Открытый урок в 9 классе "Музыка и мы"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 9 класс) на тему

Сергеева Елена Сергееевна

Конспект открытого урока в 9 классе по учебнику В. П.  Кузовлева,  подтема " Многое люди выбирают поп-музыку", группа Битлз


Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
Музыкальная академия

Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей

Современно, удобно, эффективно

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Тема. Музыка и мы. /We are and music. Many people choose pop. (Unit 3 Lesson 5)


             Ι. Практические

                1.Тренировать учащихся в употреблении НЛЕ по темe:         «Музыка в нашей жизни» в монологической и диалогической речи, при пересказе текстов и ответах на поставленные вопросы для достижения коммуникативной цели в рамках поставленных задач.

                2.Познакомить учащихся с понятием “Top Thirty”, “tapemate” и с основными тенденциями создания обложки для аудиокассеты


             II. Образовательные.

                   1. Расширять кругозор и словарный запас учащихся.

                   2. Учить грамотно работать со словарем и лингвострановедческим справочником и использовать конкретную информацию по теме.

             III. Развивающие.

                 1.Развивать логическое мышление учащихся и смысловую догадку.

                 2.Развивать учебно-информационные навыки АГЧП.

                 3.Развивать учебно-коммуникативные навыки АГЧП на основе предложенных для выполнения упражнений из учебника.

                 4.Развивать учебно-организационные навыки работы при выполнении различных команд, как учителя, так и самих учащихся, при работе в различных режимах (T→Cl, P→Cl,T↔P, P↔P), а также навыки самостоятельной работы  и при работе над песней.


                  1.Воспитыватьлюбовь к английскому языку.

                  2.Воспитывать любовь к музыке и эстетический вкус.

                  3.Воспитывать культуру общения при выражении собственного мнения.


                         Учебник 9 класса «English» под редакцией Кузовлева В. П. и др, рабочая тетрадь, фотографии известных людей, плакат с фотографией группы «Биттлз», музыкальное оформление: магнитофон и кассета с песней  «Love me do», распечатка со словами песни на каждого ученика, название темы урока, лист со словами из упр.2 с.51, аудиокассеты с разнообразным оформлением вкладышей-обложек и CD.

                                                 Ход урока.

 1. Начало урока.

     1) организационный момент.


      - Good morning, dear students. Glad to see you. Take your seats, please/

      - What is the date today? What is the day today?

      - Who is away today? Do you know why? What’s wrong with ..?

      - And how do you feel today?

      - Are you lucky today?  I wish you good luck.


      2) объявление цели урока.            


    - Today we go on speaking about music in our life about its trends and representatives and about its meaning foe every person. We’ll try to answer the question “Why do many people choose pop?” We’ll also learn some more information about Popular British Groups. I think it will be rather interesting for you to learn the meaning of the word “tapemate” and design your own cassete’s cover.

 Music and we are.

   - Let’s read the theme of our lesson. It’s on the  blackboard.

     3) фонетическая зарядка.   


Let’s start our work with  the phonetic exercise. Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see the rhyme:


     I like unusual  tunes in music:

    It’s amusing.

   The music I hate is appalling:

   It’s annoying.


a) Listen to me, please. I hope everything is clear to you, isn’t it?

b) Will you do to the blackboard and read the rhyme? (читает сильный ученик)

c) Repeat after him/her, please. (повторяем хором за сильным учеником)

d) Who wants to read it? (2-3 ученика)

Who remembered the rhyme? (2-3 ученика)                                                                                                                                                                        


       4) речевая зарядка.

                                                                                                                                                                                   -  And what is your favourite sort of music?

- What music irritates you?

- When and where do you listen to music?

- Are  there any special places for people to listen to music? (opera houses, concert halls, philharmonics, disco clubs…)

- Where else can we hear music? (Everywhere, even in the forest)

- Do you like having background music while you are working?

- Do you often buy records, cassettes, compact disks?

- Does music accompany your life? Is it a part of your life?

- What instrument do you like the sound of?

- What trends in music do you know? What are their representatives?

  - Thank you for the answers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2.   Контроль домашнего задания

- Your  home assignment was to prepare short descriptions of trends in music. What exercise could help you in it? ( Ex 5 p.59) now someone will go to the blackboard and describe the trend he liked best of all. Other students will ask him/her questions about trends in music.

(Учащиеся выходят к доске  и рассказывают об одном из предложенных направлений в музыке, а затем отвечают на вопросы других учащихся:

  а) сильные учащиеся и средние учащиеся задают свои вопросы,

  б) слабым учитель раздает листочки с готовыми вопросами, которые нужно задать по тексту).

- If everything is excellent I’ll put 5, if you have several mistakes I’ll put the appropriate mark according to your answer.

- Thank you for such a good preparation.                                                                                                                                                                                                    


    3. Изучение нового материала.

  a) обсуждение подтемы урока  

                                                                                                                                                      - Ok. We’ve heard that there are different trends in music and, of course, each trend is popular in its own time, for example, the 50-es – rock’n’roll, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

- There is a subtitle of our lesson. Open the boors on page 50.

- Can you read it? (Many people choose pop)

- What does the word “pop” mean? (It is the short for “popular”)

- What is popular music? (It is music popular in a certain period of time, it’s popular among lots of people, it’s the music for a wide audience or the music popular within a concrete small group of people)

- Are people’s tastes the same? (No)

- Do people listen to the same music? (Different groups of people different trends and these trends can be popular within this or that group of people.


b) Ex 1 p 50-51.


