Lesson "Mother's day"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку

Бадмаева Розалия Будаевна

Тема: «Mother’s Day»

Цель: Знакомство с одним из международных праздников — Днем матери.


1. Образовательные

1.1. научить учащихся поздравлять своих мам с праздником на английском языке;

1.2. совершенствовать навыки монологической и дилогической речи;

2. Развивающие

2.1. развить у учащихся память и умение выступать публично, организовывать своё время

2.2. развивать логические мышления, внимание; память, наблюдательность;

2.2.расширить кругозор учащихся;

3. Воспитывающие

3.1. воспитать культуру поведения учащихся, воспитать у учащихся особое отношение к матери;

3.2. воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу;

3.3. формировать стремление применять полученные знания на практике.



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Предварительный просмотр:

KG-30 min

Grade 1 – 45 min


Mother’s day



I love my mom

My mom is beautiful

To hug

Classroom language

Give me a hug

Let’s hug

What is your mom’s name?


X: fox, box



Props and Additional materials

Welcome the students by saying «Hello! Hi! How are you?» (Wave.)

Wait for the answer: «Hello! I’m fine! And how are you?»

Teacher: «I’m fine, thank you!»

1-2 min

Show the video «Budsy tells about his mom»

Ask the children to watch the video and tell you:

1 the color of his mom’s eyes;

2 the color of his mom’s hair;

3 what his mom can do;

4 what Budsy does with his mom.

3 min

Video on the platform

Tell the stories based on the pictures:

>Put the flashcards (face up) on the table. Ask the children to stand around the table.

>Take one of the flashcards and make up a sentence about your mom (based on the picture).

>Encourage the children to do the same.

Use the ideas from Budsy’s story.

5-6 min 

Flashcards: eyes, hair, 

Verbs: cook, read, paint, walk in the park, play, watch TV

Sing a song with Mary.

> Use the Mary puppet and sing a little song with Mary’s voice:

*You can use any other puppet.

I love my mummy!

I love my mummy!

I love my mummy!

Yes, I do!

Here is a kiss and a hug for you!

Thank you, mummy, for all you do!

Happy Mother’s day!

Happy Mother’s day!

Happy Mother’s day!

I love you!

> Sing a song again and encourage the children to repeat line by line after you.

4-5 min

Table activities

Transition to tables. «Sit down!»

Lesson 65 (Activity book) — Draw your mom!

> Draw the portrait of your mom on the whiteboard.

> Encourage the children to draw the portrait of their moms together with you.

Let’s draw your mom!

> The teacher asks the children to touch their heads and say:

«This is my head». 

Now let’s draw a head!

> The teacher asks the children to touch their eyes and say: 

«These are my eyes».

Now let’s draw eyes! What color are your mom’s eyes?

> The teacher asks the children to touch their noses and say: «This is my nose». Now let’s draw a nose! Is your mom’s nose big or small?

> The teacher asks the children to touch the hair and say: «This is my hair». Now let’s draw the hair! What color is your mom’s hair?

It’s a very nice picture!

7 min

Activity book

Extra Activities ( for schools/ 45min lesson)


> Sing a chant «Body» and point to the body parts:

It’s my body! It’s my body!

I have eyes!

It’s my body! It’s my body!

I have a nose!

It’s my body! It’s my body!

I have hair!

It’s my body! It’s my body!

I have arms!

It’s my body! It’s my body!

I have legs!

> Repeat the chant again.

4 min

Extra Activities (for schools /45min lesson)

> Play «Simon says» based on the command «Touch your....»

First, the teacher gives the commands and the children should say and do only if the command starts with the phrase «Simon says».

> Then the children (one by one) take on the role of a teacher and lead the game.

4 min

Extra Activities (for schools/ 45min lesson)

Who has two......?

Ask the children to stand in a line. Ask the children a number of questions.

Who has two legs?

Who has two arms?

Who has two hands?

Who has two noses?

Who has two eyes?

Who has two cheeks?

Who has two bodies?

If the children answer «Yes», they should take one step forward and say the phrase:

«I have ...»

If the answer is «No», they shouldn’t move. Ask the children to correct the mistakes they have made.

Encourage them to complete the phrases:

«I have two ...»

«I have one ...»

4 min

Story time with sound X

Ask the children to watch and listen to Andrew’s story + the sound X with the words. Ask the children to repeat the sound and the words after Andrew.

Extra Activities (for schools/ 45min lesson)

*Use the flashcards for practicing the sound and the words again. Say the word and ask the children to touch the correct picture.

3 min

2-3 min

Video on the platform

Flashcards: fox, box

Table activities

Workbook — Sound X

The children have to write the sound X in their workbooks.

3 min


Bye-bye routine

1 min