Комплексная контрольная работа 5 класс (2 четверть)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку по теме

Микульская Альбина Игоревна

Контрольная работа для 5 класса к учебнику Rainbow English

Работа подходит для выполнения во 2 четверти

Состоит из 3 вариантов 


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 Variant

2 Variant

3 Variant

1)Write the verbs in the past form 

dream – dreamed

1) Write the verbs in the past form 

play - played 

1) Write the verbs in the past form

marry – married

leave, visit, say, feed, can, know, ring, grow, speak

hug, read, stay, drink, die, go, make, swim, become, spend

travel, steal, hop, blow, cry, sit, hear, come, fly, ride, get

2) Write the sentences in the past. Use the word yesterday

2) Write the sentences in the past. Use the word yesterday

2) Write the sentences in the past. Use the word yesterday

Sue goes for a walk every day. - Sue went for a walk yesterday.

1) Molly finds it difficult to look after her little sister.

2) Tom hears a nice melody.

3) David rides his bike.

Sue goes for a walk every day. - Sue went for a walk yesterday.

1) Larry spends a lot of time in the gym.

2) Jim watches a new film every day.

3) My uncle drinks milk.

Sue goes for a walk every day. - Sue went for a walk yesterday.

1) I feel sad.

2) My granny writes a letter every day.

3) Bob rings to Sally very often.

3) Write general questions to the following sentences

3) Write general questions to the following sentences

3) Write general questions to the following sentences

My mother sang the nice songs yesterday. – Did she sing the nice songs yesterday?

1) They had some free time yesterday.

2) Tim and Kate had three karate lessons last week.

3) They had a happy day yesterday.

My mother sang the nice songs yesterday. – Did she sing the nice songs yesterday?

1) Billy had two dogs when he was a child.

2) Lucy had a new mobile last month.

3) Ann had a diet of vegetables and fruit a week ago.

My mother sang the nice songs yesterday. – Did she sing the nice songs yesterday?

1) Bess had breakfast early in the morning.

2) Ben had a good career last year.

3)Dick had 4 games of Ping-Pong last week.

4) Write Who- questions to the following sentences

4) Write Who- questions to the following sentences

4) Write Who- questions to the following sentences

My mom was born in Scotland. – Who was born in Scotland?

1. I am interested in sports.

2. Olga was born in February.

3. Richard and Mary are in the hotel now.

My mom was born in Scotland. – Who was born in Scotland?

1. We were in Moscow Zoo yesterday.

2. Kate and Don are in Rome now.

3. Liz sang at the party yesterday.

My mom was born in Scotland. – Who was born in Scotland?

1. They are good pupils.

2. Bob and Tim were in Glasgow last week.

3. My parents flew to Moscow last month.

5) Используйте нужную форму глаголов справа и завершите историю

5) Используйте нужную форму глаголов справа и завершите историю

5) Используйте нужную форму глаголов справа и завершите историю

William Smith’s Day

William Smith was a student at Glasgow University last year. He (1) had a very busy life there.                   have

William (2) _ up early.                                            get

He (3) _ morning exercises and                              do

(4) _ in the park. He                                                run

(5) _ porridge and                                                   eat

(6) _ orange juice. Then he                                    drink

(7)_ to the university and                                       go

(8) _ a lot of time there.                                         spend

William (9)_ much time on the computer        not, spend

games and television in the afternoon.

 In the evening William (10)_ in the                     swim

swimming pool. He (11)_ home rather                 come

 late and  (12)_ a light dinner.                               have

My Friend

I have a friend. His name (1) is Billy.                    be

He likes to (2) _ to school because he                    go

(3) _ a lot of friends there. They like                     have

(4)_ football and tennis after school. They            play

don't like (5)_ books and                                        read

(6)_ sums but they enjoy                                        do

(7)_ to music and                                                   listen

(8)_ their bikes. Billy has a busy life.                    ride

Lulu Green

Lulu (1) was born in Glasgow. She was              be

the daughter of a businessman and                

a dressmaker. She (2)_ up near the sea.              grow

After school Lulu (3)_ to Glasgow                     go

University: she (4)_ be a journalist.                    want

Lulu (5)_ a talent for writing.                              have

She (6)_ write funny and interesting                   can

stories when she was small. Soon Lulu

(7)_ a good journalist. In Glasgow Lulu             become

(8)_Ben, a famous actor and                               meet

(9)_ him. They                                                    marry

(10) _ a happy family now.                                 Be

6) Напишите ответы на вопросы о своей семье

6) Напишите ответы на вопросы о своей семье

6) Напишите ответы на вопросы о своей семье

Who usually makes breakfast for you? – My Mom does.

1. Who plays computer games?

2. Who washes up?              

3. Who feeds pets?

Who usually makes breakfast for you? – My Mom does.

1. Who drinks tea in the morning?

2. Who works on Mondays?      

3. Who reads books?

Who usually makes breakfast for you? – My Mom does.

1. Who usually goes to the shops?

2. Who cooks lunch?              

3. Who does homework?

7) Write the ordinal numerals

7) Write the ordinal numerals

7) Write the ordinal numerals

One – (the) first

two, eight, seven, thirteen, five

One – (the) first

three, eighteen, four, six, nineteen

One – (the) first

eleven, twenty, ten, twelve, nine

8) Write the years in words

8) Write the years in words

8) Write the years in words

1945 – Nineteen forty-five

1903, 1812, 2013

1945 – Nineteen forty-five

1147, 2005, 2000, 1948

1945 – Nineteen forty-five

1999, 2006, 1677, 1234

9) Напиши все профессии, которые знаешь

pilot - пилот

9) Напиши все профессии, которые знаешь 

pilot - пилот

9) Напиши все профессии, которые знаешь

 pilot - пилот

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