Тесты для 11 класса
методическая разработка по иностранному языку на тему

Горелова Юлия Александровна

Данные тесты предназначены для  11 класса  и абитуриентам для подготовки к  экзаменам.Тесты не претендуют на полное изложение всего грамматического материала, а содержит лишь основные положения


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Предварительный просмотр:

Данные тесты предназначены для  11 класса  и абитуриентам для подготовки к  экзаменам.Тесты не претендуют на полное изложение всего грамматического материала, а содержит лишь основные положения.  


Test 1

Choose the right variant

1.They took…..seats by the  window.

a)there                             c)their

b)they                               d)theirs

2.Nobody is away…..are here.

a)everybody                      c)all

b)each                                d)everyone

3.There lived a lot of animals on our farm:……

a)sheeps,cow and pigs           c)sheeps,cows and pork

b)sheep,cow and pig              d)sheep,cows and pigs

4.I will be waiting for you ….about 8.

a)till                                   c)to

b)in                                     d)before

5.When are you going to come back …..home?

a)at                                   c)to

b)in                                   d)-

6.Do you know when the train arrives…..Moscow?

a)at                                   c)to

b)in                                    d)-

7…..a long time to work at the same office.

a)20 year is                     c)20 year are

b)20 years are                 d)20 years is

8.They will have….holiday after finishing their work.

a)a two week                      c)a two weak

b)a two weeks                     d)the two week

9.I felt ….great after a cold shower.

a)myself                             c)me

b)-                                       d)my

10…..people keep pets at home.

a)the most                        c)most the

b)most of                           d)most

11.-How much cigarettes are left?

a)-none                            c)-nothing

b)-neither                        d)- no any

12.-Does he speak German or English?

a)-either .He knows Spanish too

b)-so.He knows Spanish either

c)-so.He knows Spanish too

d)-neither.He does not speak Spanish too.

13.He never does….work on time.

a)no                            c)some

b)not                           d)any

14…..seen Jack today?

a)Have anybody                  c)Have nobody

b)Has anybody                     d)Has somebody

15.Would you like….tea or coffee?

a)some                         c)something

b)any                           d)anyone

16.You can tell him…..you like.

a)nobody                    c)anything

b)somebody                d)someone

17.I last saw him ….day ago.

a)few                      c)a great deal of

b)a few                   d)a lot

18.The  man ….lives next door is good at telling funny stories

a)which                 c)who

b)that is                 d)whose

19.The old woman…in the accident was taken to hospital.

a)injuring               c)being injured

b)injured                d)being injuring

20.There were some children….hockey in the yard.

a)play                      c)played

b)to play                 d)playing

21.Jane is….because her job is monotonous.

a)boring                   c)being boring

b)bored                    d) to have bored

22.This is an….situation.

a)embarrassing           c)embarrass

b)embarrassed            d)embarrassed

23.I never buy this tea.It tastes….

a)strangely                     c)strange

b)strangerly                   d)stranger

24.a)It was sun yesterday                  c)There was  sunny yesterday

b)It was sunny yesterday                    d)Their was sunny yesterday

25.He misunderstood me,….?

a)is not                        c)did not he

b)did he                       d)is not he

26.Do you think this water is safe…?

a)drinking                 c)for dranks

b)drink                       d)to drink

27.It is so stupid….him to give up his job.

a)for                        c)off

b)of                         d)from

28.Do not go by plane.It is….

a)much more expensive                          c)much expensiver

b)more much expensive                          d)such much expensive

29.Could you do it ….,please?

a)more careful                             c)more carefully

b)much careful                             d)carefuller

30.My brother is five years….

a)elder than me                          c)older that I

b)older than me                          d)older than I

31.She looks ….three years ago.

a)as same as                            c)the same than

b)the same as                          d)the same from

32.I…see her today.

a)won`t probably                        c)wont probably

b)want probably                          d)don`t probably will

33.-Have you given up dancing?

a)-no,I dance yet                           c)-no,I dance any longer

b)-no,I yet dance                           d)-no,I still dance

34.Do you know the child….this photo?

a)on                                   c)in

b)at                                    d)by

35.The clock….the very minute he died.

a)stops                                  c)had been stopped

b)is stopped                          d)was stopped

36.When I was here last this building…..

a)was build                            c)being built

b)was being built                  d)had being built

37.By the time we met he….3 books.

a)had written                        c)had been written

b)has written                        d)has been writing

38.My daughter …twice this year.

a)has been ill                       c)had been ill

b)has illed                             d)was ill

39.When…her? How does she look?

a)have you seen                      c)you saw

b)had you seen                        d)did you see

40…..her?What does she look like?

a)have you ever saw                      c)have you ever seen

b)had you ever seen                       d)did you ever see

Test 2

Choose the right variant

1.Life was very different ….today.

a)then                         c)since

b)than                          d)from

2.A lot of children died….diseases.

a)with                          c)of

b)out of                       d)because

3.Don`t  stand….my way.

a)in                              c)at

b)on                             d)near

4.Let`s keep ….the middle of the road.

a)on                              c)in

b)to                               d)at

5.There…a lot of cars in the car park.

a)wasn`t                     c)was

b)aren`t                      d)were

6.There….not 5 but 6 boys in our class.

a)is                               c)aren`t

b)are                            d)was

7.Did you have…..to drink?

a)something                   c)some

b)anything                       d)any

8.Would you like…to eat?

