Проверочные работы по английскому языку для 4 класса
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Проверочные работы по английскому языку для 4 класса 


Предварительный просмотр:

I variant.                                                                   2 test.                                                                          4 form.


  1. Find the answer for the sums. (5 points)
  1. Twenty five plus fourteen is                                           a) one hundred
  2. Ninety seven minus thirty two is                                   b) sixteen
  3. One hundred minus forty eight is                                  c) thirty nine
  4. Fifty four plus forty six is                                                 d) sixty five
  5. Seventy nine minus sixty three                                      e) fifty two
  1. Match the suitable words combinations.   (5 points)
  1. My mother’s sister                                                            a) grandfather
  2. My aunt’s daughter                                                           b) parents
  3. My father’s father                                                             c) cousin
  4. Parents and children                                                         d) aunt
  5. Mother and father                                                            e) family
  1. Match the suitable time.  (5 points)
  1. It’s half past seven p.m.                                                    a) 19:45
  2. It’s eleven o’clock a. m.                                                    b) 10:15
  3. It’s a quarter to eight p.m.                                               c) 19:30
  4. It’s half past six a.m.                                                         d) 11:00
  5. It’s a quarter past ten a.m.                                              e) 06:30  

         II variant.                                                                   2 test.                                                                       4 form.


I.  Find the answer for the sums. (5 points)

1.   Twenty seven plus forty one is                                            a) one hundred

  1. Ninety five minus thirty three is                                          b) sixty eight
  2. One hundred minus fifty nine is                                          c) twenty five
  3. Forty eight plus fifty two is                                                   d) sixty two
  4. Eighty seven minus sixty two                                               e) forty one
  1. Match the suitable words combinations.   (5 points)
  1. My father’s brother                                                           a) grandmother
  2. My uncle’s son                                                                    b) grandparents
  3. My mother’s mother                                                         c) cousin
  4. Children and parents                                                         d) uncle
  5. grandmother and grandfather                                        e) family

  1. Match the suitable time.  (5 points)
  1. It’s half past nine p.m.                                                    a) 22:45
  2. It’s eight o’clock a. m.                                                     b) 06 :15
  3. It’s a quarter to eleven p.m.                                          c) 21:30
  4. It’s half past seven a.m.                                                  d) 08:00
  5. It’s a quarter past six a.m.                                              e) 07:30    
  1. Write her/ his/ their/ our/ my.   (5 points)
  1. The girl has got a kitten. It’s    …     kitten.
  2. Children have got a ball. It’s    …     ball.
  3. We have got some pencils. These are    …   pencils.
  4. I have got a sister. She is    …   sister.
  5. Tom has got a sandwich. It’s    …   sandwich.  
  1. Write only countable (исчисляемые) nouns.   (5 points)

Carrots, milk, tomatoes, oranges, juice, meat, bananas, sardines, bread.

  1. Put correctly some or any.   (10 points)
  1. There are    …    apples in the bag.
  2. She hasn’t got    …     chocolate.
  3. Is there    …   lemonade in the glass?
  4. They have    …   fruit and sweets.
  5. There isn’t    …   food in the fridge.
  6. I have got    …   biscuits.
  7. My mother hasn’t got    …   crisps and chips.
  8. Have you got    …   jam on the bread?
  9. Angela has got    …   sardines in the shop.
  10. Are there    …   ice cream in the fridge?

All points: 35 points:     “5” -32 -35;       “4”-25-31;        “3”-18 -24 ;         “2”- before 17 points.

  1. Write her/ his/ their/ our/ my.   (5 points)
  1. The boy has got a puppy. It’s    …     puppy.
  2. They have got toys. It’s    …     toys.
  3. We have got some books. These are    …     books.
  4. I have got a brother. He is    …   brother.
  5. Anna has got some chocolate. It’s    …   chocolate.
  1. Write only uncountable (неисчисляемые) nouns.   (5 points)

 Potatoes, tea, coffee, ham, eggs, apples, sandwiches, rice, chips, food, cakes.

  1. Put correctly some or any.   (10 points)
  1. There are    …    oranges in the bag.
  2. He hasn’t got    …      biscuits.
  3. Is there    …   juice in the glass?
  4. We have    …   ice cream and lemonade.
  5. There isn’t    …   fruit in the fridge.
  6. I have got    …   chocolate.
  7. A woman has got    …   vegetables.
  8. Have you got    …   fish or meat?
  9. Kate has got    …   bananas in the shop.
  10. Are there    …   tomatoes in the fridge?

All points: 35 points:     “5” -32-35;       “4”-25-31;        “3”-18-24 ;         “2”- before 17 points.

