Find the odd words. Frosty, cold, snowy, warm Rainy, stormy, foggy, sunny Spring, autumn, winter, sky Blow, snow, rain, hot

Слайд 10

Make up sentences. The weather is winter spring in summer autumn

Слайд 11

Make up sentences. The wind is sunny in July The weather is grey in winter The sky are short in autumn The sun blows in summer The days snows in January It shines in winter

Слайд 12

Make up sentences and translate them. 1. it / autumn / often / in / rains. 2. don’t / to school / in summer / go / children. 3. songs / birds / in summer / sing. 4. cold / blows / a / in winter / wind. 5. in May / are / leaves / green.

Слайд 13

Ask questions about the weather. Is it sunny hot cold frosty in foggy snowy rainy cloudy

Слайд 14

What is the weather today? It is … It is …

Слайд 15

What is the weather today? It is … It is …

Слайд 16

What is the weather today? It is … It is …

Слайд 17

Fill in the gaps. 1 . It is ____. 2 . The winter months are _____. 3 . It is ___ in winter. 4. It ____ in winter. 5. The ____ is on the ground and on the trees.

Слайд 18

Fill in the gaps. 1. It is ____. 2. The spring months are ____. 3. It is ___ in spring. 4. Spring is a wonderful _____. 5. The sky is ____, the grass is ____.

Слайд 19

Fill in the gaps. 1 . It is _____. 2. The summer months are _____ . 3. It is _____ in summer. 4. The days are____, the nights are ____. 5. The sky is ____ , the trees are ____. 6. The flowers are ____ .

Слайд 20

Fill in the gaps. 1 . It is _____. 2. The autumn months are ____. 3. It is ____ in autumn. 4. The sky is _____. 5. The trees and the grass are _____. 6. A school ___ begins in autumn.

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