Олимпиада 3 класс Английский язык
олимпиадные задания по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Сергеева Юлия Николаевна

Олимпиадные задания для учащихся начальной школы на основе материала учебника Starlight.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. When did Peter go to Durham? On ... .

A) Tuesday                 B) Thursday                C) Friday                 D) Wednesday

2. How many places of interest did they visit?

A) Two                         B) Three                 C) Four                         D) Five

3. Which place opens only in the morning? The ... .

A) cathedral                 B) museum                 C) castle                 D) library

4. Where did they go straight away? To the ... .

A) castle                 B) museum                 C) café                         D) cathedral

5. Where did they see the stamps? In the ... .

A) castle                 B) museum                 C) shop                         D) cathedral

6. What was the boy more interested in? In ... .

A) paintings                 B) stamps                 C) coins                 D) clocks

7. What did Peter buy? Some ... .

A) posters                 B) postcards                 C) books                 D) sandwiches

8. What was too expensive for Peter to buy? A ... .

A) postcard                 B) poster                 C) book                         D) clock

9. Who did Peter take photos of?
A) His friends                 B) His teachers                 C) The guide                 D) The bus driver

10. What did he want to take a picture of?

A) The museum                 B) The castle walls         C) The shop                 D) The cathedral windows

Read the text and choose the correct answer

London Zoo is situated in Regent’s Park. It was opened to the public in 1847. Today there are more than 700 species of animals in the Zoo. Some are very rare, such as the giant panda. Many of the animals were born in the Zoo, or in other zoos around the world. The elephants and rhinos have the biggest appetites in the Zoo. An elephant’s daily diet consists of hay, grass, cabbage, carrots, apples, potatoes, dates, bread, salt, vitamins and minerals, and so on. In the summer you can see a baby elephant walking around the Zoo with its keeper, or you can have a ride on a pony, donkey or camel. In the Children’s Zoo there are all kinds of pets and farm animals. At 3 o’clock each afternoon you can see the cows being milked. The milk is used to feed some of the other Zoo animals.

11. London Zoo was opened in the ... century.

A) 19th                         B) 17th                         C) 18th                         D) 20th 

12. You can see more than ... species of animals there.
A) 7,000                 B) 7                         C) 700                         D) 70

13. Giant pandas are very ... animals.

A) rare                         B) active                 C) aggressive                 D) tiny

14. ... are the best eaters in London Zoo.

A) Rhinoceroses                 B) Crocodiles                 C) Cows                 D) Camels

15. The elephants don’t eat ... every day.
A) dates                 B) hay                         C) grass                 D) sugar

16. The baby elephant walks around the Zoo with a ... .

A) director                 B) keeper                 C) passer-by                 D) doctor

17. Visitors can’t ride on a ... .
A) pony                 B) camel                 C) rhino                 D) donkey

18. You can see these animals in the Children’s Zoo.

A) Amphibians                 B) Wild animals                 C) Pets and farm animals D) Sea animals

19. Each afternoon at three o’clock they ... .

A) walk the baby elephant B) feed pandas                 C) milk the cows         D) ride in a cart

20. At the Zoo they use milk to ... .
A) feed the animals         B) make cheese                 C) feed the visitors         D) make butter

Choose the correct variant

21. ... are my new trainers.
A) These                 B) This                         C) Their                 D) That

22. ... a little girl in the picture.
A) There is                 B) They is                 C) There are                 D) There

23. ... is Sally from?
A) When                 B) What                 C) Who                         D) Where

24. What time ... the first lesson start?

A) do                         B) is                         C) has                         D) does

25. They haven’t got ... money.
A) many                 B) much                 C) some                 D) few

26. Mary and Tom ... tennis now.

A) they are playing         B) play                         C) are playing                 D) plays

27. Maria ... early in the morning.
A) do get up                 B) get up                 C) doesn’t get up         D) get ups

28. There isn’t ... chocolate in the cupboard.
A) no                         B) some                 C) many                 D) any

29. How do you go to school?
A) By walk                 B) On bus                 C) On foot                 D) In bike

30. Tom shut the door ... him.

A) among                 B) between                 C) far                         D) behind

