материал по иностранному языку

Вилкова Елена Николаевна

задания для различного возраста


Предварительный просмотр:

Задания по ФГ(читательская грамотность) для обучающихся 5 класса.

Английский язык.



Тема урока (включение заданий по ФГ)

Составление диалога-расспроса по теме «Посещение зоомагазина» Специальные вопросы: правила употребления в речи и на письме. (ФГ задание №1)

Составление рассказа по картинкам на тему «В цирке». Контроль навыков чтения по теме « Моѐ любимое домашнее животное».(Задание по ФГ №2)

Обучающее аудирование по теме « Знаменитые достопримечательности мира».(Задание по ФГ №3)

Работа над ошибками. Изучающее чтение по произведениям американского писателя Л.Хьюза.(Задание по ФГ №4)

Изучающее чтение по произведениям английской поэтессы К.Россетти.(Задание по ФГ №5)


1.Прочитайте текст.

      I’m Ben. I’m from Canada. I live in Toronto. I’m nine. I have got a nice red dog. It can jump and run. But I haven’t got a cat, and I’m sad. This is Rob. He lives in London. He is three. He has got a little yellow fish. His fish is nice. It can swim. Rob is happy. This is Jill. She lives in the USA. Jill is eight. She has got two cats and four little kittens. Jill’s cats are black and white. Her kittens can run and play. Jill is happy, too.

2. Подчеркни слова, которые есть в тексте.


3.Подчеркни в тексте зеленым цветом краткие формы, а желтым цветом притяжательный падеж существительных.

4. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. ___ Ben is from …              a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  2. ___ He has got а …             a) little white cat   b) nice red dog   c) big red fish
  3. ___ Ben’s dog can …          a) jump     b) swim     c) run    d) play
  4. ___ Rob is from …              a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  5. ___ He is ...                          a) 4      b) 9      c) 12      d) 5      e) 3
  6. ___ Rob has got …              a) little kitten  b) big black cat c) little yellow fish
  7. ___ Rob’s fish can …          a) jump     b) swim     c) run     d) play
  8. ___ Jill is from…                 a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  9. ___ She is …                        a) 11      b) 7      c) 9       d) 8      e) 3

10. ___ She has got …               a) 3 little kittens   b) a nice little kitten   c) 2 cats

5. Ответь на вопросы. Дай краткие ответы в соответствии с текстом.

        Образец:    Is Ben nine? — Yes, he is.               Is Jill nine years old? – No, she isn’t.

  1. Is Ben’s dog black?___________________________
  2. Is Ben sad? ________________________________
  3. Is Rob four? _______________________________
  4. Is Rob’s fish little and yellow? ____________________
  5. Is Jill from Russia? __________________________
  6. Is she from the USA? _________________________
  7. Is Jill happy? ______________________________

 Задание 2.

1.Прочитайте текст.

      I’m Ben. I’m from Canada. I live in Toronto. I’m nine. I have got a nice red dog. It can jump and run. But I haven’t got a cat, and I’m sad. This is Rob. He lives in London. He is three. He has got a little yellow fish. His fish is nice. It can swim. Rob is happy. This is Jill. She lives in the USA. Jill is eight. She has got two cats and four little kittens. Jill’s cats are black and white. Her kittens can run and play. Jill is happy, too.

2.Подчеркни слова, которые есть в тексте.


3.Подчеркни в тексте зеленым цветом краткие формы, а желтым цветом притяжательный падеж существительных.

4. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. _c_  Ben is from …              a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  2. _b_  He has got а …             a) little white cat   b) nice red dog   c) big red fish
  3. _a,c  Ben’s dog can …          a) jump     b) swim     c) run    d) play
  4. _d_  Rob is from …              a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  5. _e_  He is ...                          a) 4      b) 9      c) 12      d) 5      e) 3
  6. _c_  Rob has got …              a) little kitten  b) big black cat c) little yellow fish
  7. _b_  Rob’s fish can …          a) jump     b) swim     c) run     d) play
  8. _b_  Jill is from…                 a) Russia   b) the USA    c) Canada   d) England
  9. _d_  She is …                        a) 11      b) 7      c) 9       d) 8      e) 3

10. _c_  She has got …               a) 3 little kittens   b) a nice little dog   c) 2 cats

5. Ответь на вопросы. Дай краткие ответы в соответствии с текстом.


