Контрольная работа Spotlight 4 Модуль 6
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Контрольная работа Spotlight 4 Модуль 6


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Look, read and write.

e.g. Sam cooked (cook) chicken last Sunday.

Lida____________________ (watch) TV last night.

Ann____________________ (play)with the cat yesterday.

Kate_____________________(visit) her grandpa last week.

They_____________________(live) in Kiev last year.

  1. Read and write. 

 e.g.  Did they play (they/ play) football yesterday?

  1. Maya________________________( watch) TV last Mondays.
  2. ____________________      (Lida/  cook ) lunch yesterday?
  3.  Your little brother_________________ (not/watch) cartoons last night.
  4. _____________________ (you / wash) the dishes  yesterday?
  5.  You_______________________(not/ play) games last night.

  1. Read, match and complete.

a. No, he walked in the park.

b. Yes, she did.

c. No, she lived in Omsk.

d. Yes, it was great!

e. No, she painted the picture.

1. Did Seva live in Toronto last year?________________________________

           2. Did Kate talk to her friend last night.______________________________

3.Did you like the party yesterday?__________________________________

4.Did he watch  the film last night.__________________________________

5.Did Sveta read the book yesterday?________________________________

4. Read and answer.

It was Sunday yesterday. There were a lot of children in the park. Nina and Sasha played badminton. Tim wanted to fly the kite but it wasn’t windy. Sergey tried to ride his bike but he needed help. Maxim helped him to fix the bike. Victor panted his face and the children laughed. Their parents watched them.

e.g. Was it Sunday yesterday?              Yes, it was.           

 1. Where were the children? ___________________________________________

2. Did the girls play basketball?_________________________________________

3. Who helped Sergey to fix the bike?____________________________________

4. What did the parents do?____________________________________________


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