a)something                    c)some

b)anything                        d)any

9.You may choose….you like.

a)nothing                         c)some

b)anything                        d)any

10.Is there….milk left?

a)nothing                         c)some

b)anything                        d)any

11.The teacher told the pupils….copy the text.

a)don`t                             c)not to

b)not                                 d)-

12.He won`t be able to see us in summer,…?

a)won`t he                        c)want he

b)will he                            d)would he

13.She played…tennis last summer.

a)-                                      c)a

b)the                                 d)an

14.Can your brother play…violin?

a)-                                      c)a

b)the                                 d)an

15.It was…woman I spoke to yesterday.

a)-                                          c)a

b)the                                      d)an

16.-Will you wear a sweater or a coat?-…?

a)-none                                    c)-nothing

b)neither                                  d)-no

17.I…hardly breathe.

a)could                                     c)didn`t

b)couldn`t                                d)didn`t can

18.-You misunderstood me here.

-….my brother.

a)so did                                    c)neither was

b)neither did                           d)so was

19.It wasn`t….you imagined.

a)as bad as                            c)better

b)bad                                      d)so like

20.This is…book I have ever read.

a)an exciting                            c)the excitiest

b)the most exciting                  d)an exciter

21.I find this article ….dull

a)more much                           c)more little

b)lesser                                      d)less

22.What….this activity called?

a)-                                                 c)will

b)has                                          d)is

23…..Great Britain?

a)Did you come in                                 c)Were you go to

b)Have you ever been in                      d)Had you been at the

24.I…all my homework before mother came.

a)had done                                      c)have done

b)was doing                                     d)have been doing

25.Tell me when you…next time.

a)come                                         c)coming

b)will come                                 d)comes

26.You`ll never pass your exam unless you….all the material.

a)learn                                       c)will study

b)will learn                                 d)teach

27.I…for Moscow tomorrow morning.

a)am leaving                            c)will leaving

b)left                                         d)have left

28.He….2pen-pals in America.

a)`s got                               c)`re

b)`d got                              d)`ll

29.Tomorrow she….the city at this time.

a)will approach                    c)approach

b)will be approaching         d)are approaching

30.It`s too hot here.I…take off my coat.

a)must                                     c)have to

b)ought                                    d)may

31.I think you….call your friend.I`d do it first thing if I were you.

a)must                                    c)have to

b)should                                  d)has to

32.There….of snow last winter.

a)were much                          c)was great deal

b)was much                            d)was great number

33.How….time is left before the class is over?

a)much                                    c)little

b)many                                     d)few

34.There is too….salt in the soup.

a)few                                        c)a little

b)little                                       d)many

35….money left?

a)are there any                      c)is there any

b)is there some                      d)is the

36.He suggested…..the room.

a)to clean                          c)that to clean

b)cleaning                         d)clean

37.Ask Bill what….for breakfast.

a)will he have                      c)he will have

b)has he                                d)will he having

38.I must go to the dry-cleaner`s….

a)to clean my coat                      c)clean my coat

b)cleaning my coat                    d)to have my coat cleaned


a)know                              c)has know

b)knows                            d)is knowing

40.Do you mind ….the TV?

Test 3

Chose the right variant

1.My parents live in…country.

a)a                                c)the

b)an                              d)-

2.They speak…very good English.

a)-                                  c)a

b)the                              d)an

3.My dream is to see….Alps.

a)-                                  c)a

b)the                             d)an

4.Would you like to take….to read?

a)something                   c)some

b)anything                      d)any

5.Problems like to take…..to read

a)never interested                             c)never interesting

b)are never interested in                  d)never are interested

6.Rose is…He is lecturing her on morals.

a)bored                                             c)being boring

b)boring                                           d)having bored

7.He said he…to learn this long poem by heart.

a)is not be able                              c)will not be able

b)is not able                                    d)would not be able

8.This pupil made…in English.

a)good progresses                          c)piece of good progresses

b)a good progresses                        d)good progress

9.She hasn`t changed.She  looks ….5 years ago

a)as same                                          c)the same from

b)the same than                               d)the same as

10.Mother is cooking something.It smells….

a)well                                         c)as well

b)good                                       d)goodly

11.She not only ,she plays the piano…

a)as good                              c)as well as

b)as well                               d)as good as

12.I live in a….flat.

a)three room                         c)three room`s

b)three rooms                        d)three rooms`


a)were`s                               c)where has

b)where`s                             d)were was

14…..I see you I feel nervous.

a)whoever        c)whatever

b)however                             d)whenever

15.She ….she was too busy.

a)said                               c)told to me

b)told                               d)said me

16.She didn`t want that I go there

b)She didn`t want me go there

c)She didn`t want going there

d)She didn`t want me to go there.