  1. Is Ben’s dog black?__________________
  2. Is Ben sad? _______ _______________
  3. Is Rob four? _______________________
  4. Is Rob’s fish little and yellow? ___________
  5. Is Jill from Russia? ________________
  6. Is she from the USA? ________________
  7. Is Jill happy? _____________________

Задание 3.Диагностическая работа

по проверке уровня сформированности читательской грамотности


1.     Choose the right word to complete the sentences:

1. Chris is 9/10 years old.

2. Chris goes to Yellow/Green School.

3. His favourite subject is Information Technology/Physical Education.

4. He likes Maths/English and History.

5. He asks Henry to tell him about his family/school.

2.     Read the sentences and decide if they are T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn’t Say).

1. The email is from Henry.

2. Chris doesn’t like Art.

3. His lunch starts at 12.30.

4. Chris has a big family.

5. His favourite day at school is Thursday.

3.     Read the text and fill in the fact file:






Favourite subject:


Favourite day:


Задание 4.

1.Прочитайте текст.

All children like the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a blue and white domestic cat. Jerry is a small brown mouse who always lives close to him. Jerry is very strong for his size and he is clever. Tom is energetic. He doesn’t really want to eat Jerry but always chases him. In fact, they are friends. They always help each other when in danger. The cartoon is quite funny.

1.     Read the text and choose the best title for it:

a)     A Funny Dog                     b) A Real Hero                 c) True Friends

2.     Answer the questions:

1.     Who is a blue and white domestic cat?

2.     Who is a small brown mouse?

3.     Who is very strong for his size?

4.     Who is energetic?

5.     Who are friends?


3.     Match the word combinations with their translations:

 1. a domestic cat                 a) жить близко

 2. to chase him                    b) домашний кот

 3.quite funny                       c) охотиться за ним

 4. to live close                     d) довольно смешной




Задание 5.



1.     Look at the picture and say what it is:

a)     a postcard                b) a birthday party invitation           c) an email message


2.     Write the word under the pictures:







1)                                         2)                    3)                   4)                   5)          

3.     Write the missing words in the sentences : 0) To Stefan
1) Please come to my _______________ party!
2) _______________: Saturday 26 March 2016
3) _______________: 50 High Street, Newtown
4) Time: 3–6 _______________
5) _______________: 957 342
6)_______________ Isabella


Text № 1

№1                                                   №2                                       №3                          

1) 10                                                1) False                                1) Chris                        

2) Green                                          2) Doesn’t say                      2) 10

3) Physical Education                     3) True                                  3) PE

4) English                                         4) Doesn’t say                         4) Friday

5) school                                         5) False


Text № 2

                                              №2                                     №3

                                                      1) Tom                               1) b

                                                       2) Jerry                              2) c

                                                       3) Tom                               3) d

                                                   4) Tom                               4) a

                                                   5) Tom and Jerry


Text №3

№1 b                                              №2                                     №3

                                                      1) time                              1) birthday

                                                      2) street                             2) Date

                                                       3) date                               3) Place

                                                   4) telephone                      4) pm

                                                   5) party                              5) Telepnone

                                                                                                  6) From










Критерии оценивая

Текст №1

1 задание-5 баллов

2 задание- 5 баллов

3 задание- 4 балла (если слово записано без ошибок- 1 балл; если записано нужное слово, но с ошибками-0,5 балла)


Текст №2

1 задание-1 балл

2 задание -5 баллов

3 задание-4 балла


Текст №3

1 задание-1 балл

2 задание -5 баллов

3 задание-6 баллов (если слово записано без ошибок- 1 балл; если записано нужное слово, но с ошибками-0,5 балла)

Максимальный балл- 36


100-90%- высокий уровень (36-32 баллов)

89-75%- уровень выше среднего (31- 27 балла)

74-50%- средний уровень (26-18 баллов)

49-30%- уровень ниже среднего (17-11 баллов)

29-0 %- низкий уровень (10 и меньше баллов)

Дополнительное задание

The man and the monkeys.

