Итоговая аттестация за курс начальной школы.
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Комплект итоговых контрольных работ в 4 классе по ФГОСу.


Предварительный просмотр:

Комплексная контрольная работа по программе 4 класса (демо-версия)

КЛАСС _________

ФАМИЛИЯ _______________________________________ ИМЯ: ____________________

TASK 1. Аудирование.

А 1. Послушай и обведи в заданиях 1-5 ответы под буквами A, B или C в соответствии с выбранным тобой вариантом ответа на вопрос.


When is Jill’s birthday? (date)

A 7th of May                B 1st of September                C 7th of May





1.  When did John go to bed yesterday? (time)

9 p.m.

8 p.m.

10 p.m.

2.  What colour is Sarah’s rucksack? (colour)




3. How does David usually get to school? (transport)

by car

on foot

by bus

4. When did Sally help her mother about the house? (day)

on Friday

on Saturday

on Sunday

5. What is Sam’s hobby? (sport)





TASK 2. Чтение.

B1. Прочитай текст и вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. Свои ответы внеси в таблицу после текста.

A. ball

B. meat

C. fox baby

D. mushrooms

E. river

        My name is David. Last summer I lived in the village with my granny and grandpa.There is a big forest and a (1) near our village.Every day my friends and I went to the river. We swam and played with a (2) on the green grass.

        One day in July we got up at 6 oclock in the morning and went to the forest. There were many (3) and berries in the forest. We picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms.Suddenly one of the boys stopped and said, Look! What is this?We ran up to him and saw a small (4) under a big tree. It was very nice and funny. Where is your mother, baby?we asked him.We took the fox baby home. We gave him fish and (5). He grew up quickly. We named him July. July liked to play with us. We were friends.One day when we wanted to play with July  we couldnt find him. He ran away to the forest.







TASK 3. Грамматика 

C1. Поставь глаголы в нужную форму. Ответы внеси в таблицу ниже.

1. My brother _______ yesterday.

        a) will cry        b) cries      c) cried

6. My little sister _____every day.

        a) will cry        b) cries      c) cried

2. Granny _____ to us last week.

        a) came            b)will come       c) comes

7. Mary often ____at the parties.

        a)will sing         b)sings       c)didnt sing

3. Our family ____ to London next year.

        a) will go            b)went        c)goes

8. We ____our cat an hour ago.

        a)feed               b)will feed       c) fed

4. Ann ___ a party last Saturday.

        a) has             b) had         c) have

9. I usually ____ up at 7 oclock.

        a) get      b) will get         c) got

5. Kate ____TV two hours ago.

        a) watch    b) will watch       c) watched

10. This girl ____in the park yesterday.

        a) skates       b) skated         c)will skate











        C2. Образуй форму множественного числа

  1. Tooth _______________________________________________________
  2. Lady ________________________________________________________
  3. Table________________________________________________________
  4. Day _________________________________________________________
  5. Fox __________________________________________________________
  6. Child ________________________________________________________
  7. Woman ______________________________________________________
  8. Street ________________________________________________________

C3. Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных














С4. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.

1.My sister is the __________ (good) pupil in her class.

2.This baby is the __________ (smart) baby in the world.

3.My bike is __________ (small) than your bike.

4.Tigers are __________ (big) than dogs.

        С5. Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.

The Red Cow (1) _____ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2) _____ (give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) _____ (eat) sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _____ (think) about her happy life.

One night the Red Cow (5) _____ (get) up suddenly and (6) _____ (begin) to dance. There (7) _____ (be) no music but she (8) _____ (dance). Then she (9) _____ (want) to stop but she could not.

        C6. Задай вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. Ann went to the park to ride a bike.

Why _____________________________________

  1. Mother made a chocolate cake yesterday.

What ____________________________________

     С7. Заполни пропуски предлогами:in the middle of, in, to, above, on.

1. He likes to ski _____ winter.

2. Do you like to listen _____ music?

3. I play tennis _____ Sunday.

4. What is there _____ the room?

5. There is a nice picture _____the table.

С8. Составь предложения из слов.

1. Is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen?


2. clean, your room, Did, you, yesterday?


3. in winter, is, very cold, It.