17.One of my bad habits….my nails.

a)is biting                          c)is bitting

b)are biting                       d)are to bite

18.a)She is nice to talk to

b)She is nice to talking to

c)She is nice talking with her

d)She is nice talking to her

19.I…on the left.

a)am not used driving                            c)didn`t used to drive

b)am not used to driving                       d)usedn`t drive

20.These carpets….as well as possible.

a)are clean                               c)are to be cleaned

b)to be clean                            d)are being clean

21.We….to the seaside for a week every August

a)have been going                                c)are going

b)go                                                         d)have gone

22.I….this cold at the end of May

a)have caught                                c)caught

b)had caught                                  d)was caught

23.Do you think it….?

a)`ll raining                               c)rains

b)`ll rain                                     d)rain

24.Don`t call me after 10.I….

a)`ll sleep                             c)`ll be sleeping

b)am sleeping                      d)sleep

25.I…here for seven years next Friday.

a)`ll have been                      c)`ll be

b)have been                          d)am

26.Let me know when she….

a)will arrive                           c)has arrived

b)arrived                                d)arrives

27.You should insure your house in case…a fire.

a)there`ll be                           c)it is

b)there is                                d)it`ll be

28.a)Have you ever saw Hamlet?

     b)Haven`t you ever seen Hamlet?

    c)Had you ever seen Hamlet?

    d)Did you ever seen Hamlet?


a)songs                                              c)sang

b)sung                                             d)sing

30.I….down and closed my eyes.I wanted to relax.

a)lied                                       c)lie

b)lay                                        d)laid

31.Only three people came.I…so much food.

a)mustn`t buy                             c)needn`t buy

b)needn`t have bought              d)mustn`t have bought

32.Mary is crying.She ….have some problems.

a)must                                 c)has to

b)can                                     d)should

33.You…see what she wants.

a)had better                             c)had better to

b)would rather to                     d)have better

34.I…somebody coming.

a)can hear                             c)am hearing

b)can listen to                       d)am listening

35…..speak English at your office?

a)have you often to                  c)must you often to

b)do you often have to             do you have often to

36.He didn`t …about it.

a)let her talk                             c)let her to talk

b)let`s her talk                          d)let her talking

37.-I like apricots

a)-so I do                                  c)-either do I

b)-neither do I                       d)-so do I

38.Come on Tuesday or Wednesday.-….day is OK.

a)none                                        c)no one

b)both                                         d)either

39.He`s written 10 novels already.His ….novel`s being published  next week.

a)last                                       c)latest

b)least                                      d)at last

40.I`m sure ….dreams will come true.

a)most my                                     c)most of my

b)my most                                     d)my most of


Choose the right variant

1.My favourite flowers are…

a)lily-of-the-valley                             c)lilies-of-the-valley

b)lilies-of-the-valleys                         d)lily-of-the-valleys

2.I don`t like artificial silk.I`d rather have real…

a)ones                                          c)one

b)that one                                    d)-

3.Where are….photos?There were 20 of them.

a)the other                                  c)other

b)another                                     d)anothers

4.He entered…the hall but there was nobody there.

a)in                                                c)-

b)to                                                d)at


a)with                               c)by

b)in                                    d)your

6.I married….Dick on the West Coast.

a)-                                     c)on

b)to                                   d)with

7.We understand him…his bad accent.

a)in spite on                       c)instead of

b)in spite of                        d)except for

8.I`m ….your complaining

a)sick with                          c)ill from

b)sick of                               d)ill because of

9.Bella likes that red hat.She`s….

a)trying it up                       c)trying it on

b)trying it out                      d)trying it

10.Your coat is on the floor.Your mother told you to….

a)hang it up                          c)hang it over

b)hang it on                          d)hang it above

11.Politics…a complicated business.

a)are                                       c)is

b)have been                          d)are being

12.Lucas has spent ….time in the Far East.

a)a lot                                       c)a large number of

b)a great deal of                     d)a plenty of

13.-Where are my shirts?

-There are….in the washing –mashine

a)a lot of                        c)plenty of

b)a great deal                d)a lot

14.This theory is very interesting ,but….people understand it.

a)few                              c)a little

b)little                             d)a few

15.He seldom goes out these days,…?

a)does he                         c)does he not

b)doesn`t he                    d)is he

16.I…going to the parties.

a)like very much                        c)very like

b)very much like                       d)much very like

17.a)was the time enough?

b)had you enough time?

с)did you have enough time?

d)did you time enough?

18.I your brother….or younger than you?

a)elder                               c)more elder

b)older                                d)more older

19.Practise it…you can.

a)as better as                      c)as better than

b)as much as                        d)as good as

20.I`m going to study….next year because I`ll be leaving school.

a)more harder                               c)hardly

b)more hardly                                d)hard

21.When a child I…in this lake.

a)swim                                             c)swam

b)swum                                           d)swammed

22.a)It was a very interesting information

b)These were very interesting informations

c)They were very interesting pieces of informations

d)Those were very interesting pieces of information

23.Books of such kind….me.

a)never interested                             c)is interesting

b)are never interested in                  d)were interesting

24.What languages were you …at school?

a)studied                                      c)learned

b)taught                                        d)teached

25.Who is that girl….over there?

a)stood                                       c)standing

b)stands                                      d)standed

26.She said….in the garden.

a)she heard his sing                            c)that she heard him sang

b)she heard him singing                     d)she is hearing him sing

27.You….him you wouldn`t be able to come.

a)said                                      c)told to

b)said to                                 d)told

28.This is my…..room

a)mothers-in-law                                           c)mother`s-in-law

b)mother-in-law`s                                         d)mother-in-law

29.Look!There are so many ….in the street.

a)men                                       c)man

b)mens                                     d)mans

30.Where are my….?

a)handkerchiefs                           c)handkerchief

b)handkecheves                          d)handkerchiefen

31.Let….do it.

a)`s her                               c)her

b)`s she                               d)she

32.He….to answer the question

a)also ready                      c)also is ready

b)is also ready                    d)ready also

33.You….when she comes home.