Find the correct plural forms

31. A) Babyes                 B) Babys                 C) Babies                 D) Babis

32. A) Men                 B) Man                         C) Mens                 D) Mans

33. A) Childs                 B) Child                 C) Childrens                 D) Children

34. A) Photos                 B) Photo                 C) Photoies                 D) Photoes

35. A) Leavs                 B) Leafs                         C) Leavies                 D) Leaves

36. A) Foots                 B) Foot                         C) Feets                 D) Feet

37. A) Toies                 B) Toy                         C) Toys                         D) Toyes

38. A) Deers                 B) Deer                         C) Deeries                 D) Deeres

39. A) Woman                 B) Women                 C) Womans                 D) Womens

40. A) Potatos                 B) Potato                 C) Potatoies                 D) Potatoes

Match the question to the answers

41. I don’t like lemonade, is there anything else?

A) Let’s have juice.         B) I’ll get you some.         C) I like lemonade.         D) Not at all.

42. Can I use your phone, please?

A) Sure, no problem.         B) They’re all right.         C) I have a telephone.         D) It doesn’t matter.

43. I’m feeling bored; what can we do?
A) No, I’m fine, thanks.         B) I like bikes.                 C) Let’s go for a bike ride. D) That’s a good idea.

44. How long does the trip take? -4

A) At 3 p.m.                 B) In May.                 C) On Friday.                 D) One hour.

45. Would you like a cup of coffee?

A) Not at the moment, thanks.         B) I’m thirsty.         C) Yes, I can make coffee.         D) I’m not hungry.

46. What is she?
A) She has grey eyes.         B) She is a teacher.         C) She is Ann Brown.         D) She likes pizza.

47. How are you doing?

A) I’m doing homework.         B) I am doing nothing.         C) I do it well.                 D) I’m fine, thanks.

48. Where do you want to go shopping?

A) At the zoo.                 B) At the market.         C) At the library.         D) At the circus.

49. Whose book is it?

A) It’s my                 B) It’s Ann                 C) Its mine                 D) It’s Ann’s

50. Where did you go yesterday?

A) I went at school         B) Yes, I was at school         C) I went yesterday.         D) I went to the library. 

Guess the animals

51. It is the tallest animal.
A) Kangaroo                 B) Elephant                 C) Gorilla                 D) Giraffe

52. It has white and black stripes on its body.

A) Giraffe                 B) Zebra                 C) Leopard                 D) Deer

53. It is the fastest animal.

A) Tiger                 B) Cheetah                 C) Horse                 D) Jaguar

54. This bird can run faster than some horses.

A) Ostrich                 B) Penguin                 C) Crow                 D) Starling

55. These animals eat mostly eucalyptus leaves.

A) Pandas                 B) Deer                         C) Cows                 D) Koalas

56. This animal can’t jump.

A) Cat                         B) Dog                         C) Wolf                 D) Elephant

57. These mammals can fly.

A) Rats                         B) Bats                         C) Rabbits                 D) Hedgehogs

58. Complete the proverb: When the cat is away, the ... will play.
A) birds                 B) mice                         C) kittens                 D) children

59. These animals have strong legs and can hop very fast.
A) Bears                 B) Wolves                 C) Giraffes                 D) Kangaroos

60. These animals give more milk when they listen to music.
A) Foxes                 B) Pigs                         C) Cows                 D) Bears

Choose the correct words for the questions

61. ... the boy go to school?

A) Is                         B) Do                         C) Does                 D) Has

62. What ... the men like to do?

A) do                         B) does                         C) is                         D) are

63. ... the girl’s hair long?

A) Are                         B) Has                         C) Is                         D) Does

64. ... I have a cake, please?

A) Must                 B) Does                 C) Can                         D) Am

65. ... it snowing outside?
A) Does                 B) Do                         C) Are                         D) Is

66. ... is the baby crying?
A) What                 B) Why                         C) Who’s                 D) Does

67. When ... you going to do homework?

A) are                         B) am                         C) is                         D) was

68. ... children are there in your class?

A) Where                 B) Why                         C) How much                 D) How many

69. ... are they from?

A) Have                 B) Where                 C) Why                         D) Does

70. ... are your hobbies?

A) What                 B) Who                         C) Why                         D) When

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