4. a lot of sweets, There, in the box, were.


C9. Напиши отрицательное и вопросительное предложения к каждому утвердительному.

They go to the sea on holidays. ___________________________________________________

My friends family has a big party at the restaurant every month.__________________________


  1. Письмо

        D1. Заполни анкету для занятий в кружке любителей английского языка

  1. Name_________________________________________________
  2. Age___________________________________________________

  1. Phone number________________________________________________

  1. Favourite subjects_________________________________________________

  1. Your hobby.  I like to_______________________________________________

  1. What do you like to do in your English lessons?

Предварительный просмотр:

           Комплексная контрольная работа по программе 4 класса (вариант 1)

  КЛАСС/  ФАМИЛИЯ / ИМЯ:__________________________________________________________________

TASK 1. Аудирование       A1.Послушай и обведи в заданиях 1-5 ответы под буквами A, B или C в соответствии с выбранным тобой вариантом ответа на вопрос.





1.What is Mag’s favourite season?




2. What does Mag’s puppy like to do?

play ball

walk when it’s cold

play hide-and-seek

3. What did Mag do yesterday?

cooked a pie

washing up

cooked soup

4. What is Andrew’s favourite lesson?


Art  (drawing)


5. What will Andrew have for breakfast?

an egg, some porridge, a cup of tea

an egg, a ham sandwich, a cup of tea

some jam and bread, a cup of tea                      


TASK  2. Чтение       B1. Прочитай текст и вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. Букву своего ответа внеси в текст рядом с цифрой.

A.  ride

B. farmer

C.  catch

D. took

E.  fruit

Jason is 10 years old. He goes to school. Today his homework is to write about his summer holidays. This is his story…

Last summer I went to my grandparent’s house. They live in a small village near a river. Early in the morning my granddad and I went fishing in his boat. We were lucky to (1) ________ a big fish. Then I played with my friends. Sometimes my granddad took me to the farm. There is a big garden with (2) ______ trees on it. I helped the (3) ______to feed the rabbits. And I learned to (4) ______ a horse. That was not easy. Once I fell down and my grandma (5) _______ to the doctor. And in a week I could ride the horse again.

B2.  Выбери правильный вариант конца предложения. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  1. Jason spent his summer holidays…
  1. in the town                 b.  in a small village          c. at the ocean
  1. Jason and his granddad…
  1. played football           b.  went fishing                 c.   swam in the river
  1.  Jason went to the doctor because he fell down off …
  1. the horse                    b. the bike                          c. the tree      


TASK 3 Грамматика

C1. Поставь глаголы в нужную форму. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. My brother _______next week.

a)will run        b) runs      c) ran

 2. Tom ____his dog an hour ago.

   a)feed               b)will feed       c) fed

3. Our family ____to Paris next year.

a)will go            b)went        c)goes

4. We often ____at the parties.

 a)will dance         b)dance       c)didn’t dance

C2. Образуй форму множественного числа

  1. foot ______________
  2. baby ______________
  3. fox _______________
  4. child _____________

      5. man _____________

C3.  Вставь SOME или ANY.

  1. We bought ___________ potatoes.
  2.  Did they make _________ jam?
  3. There aren’t __________ sweets here.
  4. Can I have ___________ coffee, please?

С4. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.

1. My sister is the ___________________________ (good) student in her class.

2. This dog is the ____________________________ (curious) dog in the world.

3. My bike is ________________________________ (fast) than your bike.

С5. Напишите глагол в Past Simple.

  1. Draw-_________________
  2. Work-_________________
  3. Read- __________________
  4. Have- ________________
  5. Do-  __________________


C6. Задай вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. Ann went to the park to walk a dog.

Why _______________________________________________________

  1. Tom had breakfast at 8 o’clock yesterday.

What _______________________________________________________

С7. Заполни пропуски предлогами: in, next to, on, above.

1. He likes to swim ______________ summer.

2. Steve goes swimming _________ Saturday.

3. There is a bed ________________the table.

4. There are some pictures __________ the desk.

С8. Составь предложения из слов.

  1. Doesn’t, Alex, have, home, lunch, at. _______________________________


  1. oranges, many, did, they, How, have? _______________________________


C9. Переделай предложения  из утвердительного в отрицательное.  