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

    One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. It was a long way to go. The man passed  by a long river. When he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired.

  The man saw a large tree. He decided to rest under it.

  As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. The man had lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep. When he woke up, he could not find the caps.

“Where are my caps?” he cried. He could not find them anywhere.  

    Suddenly he looked up. And what did he see? He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man’s cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps!” cried the man. But the monkeys could not understand the man. They laughed, jumped and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him. They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys. He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you want my caps, you may take this one, too!”

And do you know what the monkeys did? They took off the caps and threw them on the ground!

That’s how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad. He quickly took all his caps and went away.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a man went to the baker`s to sell caps.
  2. The man passed by a lake.
  3. The day was very hot and the man was tired.
  4. The man saw a large mountain.
  5. When the man woke up he didn`t find the caps.

6. Each monkey had the cap on its head.

7. The monkeys understood him well.

8. The man went away without his caps.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Where did the man put his caps?
  2. What did monkeys do with the caps?
  3. How did the man get his caps back?

Дополнительное задание

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. /Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.


Mike and Liza are going to visit their grandmother. It is her birthday today. They have cards and balloons. Mum is carrying a birthday cake. Dad is carrying a present. They are going to go to Grandma's house by car. Max, their dog, cannot go to Grandma's house with them. The car is very small.

Dad opens the car and puts the present on the roof of the car. They all get inside. And off they go! The present falls down on the ground.

They are at the grandma's house. She likes the cads and the balloons. She likes the cake, too. She is very happy. “Where is the present?” asks Mum. “I don't know”, says Dad.

There is a knock at the door. It's Max! He has Grandma's present. “You are a clever dog, Max!” they all say.

Grandma's present is new pullover. She likes it very much. “What a lovely pullover!” she says. The family is very happy. And Max is happy, too. Dad gives him a big piece of cake, “Here you are, Max. Thank you very much.”

  1. Where are Mike and Liza going?
  2. What is Mum doing? What is Dad doing?
  3. Where is the present?
  4. Who finds and brings the present?
  5. What is the present?

Дополнительное задание

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. /Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.


Alex has a big tank in his room. He keeps tropical fish in his tank. These fish are beautiful colours. Alex bought his first fish a year ago. Now he has ten. He spends all his pocket money on them.

Yesterday he bought a new pet. It was very expensive. It cost £50 (pounds).

While Alex was going to the pet shop, his mother and his sister were sitting in the kitchen. They were waiting for Alex because they wanted to see his new pet. Sally, his sister, opened the door when he rang the door bell. She saw his new pet and said, “Mum! Alex has bought a horse!” She was joking. It was not a horse. It was a sea horse. Alex was happy, “Look! Isn't it beautiful?”

  1. What does Alex have in his room?
  2. How many fish does he have now?
  3. What did Alex buy yesterday?
  4. Who was waiting for Alex at home?
  5. Was Alex happy?


  1. tank - аквариум
  2. keep - держать
  3. colour - цвет
  4. spend – тратить деньги
  5. Yesterday he bought a new pet. – Вчера он купил нового питомца.
  6. sea horse – морской конёк

Text №5

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. /Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.


Look! It is Woodside School. When the school year is over, the children have an unusual day. It is the day of their school fair. The children are outside in the school field. Lots of visitors come to spend the afternoon there.

There are lots of things to buy. The children have baked cakes and made sweets. They are delicious. Other children sell their books and toys to their friends.

There are games to play. You can win a prize. Throw a ring over one of the toys! Or if you are strong, try to ring the bell with a big hammer.

Some children are dressed as clowns. They play the guitar and sing songs. People give them a lot of money, and the children put them in their hats.

You can buy ice-creams and balloons. You can have a ride on a pony or jump on a trampoline.

Everyone has fun and helps to make lots of money for their school.

