Тренировка Present Simple
тренажёр по иностранному языку

3 класс. Тренировочные упражнения на усвоение Present Simple.


Предварительный просмотр:

Тренировка Present Simple

Карточка №1

Напишите нужную форму глагола

I swim

I help

I jump

I open

I play

I run

I ask

I sing

I skip

I make

I like

I take

I ride

I go

I do

  • he ___________
  • she __________
  • it ___________
  • he ___________
  • she __________
  • it _____________
  • he ____________
  • she ___________
  • it _____________
  • he ____________
  • she ____________
  • it _____________
  • he _____________
  • she ____________
  • it ______________

She swims

He sings

It likes

She makes

He skates

She dances

It goes

She skips

He stands

He rides

She does

She runs

It helps

He gives

He skis

  • I ____________
  • I ____________
  • I ____________
  • I ____________
  • you ____________
  • you ____________
  • you ____________
  • I ______________
  • we ____________
  • we ____________
  • you ___________
  • we _____________
  • they ____________
  • they ____________
  • I _______________

Карточка №2

Впиши подходящее слово: friend или friends.

my _____________ skates

my _____________ skate

my _____________ ski

my _____________ ride

my _____________ rides

my _____________ do

my _____________ does

my _____________ makes

my _____________ make

my _____________ jumps

my _____________ opens

my _____________ reads

my _____________ read

my _____________ skip

my _____________ give

his ______________ goes

his ______________ go

his ______________ take

his ______________ takes

his ______________ swims

his ______________ sing

his ______________ sings

his ______________ run

his ______________ plays

his ______________ like

his ______________ likes

his ______________ helps

his ______________ dances

his ______________ dance

his ______________ lives

Карточка №3

Напишите по-английски. Обращайте внимание на написание формы глагола

я плаваю

мы плаваем

он плавает

она плавает

собака плавает

я пою

мы поём

она поёт

я прыгаю

она прыгает

они прыгают

я играю

она играет

ты бегаешь

он бегает

я помогаю

Олег помогает

Нина помогает

вы помогаете

ты помогаешь

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

- ______________

я люблю

она любит

я катаюсь (ride)

он катается (ride)

я катаюсь (skate)

он катается (skate)

мы делаем (do)

она делает (do)

я иду

ты идёшь

вы идёте

он идёт

они берут

он берёт

я беру

я танцую

он танцует

лиса танцует

ты танцуешь

вы танцуете

  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • ______________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • ______________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • ______________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • _____________
  • ______________

Карточка №4

Раскройте скобки

  1. I _____________ (play) tennis, he _____________ (play) tennis too.
  2. We __________ (read) this text, she ___________ (read) that text.
  3. They ___________(sing) this song and we ___________(sing) that song.
  4. She ___________ (skate) and he ___________ (ski).
  5. I ____________ (dance) and she _____________ (sing).
  6. You _______________ (sing) and he ____________ dance).
  7. She _____________ (sit) and they ______________ (stand).
  8. I _____________ (run) and _____________ (play).
  9. It ____________ (run) and _____________ (play).
  10. I _____________ (sit) and ________________ (watch) TV.
  11. He _______________ (watch) TV.
  12. The dog _____________ (run) and ____________ (jump).
  13. The girl _____________ (skip) and ____________ (run)
  14. The girls ____________ (skip) and ____________ (run).
  15. Sveta and I _____________ (help) Mum.
  16. We __________________(clean) the house.
  17. Sveta ______________ (wash) the cups.

Карточка №5

Задайте общие вопросы.

  1. They like cakes. - ___________________________________ cakes?
  2. They make cakes. - __________________________________ cakes?
  3. They take cakes. - ___________________________________ cakes?
  4. They give him cakes. - _______________________________him cakes?
  5. They go to Moscow. - ______________________________ to Moscow?
  6. They fly to Moscow. - ______________________________ to Moscow?
  7. They skate in the park. - ___________________________ in the park?
  8. They ski in the park. - _____________________________ in the park?
  9. They run in the field. - ____________________________ in the field?
  10. They jump in the park. - _________________________ in the park?

Карточка №6

Задайте общие вопросы.

  1. He helps Oleg. - __________________________ Oleg?
  2. He plays football. - ___________________________ football?
  3. She sings the songs. - _______________________________the song?
  4. He reads books. - _______________________________ books?
  5. He seats there. - __________________________ there?
  6. t jumps there. - ___________________________ there?
  7. It swims there. - ___________________________ there?
  8. She skis there. - __________________________ there?
  9. She skates there. - ____________________________ there?
  10. She takes the box. - _____________________________ the box?
  11. He lives in Moscow. - ____________________________ in Moscow?
  12. He likes fish. - _________________________________ fish?
  13. She makes cakes. - ______________________________ cakes?
  14. He dances well. - ________________________________ well?
  15. She goes there. - ________________________________ there?

Карточка №7

Задайте общие вопросы.

