Контрольная работа
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Макеева Мария Александровна

Контрольная работа для 4 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

4 form

Term 1

  1. Перевести слова с английского на русский язык.

To play hide-and-seek

To have a picnic

To fly a kite

To toboggan

To make a snowman

To play snowballs

  1. Подобрать соответствующий звук к буквосочетанию.

Sh        [ð ]

Ch        [ ʃ]

Th        [ o:]

Ee        [tʃ ]

Or        [ i:]

Ar        [ a:]

  1. Выбрать правильный вариант.

I will go/go to school every day.

She will like/likes riding a bike.

The weather will be/is sunny and cloudy tomorrow.

He will have/has a picnic next week.

They will do/do their homework in an hour.

  1. Вставить do/does.

She ….not swim in the river.

….you go to school every day?

We …not play football and tennis.

…. he do his homework every day?

  1. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы.

Dan’s family is not big. He lives with his mother and father. Dan’s father is very busy at work. He is free at weekends and he spends them with his son and wife.

On Sunday Dan gets up at 10 o’clock. He has breakfast at 10.30 o’clock. Then he goes shopping or to the park. In the evening he likes reading interesting books.

Next week he will have a picnic with his family. They will play volleyball, hid-and-seek and fly a kite next week.

  1. Who lives with a mother and a father?
  2. What time does Dan get up?
  3. What does he like reading?
  4. Where will he have a picnic?
  5. What will they do next week?

Предварительный просмотр:


4 form

  1. Write down the second form of the verb

Be, catch, come, cut, drink, fall, give, have, meet, run, see, take, think, write.

  1. Fill in the gaps with Present, Past, Future Simple:

1) There are/were a lot of sheep in the field.

2) The Wolf saw/will see the Sheep near the river yesterday.

3) Sasha will go/go to the cinema in an hour.

4) We go/went to school every day.

5) They will celebrate/celebrated their birthday tomorrow.

6) I put/ will put a picture on the wall last week.

     3. Ask the questions to the sentences.

1. She got  a letter on her birthday. (What)

2. Last summer we went to the seaside. (When)

3. Yesterday Tiny wrote a postcard to his friend Billy. (Why)

4. Martin drank the whole orange juice. (Who)

5. They lived in the country last year. (Where)

6. I was 20 years old. (How old)

    4. Put True or False.

There are a lot of animals in the sea. The dolphins are very friendly and they often help people in the sea. But there is a dangerous animal for people in the sea. It is a shark. They sometimes attack (нападают) people, especially surfing people, because sharks take people for fur-seals (принимать людей за котиков).

  1. There are a lot of animals in the sea.
  2. Dolphins are very angry.
  3. Sharks are very friendly.
  4. Sharks sometimes attack people.
  5. Fur-seals take sharks for people.  

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