  1. What do the children have when the school year is over?
  2. What things do they buy?
  3. What can you win there?
  4. What do the clowns do?
  5. What does everyone help to do?


  1. the school year is over – конец учебного года
  2. school fair – школьная ярмарка
  3. field - поле
  4. to spend – провести время
  5. to buy - покупать
  6. cake – кекс, торт
  7. delicious - вкусный
  8. sell - продавать
  9. win - выигрывать
  10. clown - клоун
  11. make lots of money – зарабатывать много денег

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. /Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.


Emily Jones is eleven and her hobby is collecting dolls. Four years ago her aunt gave her a doll from India. It had a beautiful dress, long dark hair and gold earrings. Emily loved it and started collecting dolls from other countries. Now she has more than fifty dolls in her bedroom.

Jim Hobbs loves sport and his favourite sport is basketball. Six month ago he watched a basketball match on TV and he liked it very much. Now he plays every day. He plays at school and he plays at home. He has big posters of basketball players on his bedroom walls and he reads magazines about basketball. There is one problem – Jim is not very tall. But he is a good player. He plays in his school team, and last week they won their first match.

  1. What is Emily's hobby?
  2. How many dolls does she have now?
  3. What is Jim's favourite sport?
  4. Where does Jim play basketball?
  5. What problem does Jim have?

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. /Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.


At night you are sleeping in your warm bed. In the town lots of people are working.

The baker is making bread for your breakfast. He is putting bread into the hot oven.

An ambulance is taking a boy to hospital. The boy is ill. At the hospital the doctors and nurses are busy.

Firemen are driving quickly to a fire. The fire is in the shop.

Policemen are helping the shopkeeper.

In the office a reporter is writing a story.

A taxi driver is driving his taxi.

A street cleaner is cleaning the street.

Lots of people are working. And you are sleeping in your warm bed.

  1. What are lots of people doing in the town at night?
  2. Who is making bread for breakfast?
  3. What is an ambulance doing?
  4. Where are firemen driving quickly to?
  5. Who is driving his taxi?
  6. Who is cleaning the street?


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания по английскому языку

на развитие коммуникативной компетенции

Пояснительная записка

Тест на проверку сформированности у учащихся коммуникативной и информационной компетенций представляет собой два задания по говорению (монологическая и диалогическая речь). Структура заданий соответствует формату государственной итоговой аттестации (ГИА).

Коммуникация – составная часть процесса общения, который представляет собой взаимодействие двух или более человек, включающее обмен информацией (т.е. коммуникацию) и взаимное восприятие, понимание общающихся. Из определения коммуникации следует, что коммуникативная компетенция сопрягается с информационной, охватывая получение, использование и передачу информации в процессе взаимодействия.

Оценивая коммуникативную компетенцию в данном тесте, акцент делается на владение способами   обмена информацией, а именно:

- монологические умения – составить монологическое высказывание в рамках коммуникативной задачи, высказать свое мнение, идеи.  Очень важно для общения умение представить себя, рассказать о семье, друзьях, о своих увлечениях.

 (см. критерии оценивания,  графы: содержание, взаимодействие).

- диалогические умения – начинать коммуникацию, воспринимать информацию в ходе взаимодействия, задавать вопросы, анализировать информацию, уточнять детали, высказывать свое мнение.

 (см. критерии оценивания,  графы: содержание, взаимодействие).

Оценивая информационную компетенцию, проверяются навыки учащихся в поиске,  анализе и отборе необходимой информации, а также в умении ее преобразовывать, сохранять и передавать. Например, в ситуации диалога учащийся вынужден разузнавать, нужную ему информацию у собеседника.

В данном тесте решение коммуникативной задачи происходит на английском языке, поэтому оценивая монологическую и диалогическую составляющие устной речи учащихся нельзя не оценивать уровень их языковой подготовки, а именно, их лексико-грамматические и фонетические навыки (см. критерии оценивания).