a)never know                                  c)know never

b)don`t never know                        d)don`t know never

34…..raining.Take your umbrella.

a)there`s                                       c)it`ll

b)it may                                         d)it`s

35….a house over there.

a)there`s                                      c)there

b)its                                               d)theirs

36.I hope I….miss the train.

a)want                                      c)wont

b)want to                                 d)won`t

37.We can do any work….

a)easy                                      c)very easy

b)easily                                    d)very much

38.He feels….today

a)bad                                       c)badder

b)badly                                    d)much more worse

39.His ….fair

a)hairs are                                 c)hair are

b)hairs is                                     d)hair is

40.I was made….the room.

a)clean                                        c)cleaning

b)to clean                                    d)cleaned

Test 5

Choose the right variant

1-Whose book is this?

a)-theirs                                 c)-their

b)-there`s                               d)-there

2.Do….live in the North or in the South?

a)deer                                    c)dear

b)dears                                   d)deers

3.Would you like….to eat?

a)something                                   c)any

b)anything                                      d)some

4.-Are there any people in the street?

a)-yes,a lot of                                      c)-not much

b)-yes,a lot                                           d)-no any

5.She looks….her twin sister.

a)the same                                          c)the same from

b)the same than                                  d)the same as

6.You ….phone them in the evening.

a)would rather to                                 c)have better too

b)had better                                          d)had rather

7.a)I can hear somebody coming into the room

b)I can hear somebody to come into the room

c)I can listen that somebody is coming into the room

d)I can listen to somebody coming into the room

8.a)We want the schoolchildren singing a song

b)We want that  the schoolchildren sung a song

c)We want the schoolchildren to sing a song

d)We want the schoolchildren sing a song

9.Where ….this coat?

a)have you bought                          c)did you buy

b)did you bye                                   d)you bought

10.If I….to do it,I`ll let you know.

a)`ll manage                                      c)manage

b)`d manage                                      d)have manage

11.By the time we met he….3 foreign countries.

a)had visited                            c)visits

b)will visit                                  d)have visited

12.He is so popular.Everybody….him.

a)know                                      c)knows

b)no                                            d)nose

13.I feel…. tired after this hard work.

a)-                                               c)me

b)myself                                     d)my

14.Can….answer my question?

a)anybody                                 c)some

b)somebody                              d)any

15.I always feel….at the theatre.

a)exciting                                  c)excited

b)excite                                      d)excitation

16.These exercises….in written form

a)are to be done                          c)do

b)are to be doing                          d)are to do

17.I wonder when I…. you again.

a)`ll see                                        c)`d to see

b)see                                             d)saw

18.I…here since 1990.

a)have been working                         c)have work

b)am working                                  d)work

19.By this time tomorrow the train…..at the station.

a)will have arrived                                c)arrived

b)have arrived                                       d)will arrive

20.I…..her at the end of December.

a)saw                                                c)have seen

b)had seen                                       d)was seeing

21.Don`t ….hurry.

a)be                                                      c)be in a

b)to                                                      d)to be

22.They suggested….there.

a)to go                                                c)to have gone

b)going                                               d)to be going

23.This room is…that one.

a)smaller then                                   c)more smaller

b)smaller than                                    d)much more smaller


a)3 thousands 8 hundreds 62

b)3 thousand and 8 hundred 62

c)3 thousands 8 hundred and 62

d)3 thousand 8 hundred and 62

25. 9.01.

a)The 9 January                                c)The 9th of January

b)The 9th January                              d)9th of January

26.He is married….Jane Parker.

a)-                                                      c)to

b)on                                                   d)with

27.a)Let`s him in

b)Let us him in

c)Let him in

d)Let`s him

28.Did you like…..dinner?

a)a                                       c)the

b)-                                        d)an

29.The lift is….order so we`ll have to use the stairs.

a)without                               c)out off

b)out                                       d)out of

30.Does it often rains here?

b)Is it often rain here?

c)Does it often rain here?

d)Is it often raining here?

31.Please,be quiet!I….to listen.

a)am trying                                       c)have trying

b)try                                                    d)am tried

32.She….me that she was busy.

a)said                                              c)said to

b)told to                                          d)told


a)a good                                            c)good

b)are good                                        d)is good

34.What do you usually have….supper?

a)to                                                     c)at

b)for                                                   d)on

35.He didn`t let me…..into the room.

a)to come                                        c)coming

b)come                                             d)came

36.a)Ask her not to go there

b)Ask her don`t go there

c)Ask her don`t to go there

d)Ask her not go there

37.English….all over the world.

a)is spoken                                c)speaks

b)is speaking                              d)spoke

38.Who will….the table?

a)lie                                               c)laid

b)lied                                             d)lay

39.There were two small…..in the cage.

a)mouse                                         c)mice

b)mouses                                       d)mices

40.He didn`t know the rule,….?

a)didn`t he                                    c)does he

b)did he                                          d)wasn`t he

Test 6

Choose the right variant


a)do you do                                          c)are you doing

b)will you do                                         d)did you do

2.At 8 tomorrow morning she….her English test.

a)will be taking                                     c)will take

b)is taking                                             d)takes

3.There…..much rain lately.

a)isn`t                                                  c)won`t be

b)doesn`t                              d)hasn`t been

4……when I called?

a)was you sleeping                             c)were you sleeping

b)did you sleep                                   d)have you slept


a)he`s                                                 c)you

b)are they                                         d)she

6.a)I breaked my leg last year.

b)I broke my leg last year.

c)I have broken my leg last year.

d)I had broked my leg last year.