Беседа о группе «Битлз».

- Let’s read the task. (On Wednesday 24th October 1962, “Love me do” entered the British Top Thirty. It was a song of an unknown group from Liverpool. It was the 1st of a number of big hits that would make the group world famous).

-Look at the blackboard, please. You can see the members of this group at the picture. Who knows the members of this group? Who can show us who is who?

- Practically the same photograph is in your textbooks on page 51.

- What group is this?  (The Beatles)

c) Работа с лингвистическим словарем.

- Let’s consult the Linguistic Cultural Guide and find the information about this group. Put bookmarks to pages 50-51 and open your books on page 202.

- Read the text and be ready to answer my questions:

- Where did the group come from?

- How many members are there in this group?

- What were their names?

- What was the real name of Ringo Star?

- What influenced their music at the beginning?

- What melodies made the group popular?

- When was the group on the top of the charts?

- When did the group split up?

( все дети отвечают на вопросы по содержанию, а затем сильный ученик пересказывает вкратце)

- Thank you and who can retell the biography of this group in short?

d) Работа с песней.

The first song that made this group famous all over the world was “Love me do”.

- Let’s listen to this song. You’ve got the lists with the words of this very song. Listen to it for the first time and be ready to answer my questions.  

- Did you like it?

- What is the song about?

- What can you tell about the melody? Is it catchy, torchy, exciting, cheerful?

- It’s a really beautiful melody. Let’s sing this song together with the Beatles.  

- Thank you very much for the work.

- What other songs of this group do you know? (“Yesterday”, “Girl”, “Let it be”, “Yellow Submarine” etc.)

e) Ex 2 p 51.

- Do you think that a well-known name is important for a group?

- Mus the name be interesting, amusing, sentimental, catchy?

- It’s widely known that the name of the group “The Beatles” is a combination of two words. What words? Look at the blackboard, please. Consult the dictionary if you need, think of spelling.

           beast  beat  beautiful  bear  beef  beat  beed  beetle

(- These are two words: beat – бит, удар, ритм, and beetle – жук)

- Do you know the history of such a title? Those times it was popular to give the groups the names of insects and the core of the creative work of this group was beat that’s why the singers combined two words into such a catchy, unusual and modern name.

f) Работа с Британской Тридцаткой популярных песен 1962 года.  

- As we have already learnt “Love me do” entered the British Top Thirty in 1962. look through the list of songs popular that time and find the names that are still popular today. (We can often hear songs of Elvis Priesley, sometimes – songs of ray Chartes and Cliff Richard, others are forgotten.

- What do you know about Elvis Priestley?

 (He is the king of rock’n’roll, he died but his songs are still alive.)

- By the way his musical rating is still one of the highest in the world.

- But now let’s return to our days, to our century. Who is popular today?

g) анализ обложек для кассет.    

    Ex 9 p 53          

- One of the popular singers nowadays is Brian Adams. Open the books on page 53 and read the subtitle of the lesson (Making a tapemate)

- Look at me, please. What is it? It is a tapemate. (“Это обложка для кассеты)

- Let’s take a closer look at the tape mate in the textbook and say what information it gives.

- Who is the tapemate about? (Brian Adams)

- What have you just learned about him?

- When and where was he born? (5 November 1959, Ontario, Canada)

- What were his parents? (Mother – English teacher, father – in the army)

- Where does he live? (He has two homes: one in Vancouver, Canada, another – in London, England)

- Has he got a car? (A land Rover)

- What is his favourite food? (Spagetti, pizza)

- What is his trend in music? (Rock)

- So, what information does the tapemate give? (it gives us information about the singer, his name, his habits, hobbies, a short biography, his photo, the name of his main hit, etc.)


Let’s look through the other samples of the tapemates and CD covers. (Учащиеся рассматривают обложки для кассет, которые учитель им раздал для анализа. Обложки раздаются всем разные с разнообразным, неповторяющимся содержанием для более подробного и полного анализа.)

- What information do they contain?

-- lists of songs and songs themselves

-- names of groups, singers

-- photographs of singers from concerts

-- names of new and interesting albums of different groups and singers

-- names of other collections from the same series

--creative pictures

-- masterpieces  of famous artists of ancient times

-- fairy-tale creatures

-- gratitudes and thanks

-- advertisements, telephones of special shops and distributors and supporters

-- appeals to the public, audience  

-- lotteries

-- discount cards

-- warnings

- Let’s write down some words about the content of a tapemate. (Songs, names photos, pictures thanks, telephones, addresses, lotteries discount cards, warnings)

- What can you say about the quality if the tapemates? (All of them are very colorful, reflect the mood of this or that cassette and of high quality)

- Some of the tapemates are in calm, gentle colors, others are aggressive and even irritating. But the main purpose of each tapemate is to attract the audience. And by every tapemate we can say where it is produced in Russia or in a foreign country.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4. Объяснение домашнего задания.

I think you can guess that after the analysis of tapemates your home assignment will be to create your own tapemate. Your home assignment is ex.10 p. 53 – choose any pop-star you like and design a tapemate, ex 9 p 53 will help you.                                                                                                                                          

- Is everything clear? Do you have any questions?


5. Подведение итогов.

- What are your impressions of the lesson?

- Did you like it? / What didn’t you like?

- What was difficult?

- What was especially interesting?

- Whose work did you like best of all?

- I’m very pleased with your answers especially I’d like to notice the work of...

- Your marks are…

- I wish you good luck.

The lesson is over, good-bye.

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