Презентация к уроку английского языка в 4 классе по отработке навыков использования глагола "to be" в Past Simple по УМК "Английский в фокусе".
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Кацанда Елена Николаевна

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 4 классе по отработке навыков использования глагола "to be" в Past Simple по УМК "Английский в фокусе".


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Слайд 1

“ Глагол “to be” в Past Simple” Spotlight 4. Учитель : Кацанда Е.Н. ГБОУ школа-интернат №49 «Школа Здоровья»

Слайд 2

Compare Present Simple 1. I am at home now. 2. Fred is happy now. 3. My friends are schoolgirls. Past Simple I was at home yesterday. 2. Fred was happy yesterday. 3. My friends were schoolgirls.

Слайд 3

Глагол to be в Past Simple I/ He/ She/ It → was It was interesting at the party yesterday. You/ We/ They → were They were in the forest last night.

Слайд 4

Compare (+) I was at home yesterday. (-) I was not at home yesterday. 2. (+) They were in the forest last night. (-) They were not in the forest last night.

Слайд 5

Negative Sentence ( - ) was + not = wasn’t My sister wasn’t in the park last Sunday. were + not = weren’t There weren’t many people at the party.

Слайд 6

Use past tense of the verb “to be” Ann … at the yesterday . Tom and Sam at the last month. This girl at the in summer. The students at the on Monday. My friend in the in autumn . WAS WERE WAS WAS WERE

Слайд 7

SAY WHERE THESE PEOPLE WERE Granny Mary My mother John and Tim YOU?

Слайд 8

Fill in: was/wasn’t, were/weren’t . I …at the cinema yesterday but my friends …. They … at the theatre. Kate and Dave … at the birthday party, they … at the theatre. My brother … at the camp last summer but I …. The teacher …at the museum last Sunday but the students … My parents … in the park yesterday but the dog …, it …at home.

Слайд 9

Interrogative Sentence (?) Общий вопрос : Was/ Were + S + …? Was she at the party yesterday? (+) Yes, S + was/ were. (-) No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t. It was interesting at the party yesterday. They were in the forest last night .

Слайд 10

Compare 1 .(+) Fred was happy yesterday. (?) Was Fred happy yesterday? 2.(+) The children were at the zoo a week ago. (?) Were the children at the zoo a week ago?

Слайд 11

Special question -?. Специальный вопрос : WH + was/ were + S + … ? When were you at the cinema? I was at the cinema yesterday . Вопрос к подлежащему : Who/ What + was + …? S + was/ were. What was on the table? –The book was . Who was in the park? – The children were .

Слайд 12

Special question - ?. 1. (+) He was in Moscow last year. (?) Where was he last year? 2. (+) My friends were at school in the morning. (?) When were my friends at school ? В специальном вопросе нас интересует конкретная информация - Где ? Когда ? Почему ? Сколько ?

Слайд 13

Rules of reading - ” a+…” a + ss, st , sk - /a:/ - pass, ask, past, mask, class, fast, glass, grass, last, basket, cast al+k -/o:/ -ch al k, w al k, t al k, al -/ o:l / - в остальных случаях - al so, h al l, b al l, t al l, sm al l, s al t, f al l, w al l, c al l

Слайд 14

Ask questions. My mother was at the theatre yesterday. We were at the cinema two days ago. Where………..? My friends and I were at the café last week. Where…………? My dog was in the park last Saturday. When ……..? Pete and Mary were at the party yesterday. Where ……………..? My father was in France last month. When ……………………..?

Слайд 15

angry, bored scared

Слайд 16

What are these places? Where were you last ...? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Слайд 17

Birthday parties in Russia . Birthday parties in Russia are a lot of fun. We decorate the room with … Children wear … Children bring presents: … At the party there is a lot of food and drink. We usually eat… and drink… At the party children play…, sing…, dance… Everyone has a lot of fun.

Слайд 18

Betty was the prettiest girl in the class . Everyone wanted to take her photo. Frank was very shy. He didn’t talk in class. Mark was the strong- est student in the class They called him “Hercules“! Bob was the best student of all. He got As (5) in all his tests. Ann was very kind. She brought sweets and cakes for everyone Jim was the loudest boy in class . When he shouted, everyone jumped. Tom was the funniest in the class We often laughed at his jokes

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