Контрольная работа 4 класс 1 четверть (УМК English 4 Кузовлев В.П,)
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Афанасьева Юлия Владимировна

Контрольная работа в 1 четверти в 4 классе по материалам УМК В.П. Кузовлева 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

4 класс, 1 четверть УМК «English-2» Кузовлев В.П.




I. Listening.

Дети рассказывают о самом лучшем выходном дне.

Послушай четыре высказывания.

Соотнеси имена детей (1—4) с тем, что они любят делать в выходной день (А—Е). Один ответ лишний. Ты услышишь высказывания два раза.

1. Tina _____________                A. likes visiting parks.

2. Jess _____________                 B. likes shopping with her brother.

3. Kate_____________                C. likes going for walks with her parents.

4. Emma____________                 D. likes going to sports games with her father.

E. enjoyed going to another city.

II. Reading. Хорошо ли ты знаешь правила чтения?

1. Reading rules. Распредели слова по группам в соответствии с правилами чтения выделенных букв.

In the science room children could show shells from the beach, large dangerous sharks, nice giraffes and good cheerful kangaroos, which they made of clay.














2. Прочитай отрывок из книги «Путешествие Карен на самолёте» (Karen's Plane Trip by Ann M. Martin). Установи соответствие между именами героев рассказа и информацией о них (А—К). Ты можешь использовать буквы (А-К) несколько раз.

I was in my room when I heard a plane in the sky. My little brother, Andrew, was at a friend’s house. Mummy wasn’t in the room. Seth was at work. (Seth is my stepfather.) .

Usually I don’t look at planes. But soon I will fly to Nebraska to visit Granny and Grandad. (They are Seth’s mother and father. They live on a farm.)

“Hey, plane!” I called. “Soon I will ride on you!”

I went to my bed. A suitcase was on the bed.

“Goosie,” I said to my toy cat, “I will bring you to Nebraska with me. But I will not pack you now.”

Goosie didn’t answer. But I talked to him. I am Karen Brewer. I am seven years old. My brother is four. We both have blond hair and blue eyes. I like real animals and toy animals. You can talk to them. They cannot answer but you can think that they can talk.

“Goosie,” I said, “I hope you are not afraid of flying to Nebraska  I am not afraid. Once I went to the camp. Kristy and her friends were there.” (Kristy is my big stepsister.) “But now I will stay with Granny and Grandad.”

I looked at my suitcase.

“Oh, I forgot my roller skates!” I put my skates. Then I put five books and my doll. I wanted to close the suitcase. But I could not do it.

“Do you want my help, Karen?” asked Mummy.

(after Ann M. Martin)

a suitcase - чемодан

to pack - упаковывать

now – сейчас

Karen ______________________



Karen’s gradparents___________

Karen’s mother_______________

  1. will visit Seth’s mother and father.
  2. is four.
  3. is a toy cat.
  4. isn’t afraid of flying.
  5. live on the farm.
  6. has got blond hair and blue eyes.
  7. will fly on the plane.
  8. was in a camp once.
  9. wanted to help to pack a suitcase.

III. Use of English (Vocabulary/Grammar).

1.  Прочитай про животных из семейства кошачьих и заполни пропуски (1-10) прилагательным в правильной форме. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

Your cat is (0) smaller (small) than the lion, leopard, and tiger but they all are relatives. Tigers are the (1) __________________ (large) cats in the world. The Amur Tiger is (2) ___________________ (big) than other tigers. It is the (3) ____________________ (heavy) Wild cat in the world. The cheetah is (4) _________________ (small) than the tiger, but it is (5) ________________ (fast) than the tiger. In fact the cheetah is the (6)_______________ (fast) animal on land. The lion is the (7) ____________________________ (dangerous) animal in Africa. Some cats are (8) ____________________ (furry) than others. The snow leopard has (9) __________________ (long) fur than the lion.

2. Прочитай про рептилий, выбери правильный ответ и заполни пропуски (1-10). Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

(0)        Reptiles           are crocodiles, snakes and turtles. (1)________________________ is an animal with a long body and no legs.

 Snakes live in (2)____________________ places: in forests, rivers, and lakes.

(3)____________________snakes live in trees and

(4) ______________________snakes spend their time in water.

Snakes cannot (5) ______________________where it is cold.

Some people are (6) _____________________of snakes. But people are not afraid of turtles.

A turtle is a (7) __________________________with a shell.

Some turtles live (8)______________________, but others live in water.

Many land turtles are (9)______________________.

But sea turtles are very (10) __________________________________.

0. reptiles/whales                         6. special/scared

1. A snake/An alligator                 7. snake/reptile

2. dangerous/different                         8. in the world/on land

3. Tall/Some                                  9. slow/fluffy

4. other/slow                                 10. fast/cheerful

5. travel/live


I. Listening








II. Reading










science nice

good kangaroos

children beach












Karen’s grandparents  

Karen’s mother  

A, D, F, G, H

B, F




III. Use of English (Vocabulary /Grammar)

1. (0) smaller (1) largest (2) bigger (3) heaviest (4) smaller (5) faster (6) fastest (7) most dangerous (8) furrier (9) longer (10) most beautiful

2. (0) reptiles (1) A snake (2) different (3) Some (4) other (5) live (6) scared (7) reptile (8) on land (9) slow (10) fast

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