Оценивание результатов тестирования

Устная речь оценивается после двух устных ответов учащихся (тематическое монологическое высказывание и комбинированный диалог)

Исходя из набранных баллов (максимально 20 баллов) по пятибалльной системе:

17-20 баллов – 5 (отлично)

12-17 баллов – 4 (хорошо)

6-11  баллов – 3 (удовлетворительно)

Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий по говорению

Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)


Критерии оценивания


Задание выполнено полностью:

Цель общения достигнута. Все аспекты, указанные в задании, раскрыты полностью. Высказывание выстроено логически последовательно. Социокультурные знания использованы в соответствии с ситуацией общения.


Задание выполнено частично:

Цель общения достигнута, но тема раскрыта не в полном объеме.  Высказывание  не всегда логически последовательно. Социокультурные знания в основном использованы в соответствии с ситуацией общения.


Задание не выполнено:

Цель общения не достигнута. Содержание высказывания не соответствует или частично соответствует поставленной в задании коммуникативной задаче

Взаимодействие с собеседником


Критерии оценивания


 Учащийся понимает вопросы, задаваемые экзаменатором, поддерживает беседу, соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами.


 Учащийся понимает общее содержание вопросов, проявляет желание участвовать в беседе, однако,  нет четкой последовательности в построении реплик, имеются небольшие трудности при запросе информации


Учащийся  плохо или совсем не понимает вопросы, задаваемые экзаменатором, не умеет поддержать беседу, затрудняется запрашивать информацию, не соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами.

Относительная грамматическая правильность речи


Критерии оценивания


Мало грамматических ошибок и они не препятствуют пониманию содержания. Часто учащийся сам их исправляет. В ответе применяет различные грамматические структуры.


Встречаются грубые ошибки, затрудняющие понимание, или много незначительных ошибок.


Большое количество грубых ошибок, затрудняющих понимание.

Диапазон используемых лексических средств


Критерии оценивания


Используемая лексика соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Учащийся демонстрирует большой словарный запас. Встречаются незначительные ошибки, не затрудняющие понимание.


Используемая лексика в целом  соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче, однако, наблюдается некоторое затруднение в подборе слов и неточности в их употреблении.


Ответ содержит ограниченное количество элементарной лексики, не позволяющей выполнить поставленную коммуникативную задачу.

Относительная фонетическая правильность


Критерии оценивания


Речь понятна: не допускаются фонематические ошибки; практически все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно; в основном соблюдается интонационный рисунок.


В основном речь понятна: Встречаются незначительные фонематические ошибки и ошибки произношения звуков в потоке речи; встречаются нарушения интонационного рисунка.


Речь плохо воспринимается на слух из-за большого количества фонематических ошибок и неправильного произнесения многих звуков.

Суммарная оценка монологической речи 0-10 баллов

Суммарная оценка диалогической речи 0-10 баллов

Useful Vocabulary:

•        I think….         I agree that…….         I absolutely agree with you  / that….  

•         In my opinion……….           To my mind…….

•        I’m afraid I can’t agree with that.        As for me….            

•        On one hand………..on the other hand……..

•        To tell (you)  the truth……



Student Card №1

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on yourself.

Remember to say:

  • What your name, surname and age are
  • Where and who you live with
  • About your hobbies and interests
  • About your friends

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №2

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your family.

Remember to say:

  • Where and who you live with
  • What your parents are
  • About your family interests

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №3

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your free time.

Remember to say:

  • How people can spend their spare time
  • Where you and your friends like to go
  • About entertainment places in your town
  • About the last film you saw

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №4

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your friend.

Remember to say:

  • Some details about your friend (name and age )
  • About your common interests
  • About some traits of his/her character
  • What he/she likes/dislikes/or interested in

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №5

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your daily life.

Remember to say:

  • When your day begins
  • What you do in the morning
  • What you do in the daytime
  • What you do in the evening

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №6

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your hobby.

Remember to say:

  • What it is a hobby
  • What hobby people have
  • About your hobby
  • Who shares your interest

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №7

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on your school life.

Remember to say:

  • the information about your school
  • what subjects interests you most of all
  • about relationships with your classmates

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №8

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on shops and shopping.

Remember to say:

  • where you usually buy things and food
  • where you and your family prefer shopping
  • what do you spend your pocket money on

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №9

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on healthy way of life.

