Задание по чтению
методическая разработка по чтению (4 класс)

Задания по чтению по теме "Город" 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Hi! I’m Mike. I’m ten years old. I live in a big city. There are many places in my neighborhood: museum, grocery store, movie theatre, mall, church, school, park etc. I go to school every day only at the weekend I am at home. My friends and I like visiting the Mall after school. There are many things to do.  Sometimes we go to the movie theatre. At the weekend my family and I go to the grocery store to buy something tasty for our dinner. We visit the park on Sunday and play there many funny games. Next Friday my class and I go to the museum. I want to see dinosaurs so much!

Task 1.

Read the text and answer the questions.

  1. How old is Mike?
  2. Where does Mike live?
  3. Where do Mike and his friends go after school?
  4. What do Mike and his family do on Sunday?
  5. What will Mike see at the museum?

 Task 2.

Correct the sentences if it is necessary. Write the correct answer.

  1. Mike lives in a small city.
  2. There are less places in his city.
  3. He goes to school every day.
  4. Mike and his family go to the church on Sunday.
  5. Mike will visit museum next Monday.

Task 1.

This is the map of Mike’s city. Look and answer where is …….

Use the words: opposite, next to, behind.

  1. The library is __________ the bank.
  2. The mall is ____________ the movie theatre.
  3. Apartments are __________ the fire station.

Task 2.

Look at the map and answer the questions.

  1. Is there any toy shop?
  2. How many apartments are there?
  3. Is florist’s big or small?

Task 3.

Take a pen and circle places where Mike…

…..goes everyday

….. go with his friends.

….. go next Friday.

….. go on Sunday.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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