7.I…..my umbrella and now I have to buy a new one.

a)have lost                                          c)had lost

b)lost                               d)lose

8.a)It is often raining in autumn

b)It often rain in autumn

c)It often raining in autumn

d)It often rains in autumn

9.When did you move …..Voronezh?

a)at                                                   c)in

b)to                                                   d)into

10.What do you usually have….supper?

a)for                                               c)at

b)on                                               d)of

11.Will you have….dinner with us?

a)a                                              c)-

b)the                                          d)an

12.Jessica is from….USA.

a)a                                             c)-

b)the                                           d)an

13.Do you know….?

a)where John lives                             c)where lives John

b)where does John live                     d)where John live

14.The news….exciting.

a)were                                                  c)to be

b)are                                                     d)is

15.There….a book and two magazines on the shelf.

a)is                                                             c)were

b)are                                                         d)has been

16.Are you going…..the South?

a)at                                                  c)to

b)-                                                    d)for

17.Who….a car I your family?

a)drive                                        c)does drive

b)drives                                       d)are driving

18.He….to leave at 10.

a)doesn`t have                            c)don`t have

b)hasn`t                                        d)have

19.Do you know….?

a)when Ann will come                           c)does Ann come

b)when Ann come                                  d)will Ann come

20.Jack`s on holiday,…?

a)isn`t she                                               c)hasn`t he

b)doesn`t he                                           d)is he not

21.I`m going to buy….

a)a bread                                                 c)several bread

b)some bread                                         d)a few bread

22.You….catch the bus at the corner.

a)have                                                    c)will to

b)can                                                      d)can to

23.I put the accident down to their….

a)carelesslines                                         c)carelessship

b)carelessing                                             d)carelessness

24.I didn`t see….

a)something                                             c)anything

b)nothing                                                  d)nobody

25.She works 40 hours ….week.

a)in                                                      c)in a

b)a                                                       d)per a

26.I`m going….

a)on Monday to Paris                             c)to Paris on Monday

b)in Paris on Monday                              d)at Paris on Monday

27.I made the spaghetti especially for you.Did you like…

a)them                                                 c)theirs

b)it                                                        d)its

28.These are  the portraits of….wives.

a)Henry the Eight                                c)Henry`s the Eighth

b)Henry`s the Eight                             d)Henry the Eight`s

29.The news…me.

a)is interesting                                  c)interest

b)interests                                         d)is interested in

30.She works….musician.

a)like                                                  c)as

b)-                                                       d)how

31.He never knows the answer,….?

a)does he                                                c)isn`t he

b)doesn`t he                                          d)do he

32.If I….him,I`ll tell him everything

a)will see                                                c)see

b)will be seeing                                     d)saw

33.I`ll see you…the morning.

a)on                                                          c)-

b)in                                                           d)at

34.I`ll see you…..Friday morning.

a)on                                                      c)-

b)in                                                        d)at

35.How….you look with you hair cut.

a)difficult                                               c)definite

b)different                                            d)hard

36.He felt badly

b)he feel bad

c)He fell bad

d)He felt bad

37….have you stayed in London?

a)How long time                                          c)How long

b)How long much                                         d)How

38.We….in a hurry

a)also were                                                   c)also be

b)were also                                                   d)were also be

39.Tom….at 5.

a)always come                                               c)always comes

b)come always                                              d)comes always

40.We decided…..go there.

a)did not                                                      c)not

b)did not to                                                  d)not to

Test 7

Choose the right variant

1.Why …like that? What`s the matter?

a)are you looking                                 c)you look

b)do you looking                                  d)have you looked

2.Rice….in cold climates.

a)is not growing                                    c)doesn`t grow

b)hasn`t grown                                     d)grows

3.-Have you seen John lately?-yes,I….him at the end of May.

a)saw                                                    c)have seen

b)had seen                                          d)see

4.How fast…when the accident….?

a)were you driving;happened

b)were you driving;was happening

c)you drove;happened

d)you drove;was happening

5.My English wasn`t very good.But now it….

a)improved                                              c)improves

b)had improved                                     d)has improved

6.How long….here?

a)have you been studying                     c)do you study

b)did you study                                      d)are you studying

7.Maugham….many novels.

a)has written                                           c)was writing

b)had written                                          d)wrote

8.When we arrived at the music hall the concert….

a)has just begun                                         c)begun

b)had just begun                                        d)has been beginning

9…..a cinema round the corner.

a)it used to be                                        c)it was used to be

b)there used to be                                 d)thee was used to being

10.We`ve just had dinner.You…hungry.

a)mustn`t be                                       c)can`t be

b)are not be able to be                      d)may not be

11.He hurt his arm and….go to hospital.

a)must                                                  c)might

b)could                                                 d)had to

12.I`ll call you as soon as I….

a)will return                                     c)return

b)shall return                                    d)returned

13.If I….you,I would never ask such questions.

a)had been                                          c)will be

b)were                                                d)am

14.I wonder when he….to see us.

a)comes                                                c)will come

b)would come                                     d)to be coming

15.I`ll leave you a message in case  I…. earlier.

a)will leave                                          c)left

b)shall leave                                        d)leave

16.My uncle might…..to America on business trip.

a)be send                                             c)be sent

b)send                                                  d)is sent

17.Sue is at the hairdresser`s now.She is…..there.