I variant.                                                                           Test 3.                                                                    4 form


  1. Match the professions with sentences.  ( 5 points)
  1. baker                                                   a) helps people
  2. taxi driver                                           b) works with animals, grows fruit and vegetables
  3. policeman                                           c) makes bread
  4. farmer                                                 d) drives a taxi
  5. teacher                                                e) works with children at school

  1. Circle the weather with the seasons.  ( 4 points)
  1. It’s winter.                a) It’s usually sunny and hot, but sometimes it’s warm, cloudy and rainy.
  2.  It’s spring.               b) It’s usually frosty and sunny, but sometimes it’s snowy, windy and cold.
  3. It’s summer.            c) It’s usually foggy, rainy and cool, but sometimes it’s warm and sunny.
  4. It’s autumn.            d) It’s usually cool, windy and cloudy. You can see the first thunder and lightning.

  1. Circle the months with the seasons, two months for each season. (4 points)
  1. Spring                   a) August          b) May         c) April           d) September          e) January           f) June
  2. Autumn                a) October         b) July         c) December      d) March            e) September      f) May
  3. Summer               a) February       b) November   c) August      d) July                 e) January          f) March
  4. Winter                  a) December     b) May         c) October      d) June             e) September     f)February

  1. Write the sentences in correct order and translate them into Russian.  (8 points)
  1. to, music, please, listen._____________________________________________________________
  2. pull, don’t, my, hair.________________________________________________________________
  3. me, the, give, please, pen.____________________________________________________________
  4. his, kick, don’t, ball. ________________________________________________________________

  1. Match the months with the numbers.  ( 6 points)                             VII. Write do / does.  ( 6 points)
  1. October                                    a) is the fifth month.                          1.  …  you always get up at 7 o’clock?
  2. April                                          b) is the eleventh month.                  2.   ...   your friend swim well?
  3. January                                     c) is the third month.                         3. Her brother   …   not play chess.
  4. May                                           d) is the fourth month.                      4. Little children  …  not drink coffee.
  5. November                                e) is the tenth month.                        5. I    …   not go to school on Sunday.
  6. March                                        f) is the first month.                           6.    …   Mary like vegetables?

  1. Write the suitable prepositions:     ( 5 points)
  1.  Don’t fall        …     .                                                             up
  2. Nora can’t climb      …     of the window.                         over
  3. Don’t  stand       …     , please.                                             to
  4. Alice can’t climb    …     the wall.                                      down
  5. Throw the ball     …     me.                                                 out

All points – 38:  “5” – 34 - 38,”4” - 27 - 33 ,”3”- 19 - 26, “2” – before 18 points.

II variant.                                                                           Test 3.                                                                    4 form


I.   Match the professions with sentences.  ( 5 points)

  1. singer                                                  a) flies planes
  2. gardener                                             b) cleans, feeds and looks after animals
  3. pilot                                                     c) works in a hospital, helps people when they are ill
  4. doctor                                                 d) waters flowers and trees
  5. zoo-keeper                                         e) sings beautiful songs  

  1. Circle the weather with the seasons.  ( 4 points)1.
  1. It’s summer.            a) It’s usually snowy and cold, but sometimes it’s frosty and sunny.
  2. It’s spring.                b) It’s usually hot and sunny, but sometimes it’s rainy, windy and warm.
  3. It’s winter.               c) It’s usually cloudy, rainy, cool and foggy, but sometimes it’s warm and sunny.
  4. It’s autumn.            d) It’s usually cool, sunny and windy. You can see the first thunder and lightning.

  1. Circle the months with the seasons, two months for each season. (6 points)
  1. Summer                a) February        b) March        c) August        d) September       e) October        f) June
  2.  Autumn                a) January          b) October      c) June            d) May             e) September         f) July
  3. Spring                   a) April               b) November   c) August      d) July                 e) January          f) March
  4. Winter                  a) September     b) May          c) January      d) June             e) December      f)October

  1. Write the sentences in correct order and translate them into Russian.  (8 points)
  1. at, me, please, look.________________________________________________________________
  2. fall, don’t, down.___________________________________________________________________
  3. the, close, please, book.______________________________________________________________
  4. her, take, don’t, ball. ________________________________________________________________

  1. Match the months with the numbers.  ( 6 points)                            VII. Write do / does.  ( 6 points)
  1. December                                a) is the ninth month.                    1. My sister     …   not like fish.
  2. June                                          b) is the twelfth month.                2.    …     you draw animals?
  3. February                                  c) is the third month.                     3.    …    Alice play tennis?
  4. September                              d) is the eighth month.                  4.    …    they want to eat?
  5. August                                     e) is the sixth month.                     5. Our granny   …   not sing songs.
  6. March                                      f) is the second month.                 6. I …  not always do my homework.

  1.          Write the suitable prepositions:     ( 5 points)
  1. Jump    …    the swimming pool.                         at
  2. Sit     …    , please.                                                 between
  3. Don’t look    …   me.                                             under
  4. Otto is    …     the table.                                       down
  5. We are going       …    the houses.                      Into

All points – 40:  “5” – 37 - 40,”4” - 29 - 36 ,”3”- 20 - 28, “2” – before 19 points

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