Проверочная работа. 4 класс. УМК Верещагина
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Ершова Евгения Алексеевна

Проверочная работа (контроль сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков) . 4 класс.


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Цель: проверить сформированность аспектов речевой деятельности.



A Drink of Water

It was a very hot day in the forest. A small brown monkey could not sleep because he was very thirsty. He looked for some water to drink but couldn't find it anywhere.

At last the monkey saw a big pot. The monkey put his hand into the pot and his long fingers felt cold water. The water was so near, and so hard to reach.

The small brown monkey sat down on the stone near the pot and felt thirstier than ever. He knew there was the hippopotamus's pond near by. He decided to go to the pond and when he got there he discovered that he couldn't drink the water. The water was very dirty. He sat down on the bank of the pond crying.

The hippopotamus saw the monkey. She had a kind heart and wanted to help the monkey to find the water.

When she got out there was much less water in the pond, when she went again into the pond and the water rose again in the pond. The monkey looked at the pond and saw it too.

"Hurrah! Thank you for your help. Thank you very much indeed," shouted the clever, small, brown monkey and ran to the tall.

 The hippopotamus did not understand but was glad to hear the monkey's answer.

Then the clever, small, brown monkey took big stones near the pot and began to put them into the pot, one by one.

There were more and more stones in the pot and soon the water was high and the monkey could drink the cold water.

  1. A small brown monkey could not sleep because

  1. He wanted to eat
  2. He wanted to drink

  1. His friend hippopotamus wanted to eat
  2. His friend hippopotamus wanted to drink

  1. A small brown monkey cried on the bank of the pond because 

  1. The water in the pond was dirty
  2. There were no friends to play with him

  1. There was little water in the pond
  2. The hippopotamus didn’t give the monkey to drink

  1. How did the hippopotamus help the monkey?

  1. She gave him some big stones
  2. She gave him to drink

  1. She showed how the water rose in the pond
  2. She sang a song that the monkey could sleep

  1. The monkey put big stones into the pot to

  1. Make the water tastier
  2. Have fun

  1. Make the water high
  2. Help the hippopotamus to drink

  1. How did the monkey get water on a hot summer day?

  1. He drank the water from the pond
  2. He asked the hippopotamus to give him some water
  3. He didn’t get any water and just went to sleep
  4. He used big stones so that he could reach the water



  1. ______ Sunday we shall go to the zoo.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  4. for

  1. There are pictures on the wall, ______ ?

  1. don’t they
  2. isn’t there
  3. are there
  4. aren’t there

  1. Are your curtains red or ______?

  1. blue
  2. lovely
  3. new
  4. comfortable

  1. ______ he come tomorrow?

  1. does
  2. is
  3. has
  4. will

  1. My friend ______ arrived in Moscow yet.

  1. haven’t
  2. has
  3. hasn’t
  4. didn’t

  1. They have lived in this city ______ 1990.

  1. since
  2. for
  3. in
  4. at

  1. Pete ______ London last summer.

  1. has visited
  2. will visit
  3. did visit
  4. visited

  1. Will you go shopping? We have ______ bread.

  1. much
  2. little
  3. many
  4. few

  1. Mary ______ come home late, does she?

  1. doesn’t
  2. don’t
  3. never
  4. won’t

  1. Where ________he ______ go every day?

  1. do go
  2. has go
  3. is go
  4. does go



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