Навстречу к Универсиаде 2013
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Локотунина Наталья Васильевна

цель: познакомить учащихся со спортивными объектами города Казани перед открытием Универсиады 2013г. Значение эмблем Универсиады.


Файл kazan-universiadnaya_-_kopiya.pptx2.93 МБ
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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

KAZAN is the host city of the Universiade 2013

Слайд 2

The Key mission of volunteers is to help. That is why the stylized image of a funny disheveled small man was chosen as Kazan 2013 volunteers logotype.

Слайд 3

On the one hand this logotype is a smile on the other hand it is an open palm that has always been a symbol of sincerity, goodwill and help. The Five colors of the palm are the five brand colors of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), symbolizing the 5 continents of the Globe.

Слайд 4

How to be a good volunteer Be selfless Be well-trained Be dependable Be enthusiastic Be open-minded Be respectful Be cooperative Be understanding Be humble Be friendly

Слайд 5

Kazan 2013 volunteers’ slogan “Make U real” reflects the importance of each volunteer in holding large-scale sports event and a huge amount of opportunities that the Universiade 2013 offers to all the participants.

Слайд 6

The mascot of the Universiade in Kazan is Uni , the kitten of winged snow leopard.

Слайд 7

Sports objects in Kazan and in London “Kazan – Arena” is “ Olympic stadium” a unique stadium

Слайд 8

“Center Stadium” “ Wembley Stadium”

Слайд 9

“Gymnastics Palace” “The 02 Arena”

Слайд 10

“The Palace of Water Sports” “London Aquatics Centre”

Слайд 11

“The Baskethall ” “The Basketball Arena”

Слайд 12

Tennis Academy All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (AEL TC)

Слайд 13

Centre of rowing sports Hyde Park

Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий мероприятия по английскому языку с использованием ИКТ

на тему «Навстречу универсиаде – 2013»

Вед 1: Good afternoon! We are glad to greet you here. Nowadays, Kazan is the host city of the Universiade. Our pupils become volunteers and learn English. As you know English is an international language, language of communication of the Universiade.

Вед 2: Здравствуйте, уважаемые гости!

Мы рады приветствовать вас на мероприятии, посвященному универсиаде в Казани. Школьники вступают в ряды волонтеров, изучают английский язык, который является международным и языком общения универсиады.

Вед2:The Key mission of volunteers is to help.

That’s why the stylized image of a funny disheveled small man was chosen as Kazan 2013 volunteers logotype.

Вед 1: Миссия волонтеров – помочь. Вот почему стилизованный образ растрёпанного маленького человечка был выбран как логотип волонтёров.

Вед1:On the one hand this logotype is a smile on the other hand it is an open palm that has always been a symbol of sincerity, goodwill and help.

Вед 2:С оной стороны этот логотип – улыбка, с другой стороны – это открытая ладошка, которая всегда была символом искренности, доброжелательности и помощи.

Вед2:The five colors of the palm are the five brand colors of the International University Sports Federation, symbolizing the five continents of the Globe.

Вед1:Пять цветов на ладошке – это пять цветов Международной федерации студенческого спорта, символизирующих пять континента земного шара.

Вед1:If  Kazan is ready for this event, I wonder?

Let’s meet our volunteers!!!

Вед 2: Гостям нашей столицы интересно, как идет подготовка. И так, встречайте наших волонтеров!

(вбегают дети-волонтеры под музыку) (слад – фото)

Introducing of volunteers:

V1: My name is…   I’m 10. I’m from Kazan.

V2: My name is…   I like my native city.

V3: I’m   …   I learn English and I like speaking.

V4: My name is…   I like sport, I like playing basketball.

V5: I’m…. I’m a pupil of 4th form. I like reading.

V6: My name is….  I am proud of Kazan.


V1: How to be a good volunteer?

V2: To be open-minded!

V3: To be selfless!

V4: To be respectful!

V5: To be well- trained!

V6: To be understanding!

Все вместе: We are volunteers!!!

V1 We are ready to greet our guests from London!

(звук самолета)

(Входят гости из Лондона.)

Londoners:  Hello!  We are Londoners! We are so glad to arrive in to Kazan to the capital of  Tatarstan. We all are sportsmen and like swimming, running and playing. Of course, we took part in Olympiade in London. It was exciting!

V2: Oh, yes it was. Would you like to see the places of Universiade?

English: Of course! It would be very interesting for us. Are you ready for  Universiade?

V3: We believe in it. Let’s go!

( садятся на стулья, звучит музыка “The wheels of a bus”)

Экскурсия по объектам универсиады

V4: Look! Here you see Kazan-Arena. It is a unique stadium. It’s great. The Universiade will be opened here.

English: I see it’s nice. There is the same Olympic Stadium in London, too.

V5:  Now, look at this Center Stadium. It is a new object in Kazan. It is round and you see it is covered with green grass.

English: We have the same Wembley Stadium.

V6: This is a Gymnastics  Palace. Our people go in for it very much. Look our girls are doing it now!!!

( спорт.танец девочек)

English: Look at the 02 Arena. It has a nice shape. We like this sport.

V1: You see The Palace of Water Sport. It will be used for competitive ground for water polo and swimming.

English: Our sportsmen swim in London Aquatics Centre.

V2:  In The Baskethall  you will see a competition of our basketball team. It will be wonderful!

English: We have the Basketball Arena. It is very big in it’s size.

V3: A lot of students play in this Tennis Academy.

English: This is All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. It is a national game.

V4: There is A Centre of rowing sports in Kazan.

English: There are rowing sports in our Hyde Park.

V5: Also, we play a lawn hockey, volleyball and football.

V6: I think we are tired a bit. Let’s go to our sport café and have a rest.

(садятся за стол в кафе) (слайд)

Сцена в Кафе:

V2: What are we going to have for lunch today?

English 2: I have always wanted to taste Tatar  “Chak-chak”.

V2: Help yourself! It’s very tasty!

English 2: Thank you! 

English 3: Would you like to give me some honey! I like it a lot!

V3: Of course, take it please!

English 4: But I like baursak more! It is very nice!

V4: It’s a traditional cuisine for Tatar people. There are a lot of tasty food in Tatarstan.

English 5:  We have a lot of fun today and we are so happy to be here. Let’s have a dance! ( музыка, танец «Shake to the party music»)



Thank you a lot! It was so exciting to know about everything.

We hope that Kazan will have more close friends after this event.

(звучит песня «We all friends together» все участники поют и танцуют)

Подготовила сценарий мероприятия

 учитель английского языка

МАОУ «Прогимназия№360»


Локотунина Наталья Васильевна

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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