Remember to say:

  • why it is important to think about your health
  • what people should do to be healthy
  • About sport in your life

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Student Card №10

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on travelling.

Remember to say:

  • why people travel
  • means of transport
  • where and how you would prefer to travel

You have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.


Student Card

Task 2 (1-2 min)

You are on the way to the supermarket. You met you friend at the bus station.

  • Greet him / her. Tell him/her if you are glad to see him/her.
  • Apologize of being late.
  • Ask his/her opinion of (rainy, sunny, snowy, windy) weather.
  • Invite him /her (to the cinema, the theater, to have lunch, etc.)
  • Accept / Refuse his/her invitation. Thank him/her for the invitation.
  • Tell him/her compliments about his /her (appearance, clothes, new bag, shoes, etc)
  • Ask the way to the supermarket and opening hours.
  • Tell him/her that you need to go and wish him/her something.

You start the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your teacher.

Remember to:

  • Be active and polite
  • Ask the questions and find out all the information you need.

Информация для экзаменатора

Interlocutor Card

Warm up: What’s your favourite season? Why?

Task 2 (1 – 1.5 minutes)

You are a friend for the student.

You’ve got the following information:

  • Invite him/her to the school party.
  • Thank hem/her for the invitation.
  • The supermarket is not far from here. You don’t need to go by bus. Go straight ahead and turn at the second corner. The supermarket is opposite the Post office.

To finish the conversation say: “I hope I’ve helped you. Bye. See you on Monday.”

Темы для сдачи экзамена в 5 классе.

№ 1. About myself.

  1. Let me introduce myself.
  2. My name is ……..
  3. My surname is …………
  4. I’m from Russia.
  5. I’m 11 (12).
  6. I was born in Novorossiysk.
  7. My birthday is on the ____ of September (October, November, etc.)
  8. I live in Novorossiysk.
  9. I like singing (dancing, sport) and I dislike playing the piano (eating porridge)
  10. My family is large.
  11.  I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandmother.
  12. My mother is a doctor. (a bookkeeper, a nurse, a secretary, a teacher,)
  13. My father is a driver. (a baker, a grocer, a driver, a director)
  14. I love my family.
  15. That’s all I want to tell you about myself.

№2. About my family.

  1. Let me introduce myself.
  2. My name is ……..
  3. I want to tell you about my family.
  4. My family is large I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandmother.
  5. My mother is a doctor. (a bookkeeper, a nurse, a secretary, a teacher, etc.)
  6. Her name is _______.
  7. She is _____(forty, thirty-five, thirty)
  8. My father’s name is _______.
  9. He is _____(forty, forty-two, etc.)
  10. He is a worker. ( a baker, a grocer, a driver, a director)
  11. I have (haven’t) a sister ( a brother).
  12.  Her (His) name is _________.
  13. She (He) is a student.
  14. She (He) likes music (sport, dancing, singing, playing games), and dislikes _______.
  15. In the evening all members of our family like to watch TV.
  16. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to a concert when the weather is fine, we like to go for a walk.
  17. That’s all I want to tell you about my family.

№3. My free time.

  1. People can spend their free time in different ways.
  2. We can go to the cinema, to the theatre or to the museum.
  3. I think theatre is a wonderful place.
  4. Our town theatre is small but good.
  5. There are some museums in Novorossiysk.
  6. I think that visiting the planetarium is also interesting.
  7. But best of all I like going to the cinema.
  8. I like to watch films very much.
  9. My favourite films are comedies, but I don’t like melodramas.
  10. In Novorossiysk we have three cinema-houses: GoodZone, Neptune, Red Square.
  11. The last film I saw was ________ (Avatar, Harry Potter, etc).