  1. They will go to the village on holidays.____________________________


  1. His sister washes up after dinner._________________________________



TASK 4 Письмо

D1. Прочитай письмо от друга по переписке и напиши ответ.

                                                                             London                                                                                                                                         Great Britain                                                                                                                                    14th April

Dear friend,                                                                                                                                   My name is Andy. I’m ten. I’m from Great Britain, London.  What is your name? How old are you?  I go to school. I am good at sport. I like to run, jump and play basketball.  What do you like to do? I have got a dog. Have you got a pet?  

Last summer I went to my cousins in Oxford. We had a lot of fun. We walked together to the park and rode our bikes there.  What did you do last summer?

It will be my birthday soon. I’d like to get a new iPhone as a present.

What present would you like for your birthday?                                                                                 Please write me back.                                                                                                        Yours,                                                                                                                                      Andy                                                                                                                    





Dear ___________

Thank you for your letter.                                                                                                          My name is ___________________I am ______________ and I’m from ___________________      I like to ___________________________________              I have got _______________________________________________________ Last summer I ____________________________________________________ I’d like ____________________________________________ for my birthday. Best wishes,                                                                                                                               __________________











Предварительный просмотр:

   Комплексная контрольная работа по программе 4 класса (вариант 2)

 КЛАСС/  ФАМИЛИЯ / ИМЯ: ___________________________________________________

TASK 1. Аудирование       A1.Послушай и обведи в заданиях 1-5 ответы под буквами A, B или C в соответствии с выбранным тобой вариантом ответа на вопрос.





1.What is Mag’s favourite season?




2. What does Mag’s puppy like to do?

Walk when it’s cold

Play ball

Play hide-and-seek

3. What did Mag do yesterday?

Cooked a pie

Cooked soup

Washing up

4. What is Andrew’s favourite lesson?


Art  (drawing)


5. What will Andrew have for breakfast?

An egg, a ham sandwich, a cup of tea

An egg, some porridge, a cup of tea

Some jam and bread, a cup of tea


TASK 2. Чтение  B1. Прочитай текст и вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. Букву своего ответа внеси в текст рядом с цифрой.

A.  help

B. places

C.  ride

D. afternoon

E. near

Tomas is 11 years old. He goes to school. Today his homework is to write about his summer holidays. This is his story…

Last summer my family and I had a rest in Spain. We lived in a small hotel (1) ______ the sea. Early in the morning my mum, dad and I went swimming and diving in the sea. In the (2) _______ I played beach volleyball with my new friends.                                                                                                                                        We were lucky to visit some interesting (3)_________ in the country. One of them was a big aquarium in Barcelona.  There were a lot of big fish in it. I saw a blue whale and I learned to (4) ______ a dolphin. That was not easy. If  I fell off the dolphin into the water, a man (5) _______ me to climb up again. I was so happy.

B2.  Выбери правильный вариант конца предложения. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  1. Tomas spent his summer holidays…
  1. in the town                 b.  in a small village          c. at the sea
  1. Tomas and his friends…
  1. played volleyball           b.  went fishing                 c.   swam in the sea
  1. A man helped Tomas  because he fell down off …


  1. the horse                    b. the bike                          c. the dolphin      

TASK 3 Грамматика

C1. Поставь глаголы в нужную форму. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. This boy ____in the park yesterday.

a) skis       b) skied         c)will ski

3. Sam ___a party last Saturday.

a) has             b) had         c) have

2. Kate ____TV for two hours a day.

a) watches    b) will watch       c) watched

4. Granny _____to us next week.

a)came            b)will come       c) comes


C2. Образуй форму множественного числа

  1. tooth______________
  2. city ______________
  3. fish _______________
  4. class_____________

      5. woman ____________

C3.  Вставь SOME или ANY.

  1. We bought ___________ tomatoes.
  2.  Did they cook _________ soup?
  3. There aren’t __________ apples here.
  4. Would you like ___________ coffee, please?

С4. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.

1. My brother is the ___________________________ (bad) student in her class.

2. It is the __________________________________ (interesting) English book.

3. Horses are _______________________________________ (big) than dogs.

С5. Напишите глагол в Past Simple.

