Контрольная работа 4 класс, 3 четверть
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Фазлахметова Елена Дмитриевна

Контрольная работа 4 класс, 3 четверть по учебнику Rainbow English с аудированием.


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Предварительный просмотр:


№ 1. Аудирование. Послушай, что говорят Jack, Sam и Martin про еду. Соотнеси то, о чем они говорят, с утверждениями в таблице. Напиши номер высказывания (1-3) в правую колонку таблицы.

  1. There are vegetables in Jack’s fridge.

  1. Sam is cooking.

  1. Martin doesn’t like the soup.

 № 2. Чтение. Прочитай текст и предложения после него. Если утверждения после текста верные, поставьте TRUE, если утверждения неверные, поставьте FALSE.

Last weekend was very pleasant for Tessa. On Saturday morning she was at home but on Saturday afternoon she was in the park with her friends. It wasn’t windy or rainy. The day was warm and sunny and Tessa was happy. In the evening Tessa was in the swimming pool.

On Sunday Tessa’s brother and Tessa were in their grandmother’s cottage. Their parents were not with them; they were at work. It was foggy and windy on Sunday and the children were in the cottage together with their grandmother and her little dog. The dog was not happy. It likes to run but it can’t run in the cottage.

It is Monday evening now. The children aren’t walking in the park; they are at home. It is rainy and cold in the street. The sky is cloudy. Tessa doesn’t like nasty weather but her father does. He is putting on his boots and his coat. He wants to go to the shops and buy some food.

  1. On Sunday afternoon Tessa was at home.        TRUE    FALSE
  2. On Sunday the weather was fine.                 TRUE    FALSE
  3. Tessa was at school on Sunday.                 TRUE    FALSE
  4. On Sunday Tessa’s parents were at home.         TRUE    FALSE
  5. Tessa’s brother was in the park on Sunday. TRUE    FALSE
  6. The weather wasn’t fine on Sunday.                 TRUE    FALSE
  7. The grandmother’s dog wasn’t happy on Sunday. TRUE    FALSE
  8. The children are in the cinema now.                 TRUE    FALSE
  9. The sun is shining in the blue sky now.         TRUE    FALSE
  10. Tessa’s father doesn’t like nasty weather.         TRUE    FALSE

№ 3. Грамматика. Выберите нужную форму глагола.

  1. There is/are ten plants in our classroom.
  2. There is/are some apple jam on the bread.
  3. There is/are a long blackboard on the wall.
  4. There is/are twenty-three tables in the lunch room.
  5. It’s colder/the coldest in winter than in autumn.
  6. July is the hottest/the hotest of all summer months.

Закончи предложения.

  1. The windows are (narrow) _______________________ than in my bedroom.
  2. Jane is my (good) _____________________ friend. We are always together.
  3. Your kitchen is (modern) ___________________________ than my kitchen.
  4. The sofa in my room is the (comfortable) _________________________________________________sofa in my flat.
  5. Last November the weather was (bad) _______________ than last December.
  6. Yesterday was the (warm)__________________________ day of the week.
  7. It is (sunny) _________________________________ today than yesterday.
  8. Last October was the (rainy) ________________________ month of the year.

№ 4. Соотнеси страны с их городами и запиши в таблицу

  1. France                        a) London
  2. England                b) Rome
  3. Italy                        c) Paris
  4. Russia                        d) Madrid
  5. Scotland                e) Moscow
  6. Spain                        f) Glasgow










Are                narrower (more narrow)

Is                        the best

Is                        more modern

Are                the most comfortable

Colder                worse

The hottest        warmest



#4  -    cabefd

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