№ 4 My friend

  1. I can’t imagine my life without friends.
  2. We have a lot of fun together.
  3. But only one my friend I can tell my secrets.
  4. _________ is my close friend.
  5. We made friends three (two, five) years ago.
  6. We are of the same age and have a lot of common interests.
  7. We go dancing (go in for sport) and learn English.
  8. ________ can dance ( play football, paint) and speak English well.
  9. What a pity we live far from each other.
  10. We can meet only on the weekends.
  11. If we have free time we try to go to the cinema (theater, park, café, etc.)
  12. We go on well and never quarrel (ссоримся).
  13. _______ is kind and honest (честный) girl / boy.
  14. She / He always tries to help people.
  15. I trust my friend and hope that we’ll be friend forever.

№ 5 Daily life

  1. I am ________________
  2. I’m not an early riser.
  3. I don’t like to get up at 6 or 7 o’clock.
  4. I usually get up at 8 o’clock.
  5. Than I always go to the bathroom, wash my face and hands, clean my teeth and brush my hair.
  6. Sometimes I do my morning exercises.
  7. After breakfast I go to school.
  8. At school I have a lunch and study till 2 p.m.
  9. When I get home I usually have dinner and rest a little.
  10. Sometimes I play computer games or watch TV.
  11. Then I do my homework.
  12. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool (sports club, dancing school, Art school).
  13. In the evening I help my mum about the house (to make supper).
  14. We have supper together.
  15. Before going to bed I usually read a book.
  16. I always take a shower and go to bed. The day is over.

6 Hobby

  1. Many people have hobbies.
  2. They make our life more interesting.
  3. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time.
  4. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste.
  5. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books.
  6. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs.
  7. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
  8. My hobby is playing computer games.
  9. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting.
  10. I have a good collection of different games.
  11. My favourite game is...
  12. Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.

№ 7 My school life

  1. I’m ______________
  2. I’m a student of the 5th form.
  3. I would like to tell you a few words about my school life.
  4. I first went to school when I was 7 / 6.
  5. I study at private school №1.
  6. My school is small but light.
  7. I go to school 5 days a week.
  8. We have 6 or seven lessons a day.
  9. My favourite subjects are Maths and English (Russian, Literature, Art, etc.)
  10. I usually receive good marks in these subjects.
  11. I like going to school because here I have many friends.
  12. Sometimes we have a good time together celebrating some holidays or somebody's birthday.
  13.  Then we bring cakes to school, have a tea party and enjoy our life together with our class master.
  14. I love my school, my classmates and teachers.

№ 8 Shops and Shopping

  1. As you see people can’t live without food and clothes.
  2. So they go to different shops to do the shopping.
  3. There are many kinds of shops in all towns and cities.
  4. If we want something to eat, we buy bread, rolls and cakes at the baker’s.
  5. We buy flour, sugar, rice and salt at the grocer’s.
  6. If we want to buy meat, we go to the butcher.
  7. Fruit and vegetables are usually sold at the greengrocer’s.
  8. We also buy diary every day: milk, cream, yogurt and others.
  9. My family and I prefer shopping at big supermarkets.
  10. Of course, I need pocket money all the time.
  11. I need pocket money for my mobile phone, cinema and café.

№ 9 Healthy way of life

  1. It is very important to be healthy.
  2. If we are healthy we are happy, clever and kind.
  3. Nowadays people want to be strong and healthy.
  4. If you want to keep fit you should get up early and go to bed early.
  5. You should take regular exercises and never smoke and drink alcohol, only soft drinks.
  6. You should eat healthy food - fruit, vegetables, and dairy products.
  7. You should remember, that too little food makes you thin, too much food makes you fat, and the wrong food makes you ill; the right food keeps you well.
  8. Even more (более того) too many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.
  9. If you eat healthy food there is no need for you to keep to a diet.
  10. Sport also helps to keep fit.
  11. There are different kinds of sports: athletics, football, tennis, basketball, horse-riding, swimming and many others.
  12. People who go in for sport and remember rules of healthy life are healthy, wealthy and wise!

№ 10 Travelling

  1. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling.
  2. They travel to see other countries and continents.
  3. It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music.
  4.  People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car.
  5. The best way to study geography is to travel.
  6. The best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.
  7.  As for me, I prefer…./ would prefer….. Frankly speaking, …
  8. Last year I …  
  9. Next holidays I would like to spend in…

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