  1. Oleg helps Nina. - _____________________________ Nina?
  2. Marina helps Natasha. - __________________________ Natasha?
  3. Sveta lives in Irkutsk. - _____________________________ in Irkutsk?
  4. Ivan lives in Samara. - ______________________________ in Samara?
  5. The fox lives in the zoo. - ___________________________ in the zoo?
  6. The cat likes fish. - _____________________________ fish?
  7. The dog lives in the house. - ___________________________ in the house?
  8. The man sees the mouse. - _____________________________ the mouse?
  9. Mum takes the box. - _________________________________ the box?
  10. Tom read texts. - ____________________________________ texts?
  11. The dog takes the stick. - _______________________________ the stick?
  12. The rabbit lives in the box. - _____________________________ in the box?
  13. The pupil sings well. - ___________________________________ well?
  14. The friend skis well. - ____________________________________ well?
  15. His friend skates well. - ___________________________________ well?

Карточка №8

Задайте общие вопросы.

  1. Alla likes cats. - _________________________________ cats?
  2. Anton likes dogs. - _______________________________dogs?
  3. The pupils like the dog. - _________________________ the dog?
  4. The cat lives there. - ___________________________ there?
  5. The cats live there. - ___________________________ there?
  6. The frogs jump. - ______________________________?
  7. The frog jumps. - ______________________________?
  8. The rabbit runs. - _______________________________?
  9. The rabbits run. - ______________________________?
  10. Dad skates. - __________________________________?
  11. Mum and dad skate. - ___________________________________?
  12. The boy helps the duck. - ____________________________ the duck?
  13. His pets play at home. - ______________________________ at home?
  14. His pet plays at home. - ______________________________ at home?
  15. Nina takes cakes - ___________________________________ cakes?

Карточка №9

Задайте специальные вопросы.

  1. He likes frogs. - _________________________________________ ?
  2. She likes dogs. - __________________________________________?
  3. They like rabbits. - ________________________________________?
  4. It likes fish. - ___________________________________________?
  5. They cook lunch. - _______________________________________?
  6. The pupil knows the name. - _______________________________?
  7. Mr Black teaches English. - ________________________________?
  8. Anton gives her a box. - ____________________________________?
  9. She takes cakes? - _________________________________________?
  10. They take pencils. - ________________________________________?
  11. Olga reads texts. - _________________________________________?
  12. Natasha sees a house. - _____________________________________?
  13. The pupils read the book. - ___________________________________?
  14. He sees a crocodile. - _______________________________________?
  15. Anton gives her a book. - ____________________________________?

Карточка №10

Скажите, что это не так

  1. They swim. – They don’t swim.
  2. We skip. - ___________________________________________
  3. They skate. - _________________________________________
  4. They jump. - _________________________________________
  5. They ski. - ___________________________________________
  6. You watch TV. - ______________________________________
  7. The rabbits swim. - ____________________________________
  8. The hens fly. - ________________________________________
  9. We go there. - _______________________________________
  10. They help Olga. - ______________________________________
  11. Dogs like cats. - ______________________________________
  12. We live in Moscow. - ___________________________________
  13. The pupils play football. - _______________________________
  14. We eat fish. - ________________________________________
  15. Frogs fly. - ___________________________________________

Карточка №11

Скажите, что это не так

  1. He lives in Saratov. – He doesn’t live in Saratov.
  2. She takes five pens. - __________________________________ ________
  3. The dog helps the cat. - _________________________________________
  4. The cat likes the tiger. - _________________________________________
  5. Alla sings. - __________________________________________________
  6. Nina dances. - ________________________________________________
  7. Anton swims. - _______________________________________________
  8. Nina jumps. - ________________________________________________
  9. Tamara runs. - _______________________________________________
  10. Galina skips. - _______________________________________________
  11. The pupil skates. - ___________________________________________
  12. Timur plays football. - ________________________________________
  13. Dasha reads books. - __________________________________________
  14. Lena plays tennis. - __________________________________________
  15. Natasha likes a bike. - ________________________________________

Карточка №12

Скажите, что это не так

  1. He goes to the zoo. - _________________________________ to the zoo.
  2. They go to the zoo. - _________________________________ to the zoo.
  3. She plays at the zoo. - ______________________________ at the zoo.
  4. He likes the zoo. - __________________________________the zoo.
  5. They like the zoo. - _________________________________ the zoo.
  6. Mum takes Olga to the zoo. - ___________________________ to the zoo.
  7. They see a tiger. - _______________________________ a tiger.
  8. He sees a tiger. - ________________________________ a tiger.
  9. She sings at school. - _________________________________ at school.
  10. They dance at school. - ________________________________ at school.
  11. She dances at school. - ________________________________ at school.
  12. We like the house. - ___________________________________ the house.
  13. It lives in the house. - _________________________________ in the house.
  14. He sees a house. - ____________________________________ the house.
  15. He goes to the house. - _______________________________ to the house.

Карточка №13

Напиши по-английски

  1. я не плаваю. - ____________________________________
  2. Он не плавает. - __________________________________
  3. Он не бегает. - ___________________________________
  4. Он не играет. - __________________________________
  5. Он не поёт. - __________________________________
  6. Они не читают. - ________________________________
  7. Мы не танцуем. - _______________________________
  8. Она не поёт. - __________________________________
  9. Он не живёт там. - _____________________________
  10. Мы не катаемся на лыжах. - __________________________________
  11. Он не катается на коньках - __________________________________
  12. Я не хожу в школу. - ________________________________________
  13. Кролики не танцуют. - ______________________________________
  14. Кошки не плавают. - ________________________________________
  15. Алла и Нина не работают в школе. - ____________________________


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