a)doing  her hair                                   c)having done her hair

b)having her hair done                        d)done her hair

18.He…..me yesterday that Jack and Jane were going to get married.

a)said                                                       c)told

b)told to                                                  d)spoke to

19.-I don`t think you are right.-……

a)so do we                                               c)neither  are we

b)neither do we                                      d)so we do

20.That isn`t your book over there,….?

a)isn`t it                                                     c)is it

b)isn`t there                                              d)is there

21.Would you mind …..the window.It`s too hot here.

a)opening                                                     c)open

b)to open                                                       d)that I open

22.Our boss doesn`t let anyone….in the office.

a)to smoke                                                       c)to have a smoke

b)smoking                                                         d)smoke

23.She said she….to see us on Sunday.

a)glad                                                                c)was glad

b)is glad                                                             d)can glad

24.The man….working for our firm.

a)interested at                                                 c)is interested in

b)interested in                                                 d)interests

25.I congratulate you….passing your exam successfully.

a)with                                                                  c)for

b)at                                                                       d)on

26.I….do it in the evening.

a)would rather                                                 c)would better

b)had better to                                                d)would rather to

27.I didn`t ….in.

a)hear you  to come                                        c)hear you come

b)listen to you come                                        d)listen to you coming


a)a lovely                                                          c)is a lovely

b)lovely                                                             d)are lovely

29.We live in ….small house in ….centre of the city.

a)a;the                                                                c)a;a

b)the;a                                                                  d)the;the

30.Three years…..a long time to be without a job.

a)are                                                                       c)have been

b)has been                                                            d)is

31.My sister is a ….girl.

a)14-years-old                                                     c)14-year`s old

b)14-years-olds                                                   d)14-year-old

32.-Did the children enjoy….at the party?

a)-                                                                           c)themself

b)themselves                                                        d)theirselves

33.-Do you know….of these girls?

a)any                                                                    c)anybody

b)some                                                                 d)nobody

34.Would you like….to drink?

a)anything                                                         c)any

b)some                                                              d)something

35.There are….shops open at this hour.

a)no any                                                               c)not any

b)none                                                                 d)no some

36.I saw him….days ago.

a)a few                                                                c)a little

b)few                                                                   d)little

37.Most of the goods…..in this factory are very expensive.

a)maked                                                            c)making

b)made                                                                d)be made

38.Do it…..!

a)more quick                                                     c)more quickly

b)quicker                                                           d)much more quicker

39.There were 3…..in the street.

a)passer-bys                                                    c)passers-by

b)passer`s-by                                                   d)passer-by`s

40.Ask her where….10 years ago.

a)did she live                                                  c)lived she

b)she lived                                                      d)does she live

Test 8

Choose the right variant

1.Does anyone speak…..English here?

a)in                                                                c)on

b)-                                                                   d)to

2.Who…..by 5 o`clock train?

a)does arrive                                               c)arrives

b)arriving                                                      d)arrive

3.Что на столе?

a)what on the table?                                      c)what are there  on the table?

b)what`s being on the table?                        d)what is there on the table?

4.I have…..English books at home.

a)not                                                                 c)no any

b)not any                                                         d)not some

5.I was hot in the room and I made her…..the window.

a)to open                                                         c)open

b)opening                                                        d)opened

6.She …..me that she was ready to go.

a)told                                                              c)said

b)told to me                                                  d)said to me

7.What will you do when you….school?

a)finishes                                                      c)will finish

b)finish                                                          d)will finishing

8.-Unfortunately,I don`t know his address.

-И я тоже

a)neither do I                                                 c)so do I

b)so am I                                                          d)neither I do

9.There….of  snow last winter.

a)were a lot                                                   c)were plenty

b)was a good deal                                         d)was much

10.Is dinner food or…..meal?

a)-                                                                       c)a

b)the                                                                  d)an

11.Russia is …..vast country.

a)-                                                                    c)the

b)a                                                                   d)an

12.Have you seen…..dog today?

a)a                                                                 c)the

b)-                                                                 d)an

13.It smells….here.

a)well                                                           c)better                                    

b)good                                                          d)weller

14.He got up later than…..yesterday

a)usually                                                     c)usual

b)usualy                                                       d)usualler

15.She is as…..as her parents.

a)more intelligent                                    c)intelligenter

b)the most intelligent                             d)intelligent

16.He can`t speak English very well.Can his sister?

a)so is she                                                c)so she does

b)neither can she                                   d)so she is

17.-She seems to know all of us here.

-Да.Так оно и есть.

a)so is she                                               c)so she does

b)neither can she                                  d)so she is

18.Could you speak….,please.I don`t understand you.

a)more slowly                                         c)slower

b)more slower                                        d)much slower

19.Is there…..bread left?          

a)any                                                       c)anything

b)some                                                   d)nothing

20.Would you like ……to drink?

a)anything                                                c)any

b)something                                            d)some

21.I don`t have…..friends in Moscow.

a)no                                                           c)no any

b)any                                                         d)not any

22.Дайте мне немного соли.

a)give me little salt

b)give me a little salt

c)give me few salt

d)give me a few salt

23.В нашем классе мало мальчиков.

a)there are little boys in our class

b)there are a little boys in our class

c)there are few boys in our class

d)there are a few boys I our class

24.Are you interested…..sports?

a)in                                                c)at

b)about                                         d)of

25.We are going…..the forest for the weekend.

a)in                                               c)to

b)at                                              d)into


a)angries on                                    c)is angry with

b)angries                                        d)is angry at

27.What was he doing when you entered …..the room?

a)-                                                    c)into

b)to                                                 d)at

28.Such books never…..me.

a)interest in                                    c)interesting

b)is interest                                    d)interest

29.There…..a book,2 note-books,a pen and a picture on the table.

a)are                                                 c)has

b)are being                                     d)is

30.Пусть он войдёт.

a)let`s he come in                                    c)let`s him come in

b)let him come in                                  d)let him to come in

31.Я хочу, чтобы вы объяснили это правило.

a)I want you to explain this rule.

b)I want that you to explain this rule/

c)I want you explaining this rule.

d)I want you explain this rule.

