Тест к разделу № 6 учебника "Enjoy English - 4"
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Мудрова Диана Фоатовна

Итоговая контрольная работа по теме 6 к учебнику "Enjoy English - 4"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name ________________________________ class ___________

Test 6

Read the text.

Mother’s birthday.

I’m Linda. I have a family. Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family. It will be our mother’s birthday. My brother Nick and I decided to buy a present for her. My mother likes to read. So I’ll buy a book. We’ll buy a pair of beautiful shoes, too.  I know our mother likes cakes very much. So we’ll buy cakes.

We’ll have a party, we need good sweets, coffee, cheese, sausage and biscuits.

I love my Mum and I want to make her happy.

  1. Say if it’s true or false? (T or F)
  1. Next Sunday will be Linda’s brother’s birthday.
  2. Linda wants to buy a present for her Mum.
  3. Nick’s mother likes to read very much.
  4. Linda wants to buy cakes for her Granny.
  5. The family will have a birthday party next Sunday.

  1. Choose a) some, b) any, c) no.
  1. There is … water in the glass. ()
  2. There isn’t … milk at home. (🗶)
  3. There are … sweets in the bag. (🗶)
  4. There aren’t … cornflakes in the box. (🗶)
  5. Would you like …  tea?

  1. Choose the right degree of comparison of the adjective.
  1. My sister is the        good / better / best        pupil in the class.
  2. Summer is the                hot / hotter / hottest        season.
  3. “1” is the                bad / worse / worst                mark at school.
  4. Horses are very        strong / stronger / strongest        animals.
  5. Books are        interesting / more interesting / most interesting for me than football.
    Name __________________________________ class ___________

Test 6

Read the text.

Mother’s birthday.

I’m Linda. I have a family. Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family. It will be our mother’s birthday. My brother Nick and I decided to buy a present for her. My mother likes to read. So I’ll buy a book. We’ll buy a pair of beautiful shoes, too.  I know our mother likes cakes very much. So we’ll buy cakes.

We’ll have a party, we need good sweets, coffee, cheese, sausage and biscuits.

I love my Mum and I want to make her happy.

  1. Say if it’s true or false? (T or F)
  1. Next Sunday will be Linda’s brother’s birthday.
  2. Linda wants to buy a present for her Mum.
  3. Nick’s mother likes to read very much.
  4. Linda wants to buy cakes for her Granny.
  5. The family will have a birthday party next Sunday.

  1. Choose a) some, b) any, c) no.
  1. There is … water in the glass. ()
  2. There isn’t … milk at home. (🗶)
  3. There are … sweets in the bag. (🗶)
  4. There aren’t … cornflakes in the box. (🗶)
  5. Would you like …  tea?

  1. Choose the right degree of comparison of the adjective.
  1. My sister is the        good / better / best        pupil in the class.
  2. Summer is the                hot / hotter / hottest        season.
  3. “1” is the                bad / worse / worst                mark at school.
  4. Horses are very        strong / stronger / strongest        animals.
  5. Books are        interesting / more interesting / most interesting for me than football.
  1. Choose the right form of the verb.
  1. Who (likes / like) to go to the forest?
  2. What (do / did) he see in the river?
  3. Where did they (play / played) yesterday?
  4. You (won’t / don’t) play football tomorrow.
  5. She (don’t / doesn’t) like to play chess.

  1. Write down the past simple form of the verbs.
  1. write

  1. play

  1. see

  1. go

  1. make

  1. Make the sentences negative (Составьте отрицательное предложение).

Example: I cooked lunch yesterday. >>> I didn’t cook lunch yesterday.

  1. Linda wanted to buy a present for her mum.
  2. Her mother likes to read.
  3. We’ll have a party next weekend.

Make up general questions (Составьте общие вопросы).

Example: I cooked lunch yesterday. >>> Did you cook lunch yesterday?

  1. Linda wanted to buy a present for her mum.
  2. Her mother likes to read.

  1. Choose the right form of the verb.
  1. Who (likes / like) to go to the forest?
  2. What (do / did) he see in the river?
  3. Where did they (play / played) yesterday?
  4. You (won’t / don’t) play football tomorrow.
  5. She (don’t / doesn’t) like to play chess.

  1. Write down the past simple form of the verbs.
  1. write

  1. play

  1. see

  1. go

  1. make

  1. Make the sentences negative (Составьте отрицательное предложение).

Example: I cooked lunch yesterday. >>> I didn’t cook lunch yesterday.

  1. Linda wanted to buy a present for her mum.
  2. Her mother likes to read.
  3. We’ll have a party next weekend.

Make up general questions (Составьте общие вопросы).

Example: I cooked lunch yesterday. >>> Did you cook lunch yesterday?

  1. Linda wanted to buy a present for her mum.
  2. Her mother likes to read.

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