  1. drive-_________________
  2. walk-_________________
  3.  put- _________________
  4. think- ________________
  5.  give-________________

C6. Задай вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. Ann went to the shop to buy some fruit.

Why _______________________________________________________

  1. He did his History project yesterday.

When ______________________________________________________

С7. Заполни пропуски предлогами: in, next to, on, above.

1. He likes to skate ______________ winter.

2. Steve goes dancing _________ Mondays and Fridays.

3. There is a sofa ________________the bookcase.

4. There are some posters __________ the bed.

С8. Составь предложения из слов.

  1. a lot of , There, on the table, were, cups.____________________________


  1. Have, interesting, your, friends, got, any, hobbies?  __________________


C9. Переделай предложение  из утвердительного в отрицательное.  

  1. We will go to the cinema on Sunday.______________________________


  1. They walked in the forest last weekend.____________________________



TASK 4 Письмо    D1. Прочитай рекламное объявление и заполни анкету для поездки в международный лагерь для изучения иностранного языка.

http://7vetrov.msk.ru/mbx/05.02.12/ee916/image003.jpg                 SUMMER LANGUAGE CAMP ON MALTA

Our programmes help pupils from Russia learn, play and think in English! We have got four groups for different classes and one-to-one lessons. All the children live in comfortable rooms for two at one of the best hotels on Malta. There are a lot of clubs and after class activities. You can play water sports or dance at the night disco on the beach, or visit a retro cars museum or a pirate ship. And you will have great fun with us!

http://7vetrov.msk.ru/mbx/05.02.12/ee916/image003.jpg                        SUMMER LANGUAGE CAMP ON MALTA

                                                    APPLICATION FORM

  1. Name _______________________________________________
  2. Surname ____________________________________________
  3. Age _________________________________________________
  4. Country _____________________________________________
  5. Address (city/ town) ___________________________________
  6. Favourite subject(s) ___________________________________
  7. Language you speak ___________________________________
  8. Hobby _______________________________________________
  9. What you like to do ____________________________________
  10. Favourite food and drinks ______________________________












Предварительный просмотр:

К. к. работа по программе 4 класса (вариант 1)ключи:

TASK 1. Аудирование      

  1. Autumn
  2. play hide-and-seek
  3. cooked a pie
  4. Art  (drawing)
  5. an egg, a ham sandwich, a cup of tea 

TASK 2. Чтение       B1.                                                          B2.  

  1. C.   2. E.   3. B.  4. A.   5. D.                               1. B  2. B  3. A

TASK 3 Грамматика

  1.  1. A  2. C   3. A  4. B  
  2.  Feet, babies, foxes, children
  3. Some, any, any, some
  4. Best, most curious, faster
  5. Drew, worked, laid, had, did
  6. 1. Why did Ann go to the park? 2.  What did Tom have at at 8 o’clock yesterday?
  7. In, on, next to, above
  8. 1. Alex doesn’t have lunch at home. 2. How many oranges did they have?
  9. They won’t go… 2. His sister doesn’t wash up…

(вариант 2)ключи:

TASK 2. Чтение       B1.                                                          B2.  

  1. E.   2.  D.   3. B.  4. C.   5. A.                               1. C  2. A 3. C

 TASK 3 Грамматика

  1. 1. B 2. A  3. B  4. B
  2. Teeth, cities, fish, classes, women
  3. Some, any, any, some
  4. Worst, most interesting, bigger
  5. Drove, walked, said, thought, gave
  6. 1. Why did Ann go to the shop?  2. When did he do his History project?
  7. In, on, next to, above
  8. There were a lot of cups on the table.  Have your friends got any interesting hobbies?
  9. We won’t go … 2. They didn’t walk …

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Итоговая аттестация за курс начальной школы

Итоговая аттестация за курс начальной школы...

Е.Н. Соловова, А.Б. Година. Е.А. Пореченкова "Итоговая Аттестация за курс начальной школы.Базовый уровень"

Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию отрывок из этой книги, используемый для подготовки к устной части экзамена Итоговой Аттестации в 4 классе. Полный текст этой книги можно найти в сети Интернет, например, ...