32.Я вижу, как она переходит улицу.

a)I see her to cross the street

b)I see that she crossing the street

c)I see that she crosses  the street

d)I see her crossing the street.

33.Я хотел бы искупаться.

a)I`d like to wash                                      c)I`d like to have a wash

b)I`d like washing                                 d)I`d like having a wash

34.Do you have any free time after classes?

b)Have you any free time after classes?

c)Have you have any time after classes?

d)Have you having any free time after classes?

35.We decided….go there.

a)not to                                        c)not

b)didn`t                                       d)don`t

36.I wonder when he….tomorrow.

a)comes                                           c)will come

b)was coming                                 d)would come

37.He said he….right after classes.

a)comes                                         c)will come

b)is coming                                   d)would come

38.Where ….the book?

a)did you buy                                c)have you bought

b)does you buy                            d)had you bought

39…..have you stayed in Moscow?

a)how much                                  c)how long time

b)how`s                                         d)how long

40.She gave me….

a)several advices                              c)some pieces of advice

b)a piece of advices                          d)advices

Test 9

Choose the right variant

1.Hello,…a nice rest?

a)have you got                                    c)had you had

b)did you have                                    d)got you

2.I`ll call you as soon as….

a)I`ll learn the result                         c)I learn the result

b)I`ll find out the result                   d)I know the result

3.I wonder when she….to see us again.

a)will come                                       c)come

b)comes                                            d)has come

4.I`ll go shopping in case it….

a)stops rain                                      c)will stop to rain

b)will stop raining                           d)stops raining

5.We….for twenty years by next year.

a)`ll marry                                          c)have been married

b)had got married                            d)`ll have been married

6.-Have you seen John anywhere?


a)I`ve just seen                                c)I just saw

b)I`ve just now seen                       d)I`m just seeing

7.In 1985 houses like these…..15 000 roubles.

a)costed                                             c)costted

b)cost                                                 d)had cost

8…..anything special this night?

a)have you been doing                                        c)will you doing

b)are you doing                                                    d)shall you doing

9.Ask her…..hurry.

a)not                                                c)not to

b)do not                                         d)not to be

10.a)Let them do it

b)Let`s them do it

c)Let they do it

d)Let them to do it

11.I….shopping again.

a)was made go                                    c)was to make go

b)was made to go                               d)I am to make to go

12.He…he was busy last week.

a)told                                                   c)talked

b)said                                                   d)spoke

13.She……me «It`s all wrong»

a)told to                                          c)said

b)told                                             d)said to

14.He said he….to learn this long poem.

a)is not be able                              c)will not be able

b)is not able                                  d)would not be able

15.Do you mind…..here?

a)if I smoke                                   c)I smoking

b)if I smoking                             d)to smoke

16.I insist ….on time.

a)your coming                            c)on your coming

b)to come                                    d)on you to come

17.a)I want that you finish it right now.

b)I want you finish it right now

c)I want you finishing it right now

d)I want you to finish it fight now

18.We suggested….the time-table.

a)them changing                                    c)to them changing

b)them to change                                  d)them change

19……have you bought?

a)how many furnitures                          c)how much pieces of furniture

b)how many furniture                          d)how much furniture

20.We had…..dinner in a very expensive restaurant.

a)-                                                      c)the

b)a                                                    d)an

21.The news…..shocking.

a)was                                                c)are

b)were                                              d)to be

22.The boys…..desperately.

a)is fighting                                     c)fighted

b)fought                                          d)have fighted

23.The night is going to be hot.Keep the window….

a)to open                                                   c)open

b)opening                                                 d)opened

24.When her mother came,she…..the room.

a)is cleaning                                        c)has cleaned

b)was cleaning                                   d)cleaned

25.Is this April….than last spring?

a)more wetter                                  c)wetter

b)more wet                                      d)wettest

26.I`m sorry,I can`t answer the phone.I …..my hair.

a)am washing                                   c)was washing

b)wash                                               d)have washed

27.He….three short stories before he turned twenty.

a)wrote                                              c)has written

b)had written                                    d)written

28.My aunt placed the papers on the metal…..

a)shelf                                              c)shelfs`

b)shelf`s                                           d)shelves

29.He came so early because there….a lot of work to do.

a)were                                             c)is being

b)are                                                d)was

30…..everybody bought this dictionary?

a)have                                           c)had

b)did                                              d)has

31.Your watch…..from mine.

a)are different                                           c)were different

b)is different                                             d)have been different

32.Look!....salad is on the table already.

a)-                                                               c)a

b)the                                                         d)an

33.a)has it stopped snowing yet?

b)has it stopped snowing yet?

c)has it stopped snowing already?

d)has it stopped snowing still?

