Презентация "Игра в гольф"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Данный квест использовался в течение 2 уроков. На первом для ознакомления с темой об игре в гольф и распределения заданий ученикам. На втором уроке ученики выступали с докладами о  необходимом снаряжении, правилах игры и этикете. В квесте используются ссылки на сайты интернета, посвященные игре в гольф, видео и диалог для аудирования. Уроки проходят в игровой форме и вызывают большой интерес к английской культуре и спорту. 


Файл квест об игре в гольф1.34 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Playing Golf The intellectual Web Quest for young learners with videos, pictures and…

Слайд 2

Introduction. There is a chance to discover what this game is, how to play golf and stay a real gentle sportive chap. Some rules, some etiquette principles, the main equipment and clothing.

Слайд 3

TASK Five teams (2-3 pupils each team) should find a piece of information about some attributes or rules of this interesting English game. They can use their own sources of information and should follow the procedure in process , getting information from the Internet sites. Each team collects their data and fills in their special worksheet, watches video from golfdigest.com and inspires five speakers to report the whole thing to the class, adding slides . This work could be done during two lessons. At the first lesson groups collect information, at the second one the speakers should be ready for the performance with slides. The teacher has to be helpful and attentive to pupils' problems. Good luck!

Слайд 4

PROCESS Step 1 First of all let’s enjoy a smart video film and Brian Russell shows us the golf goals . Please click the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25jGApaqQM

Слайд 5

The dialogue about golf

Слайд 6

Step 2 for the first team The first team has to collect information about the equipment for the game. The problem is how to choose the right equipment Watch the slide show (slides 1-6) Please click the link http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=1

Слайд 7

Step 2 for the second team The second team should find out how to learn playing golf. Watch the slide show (slides 7,8) Please, click the link http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=7

Слайд 8

Step 2 for the third team You should recognize the difference between two kinds of the golf kicks. They are a chip and a pitch Watch the slide show (slide 14) Please, click the link http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=14 Don’t forget to watch the highlighted video!

Слайд 9

Step 2 for the fourth team The problem for you concerns with the etiquette principles while playing golf. The question is How should you be onto the golf course? Watch the slide show (slides 25-30) Please, click the link http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=25

Слайд 10

Step 2 for the third team Try to understand the main rules of the game The question is What rules are the basic 5 rules? Watch the slide show (slides 31-36) Please, click the link http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=31

Слайд 11

Step 3 for all teams Now you should fill in the worksheet giving as much information as you can. Click your link The first team 1 The second team 2 The third team 3 The fourth team 4 The fifth team 5

Слайд 12

The equipment The name of the item The purpose of usage

Слайд 13

How to learn playing golf Give a piece of advice. What should we do?

Слайд 14

A chip and a pitch A pitch A chip

Слайд 15

The Etiquette principles 1 2 3 4 5

Слайд 16

The basic rules 1 2 3 4 5

Слайд 17

The last step You are great! Inspire your speaker! See you next time!

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