My dream job.
материал по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Черепанова Юлия Васильевна

Открытый урок в 4 классе на тему : "My dream job". Отработка конструкции to be going to ... УМК English-4  Кузовлев В.П.


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Файл task/ monologue9.63 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

- Greetings.

I’m glad to see my students, the students from the other group and guests,colleagues.  

We would like to show you how we can work at English lessons.

- Let’s start our lesson.

- How are you?

- I’m Ok. And you?

- I’m fine. Thank you. Nice to see you.

- Nice to see you, too.

- What date is it today? (Today is the twenty-third of April.)

- What day of week is it today? (Today is Saturday.)

- Let’s train our tongues. Please, listen to the tongue twister. Then repeat it.

( Red lorry, yellow lorry.)

- Very well.

- Today is Saturday. That’s great. Do you like Saturday? (Yes, I do.)

- Do you like studying on Saturday? (No, I don’t.)

- Is it your free time? (Yes, it is.)

- What do you do in your free time?  Do you have hobby? (Yes, I do.)

- I have got a poem about hobbies. Read this poem.

- What hobby do you have?

- I’m giving the task. Read this task.

- What do you see in the table? Do you see verbs? (Yes, I do.)

- Now, write the nouns using suffix –er.

- You have got 2 minutes.

- What are these? (These are jobs.)

- What jobs do you know else?

- How do you think, what are you going to talk? (We are going to talk about jobs.)

- I have got some riddles. Guess what is a job?

1. This person works with computers, makes new programmes.

2. This person is very famous and stars in films.

3. This person works on a farm.

4. This person works at school and teaches children Biology, History etc.

5. This person drives a car or a bus.

6. This person makes people healthy and helps sick people.

7. This person does sports, can be a champion.

(a programmer, an actor, a farmer,  a teacher, a driver, a doctor, a sportsman)

- Task. Jobs and what people do.

-  Task. Jobs and places around.

- Next task. True or False. Read the first sentence and choose true or false.

- Ok. Correct the mistake.

- Do you know the poems about the jobs?

(The poem is “What are you going to be?”)

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

I am going to be a rockstar.

I am going to be a baker.

I am going to be an artist.

I am going to be a vet.

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

I am going to be a dancer.

I am going to be a florist.

I am going to be a baseball player.

I am going to be a superhero.

- I would like to know what are you going to be?  (I’m going to be ….)

I have got the forms. These forms are about your dream jobs. Complete these forms.

- Time is running out. Let’s sing.

Nigel Naylor, he's a tailor

He makes trousers, suits and shirts

Penny Proctor, she's a doctor

Comes to see you when it hurts.

Peter Palmer, he's a farmer

He's got cows and pigs and sheep

Wendy Witter, babysitter

Minds the kids when they're asleep.

People work in the country

People work in the town

People work day and night

To make the world go round.

Mabel Meacher, language teacher

Teaches English, French and Greek

Gary Gummer, he's a plumber

Call him when you've got a leak.

Patty Prentice, she's a dentist

Keeps your teeth both clean and white

Ronnie Ryman, he's a fireman

Comes when there's a fire to fight.

People work in the country

People work in the town

People work day and night

To make the world go round.

People work in the country

People work in the town

People work day and night

To make the world go round.

- What was the theme of our lesson? ( “My dream job.”)

- Everyone gets excellent marks and gifts. You can use it next year. I hope it helps you to learn English language.

-  Our time is up, thank you for your work. Good bye, see you.

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Make up the new words (nouns) using the suffix -er.

to write

to drive

to play

to dance

to report

to paint

to teach

to bake

to build

to wait

to farm

to sing

to dive

Make up the new words (nouns) using the suffix -er.

to write

to drive

to play

to dance

to report

to paint

to teach

to bake

to build

to wait

to farm

to sing

to dive

Предварительный просмотр:

My dream job.
I like __________________________.
I am good at __________________.
I can __________________________.
I am going to __________________.
I ______ not _______to ___________.
I _______ ________ to be ______________.

My dream job.
I like __________________________.
I am good at __________________.
I can __________________________.
I am going to __________________.
I ______ not _______to ___________.
I _______ ________ to be ______________.

My dream job.
I like __________________________.
I am good at __________________.
I can __________________________.
I am going to __________________.
I ______ not _______to ___________.
I _______ ________ to be ______________.

My dream job.
I like __________________________.
I am good at __________________.
I can __________________________.
I am going to __________________.
I ______ not _______to ___________.
I _______ ________ to be ______________.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Открытый урок в 4 классе на тему "My dream job"

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