34.This is my….room.

a)mother`s-in-law                                   c)mothers-in-laws

b)mothers-in-law                                    d)mother-in-law`s

35.Я плохо вижу.

a)I musten`t see well                              c)I don`t can see well

b)I can`t see well                                     d)I may not see well

36.In 1920 when I lived in Manchester I …..in a shoe factory.

a)worked                                                 c)had worked

b)was working                                        d)work

37.Сколько стоила эта книга?

a)how much did the book cost?                    c)how much money the book costed?

b)how much the book cost?                          d)how much the book cost?

38.He has been living in London…..6 years.

a)during                                               c)since

b)for                                                     d)while

39.Don`t forget to look….the flowers while I`m away.

a)about                                                c)at

b)for                                                    d)after

40.The needle of the compass points….the North

a)at                                                     c)on

b)to                                                   d)in


Choose the right variant

1……Sun is…..star.

a)the;a                                            c)-;a

b)a;the                                            d)-;the

2.My parents live in….country near Tokio.

a)a                                                       c)the

b)-                                                        d)any

3.The bicycle is….of transport.

a)means                                        c)mean

b)a means                                      d)a mean

4…..I can stay is 3 days.

a)the longer                                  c)the longest

b)the long                                      d)so long as

5.have you got …..luggage?

a)any                                           c)some

b)anything                                 d)something

6.Can I have….sugar ,please?

a)something                                   c)some

b)any                                               d)anything

7.Can you do such hard work….,children?

a)yourself                                         c)youselves

b)oneself                                           d)yourselves

8……is the best answer,Ann.

a)your                                              c)her

b)yours                                            d)yourself

9…..friend left for Japan.

a)the best Jenny`s                             c)Jenny`s best`s

b)the Jenny`s best                             d)Jenny`s best

10…..was Bethoven

a)the Smiths` dog`s                            c)the name of the dog`s Smith`s

b)the name of  Smiths`dog               d)Smith`s name`s dog

11…..nice jeans.

a)Jhose is                                   c)That is

b)This is                                     d)Those are

12.Don`t go by train.It`s….

a)a lot more expensive                          c)much expensive

b)less expensiver                                    d)a lot of expensive

13.It`s too much noisy here.Can we go somewhere….?

a)quitter                                                c)quiet

b)more quiet                                        d)quite

14.Hurry up!Everybody…..for you.

a)are waiting                                       c)waits

b)wait                                                   d)is waiting

15.I…you should see your car.

a)am thinking                                   c)think

b)am not thinking                            d)haven`t thought

16.What tune….you…Ann tomorrow?

a)are;meeting                                     c)will;meet

b)do,meet                                           d)will;be meeting

17.It`s the second time Linda….the key.

a)lost                                                 c)is losing

b)loses                                               d)has lost

18.My sister is a winter.She ….a lot of books.

a)wrote                                              c)write

b)has written                                    d)had written

19.How long is it since Jonathan….here?

a)has been living                               c)have lived

b)lives                                                 d)lived

20.Two years ago I…smoking

a)have given up                                c)had given up

b)gave up                                           d)had been giving up

21…..tune to write the letter?

a)had you                                          c)have you get

b)had you had                                  d)did you have

22.There was a smell of cigarettes in the empty room.Somebody….

a)have smoked                                           c)smoked

b)was smoking                                           d)had been smoking`


a)hadn`t been;just had                             c)were not;have just had

b)were not;had just had                          d)are not ;were just having

24.The packet is empty.Somebody ….all my cigarettes.

a)smoked                                                    c)had smoked

b)have smoked                                          d)has smoked

25.I….about it for a long tune.

a)`ve been knowing                                   c)knew

b)`ve been known                                      d)`ve known

26.After leaving school Tim….it very difficult to get a job.

a)has found                                                 c)is finding

b)found                                                        d)find

27.Ann is out of breath.She….

a)ran                                                               c)has been running

b)has run                                                        d)runs

28.It`s still raining.It….all day

a)has been raining                                         c)is raining

b)rained                                                           d)rains

29.It seldom….here in winter.                  

a)snow                                                            c)to snow

b)is snowing                                                  d)snows

30.a)I`d like you to finish it right now.

b)I`d like that you finish it right now

c)I`d like you finish it right now

d)I`d like you finished it right now

31.You….smoke here.There is a NO SMOKING sign over there.

a)can`t                                                c)mustn`t

b)shouldn`t to                                   d)mustn`t to

32.Nobody phoned while I was out,…..?

a)didn`t it                                          c)didn`t they

b)didn`t she                                      d)did they

33……my friends wished me a happy birthday.

a)none of                                          c)no

b)no one of                                      d)nobody of

34.Ask him…..

a)why he is angry                              c)is he angry

b)why he angries                              d)why is he angry

35.I….the others what I wanted to do.

a)told to                                                   c)said to

b)told                                                       d)said

36.I`ll see you…..Monday morning.

a)on                                                         c)in

b)-                                                            d)at

37.-I feel hungry.

a)so do I                                                      c)-neither do I

b)so am I                                                     d)so I do

38.Please,turn….the radio.I`m trying to fall asleep.

a)on                                                             c)up

b)down                                                      d)out

39.I could read English ….but I was not able to read long.

a)pretty                                                   c)fluently

b)poorly                                                  d)strangely

40.I`ve read…..books.

a)most his                                                c)most of his

b)of his most                                            d)his most of

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