методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Кириличева Ирина Александровна

тренировочные упражнения


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Предварительный просмотр:


Dialogue 1.

- I am so tired (Я так устал)… Have you got ___________ coffee?

- No, I haven’t __________ coffee, but I've got ___________ tea. Do you want ___________?

- Yes, please.

- Do you want __________strawberry jam too?

- Sure I love jam, and strawberry jam is my favourite!


Dialogue 2.

- I am hungry.

- Oh, I've got ____________ chicken soup. Do you want __________?

- Yea, that sounds great.

- I've also got __________chocolate biscuits in the cupboard, and there is an apple pie as well (тоже, еще).

- Do you have _________ juice?

- Sure, it's over there (Вон он). Help yourself (Угощайся).

Dialogue 3.

- Mummy, are there _________ tangerines at home?

- Oh, there are __________ oranges and bananas, but we haven’t got _________ tangerines. Dad will go (пойдет, will помогает построить предложение в будущем времени) to the shop and buy ____________.


Dialogue 4.

 -Have you got _________ sisters or brothers?

- Yes, my sister Tanya is 2 years old. She is funny. Have you got ___________ sisters or brothers?

- My brother Zhenya is a student, he is twenty-one years old.

Some/ any. Test 1

1. Tommy, have you got _________ oranges? I want to make an orange juice.

2. I haven’t got _________ milk. But I have got _________ lemonade.

3. Can you give me _________ bananas, please?

4. Mummy, have we got _________ cheese? I want a sandwich.

5. They have got __________ chips, but they haven’t got _________ burgers.

6. Daddy, can I have __________ biscuits, please?

Some/ any. Test 2

1. Mary, have you got _________ cheese? I want to make a sandwich.

2. We haven’t got _________ Coke. We have got __________ orange juice.

3. Daddy, can you give me _________ birthday cake, please?

4. Peter, have we got _________ carrots and potatoes? I want to go shopping.

5. I have got __________ bananas, but I haven’t got _________ apples.

6. Grandma, can I have __________ biscuits, please?

Good friends.

Mike is nine. He is a pupil. He has got a lot of friends. They are in the 3rd form.

On Sundays the friends walk, play football, or go to the Zoo. Football is Mike’s favourite sport.

On Monday they would like to play and play. But they are pupils. They are busy and must do their homework. They do it every day.

On Tuesdays they have some time to listen to music. And on Wednesdays they often play computer games. Thursdays are for reading funny fairy tales.

On Fridays they often watch wonderful TV programmes. And on Saturdays they like to go to a birthday party. And they help their mothers to clean the rooms.

They are good friends. They are good friends. They like to work and rest together.

Words to the text

the Zoo- зоопарк

their - их

for reading – для чтения

programme -программа

to rest - отдыхать

Задание A

Read the text. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Прочитай текст. Отметь утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).

  1. Mike has got a lot of friends.________
  2. Football is the friends’ favourite sport.________
  3. The friends are in the third form. ________
  4. They play and play on Mondays.__________

Задание B

Choose the correct variant. ( Выбери правильный ответ).

  1. On Tuesdays they have some time….
  1. to listen to music
  2. to play football
  3. to do homework

  1. They play computer games
  1. often
  2. on Wednesdays
  3. often on Wednesdays

  1. The TV programmes on Fridays are…..
  1. nice
  2. wonderful
  3. good
  1. On Saturdays the friends help their mothers…..
  1. to work and rest
  2. to go to the birthday party
  3. to clean the rooms

Задание C

Read the text and answer. (прочитай текст и ответь)

Why are they good friends?___________

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