Материал для факультативных занятий по англ. языку
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Зюбанова Ольга Алексеевна

Упражнения на отработку 5 грамматических времён в английсом языке/ Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple и Present Perfect

Могут быть использованы при проведении факультативных занятий, а также при отработке грам. материала по теме и проведении самостоятельных и проверочных работ.


Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)

Open the brackets.  Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite, The Present Continuous, The Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite

  1. What we (to decorate) tomorrow?
  2. Who (to discover) Alaska many years ago?
  3. What they (to discuss) in the next room now?
  4. The children (to climb) the mountains now.
  5. Why Susan (not to wash) up yesterday evening?
  6. How often your friend (to visit) the museum?
  7. Why your sister (not to go) for a walk tomorrow?
  8. He usually (to take) his dog for a walk.
  9. What the child (to draw) now?                










Choose the correct item.

  1. Bab … a very lazy girl.                                                a) was, b) is, c) will be
  2. St.Petersburg … the capital of Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. a) is, b) was, c) will be
  3. The sky often… very blue.                                        a) looked, b) looks, c) will look
  4. It sometimes ….                                                a) is raining, b) rained, c)rains
  5. In October the days … shorter and the nights longer.                a) are becoming, b) becomes, c) become
  6. How lucky you … last year!                                        a)are, b) were, c) will be
  7. She … good at skiing last winter.                                a) isn’t, b)won’t be, c) wasn’t
  8. I… busy in an hour.                                                a) wasn’t ,b) am not, c) shan’t be

Ask questions        (Who, when,  why,  with whom, etc.)

They’ll visit New York in three days.

Test (4th form)                

Open the brackets.  Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite, The Present Continuous, The Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite

  1. What Bat usually (to drink) for breakfast?
  2. Why they (not to play) hide-and-seek now?
  3. Who (to drive) her to the theatre now?
  4. Which of your friends (to skate) at the stadium last winter?
  5. How often they (to drink) coffee?
  6. Colin (to translate) texts from Russian into English every day.
  7. He (to go) to the country in a month.
  8. What the child (to do) in a bathroom now?
  9. Why Tom (not to answer) the teacher’s question five minutes ago?










Choose the correct item.

  1. I … a telegram to my grandparents in a day.         a) send, b) shall send, c) sent
  2. You … pancakes for lunch yesterday.                a) doesn’t eat, b) won’t eat, c)didn’t eat
  3. My Granny … her medicine now.                        a) drinks, b) drank, c) is drinking
  4. Helen … coffee in ten minutes.                        a) made, b) makes, c) will make
  5. The pupils … Biology last year.                        a) studied, b) study, c) has studied
  6. They never … at him.                                a) laughed, b) laugh, c)have laughed.
  7. She always … the door with a key.                        a) locked, b) is locking, c) locks
  8. Mary … the floor in the kitchen now.                a) is washing, b) washed, c) washes
  9. She … famous in 1980.                                 A) becomes, b)became, c) has become

Ask questions        (Who, when,  why,  with whom, etc.)

My friend came from Italy several years ago.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)                

Open the brackets.  Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite, The Present Continuous, The Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite

  1. They (to go) to the Winter Palace now.
  2. She usually (to give) me a call every day.
  3. What your Granny (to cook) now?
  4. When Carol last (to go) to the library?
  5. We (not to collect) stamps next year.
  6. Liz (to celebrate) her birthday the day after tomorrow?
  7. Who (to play) the flute in the next room now?
  8. How often these children (to learn) poems by heart?
  9. Who (to help) him with Maths yesterday?










Choose the correct item.

  1. My father and I … good tennis players.                        a) are, b) were, c) shall be
  2. Helen … a film star in several years.                        a) will be, b) was, c) is
  3. He … a new car two weeks ago.                                a) buys, b) will buy, c)bought
  4. We … at the stadium tomorrow morning.                a) shall be, b) were, c) are
  5. I … busy in an hour.                                        a) wasn’t, b) am not, c) shan’t
  6. The windows… open twenty minutes ago.                a) will be, b) were, c) are
  7. I … in time at work tomorrow morning.                        a) was b) am, c) shall be
  8. We … the train five minutes ago.                        a)shall get on, b) got on, c) are getting on
  9. Our train … at Rome in two hours.                        a) arrived, b) will arrive, c)arrives
  10. Denis often … the train.                                        a) will miss b) misses, c) is missing

Ask questions

Henry travels on business by plane twice a month.

(Who, why, where, with whom, how often)

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)

Ask questions

  1. I shall see the sunrise tomorrow morning. (What)
  2. The puppies are playing with a ball in the hall now. (Where)
  3. They went to the theatre yesterday evening.  (When)
  4. I’ll meet my friend the day after tomorrow. (Who)
  5. She is taking pictures in the park now. (Where)
  6. She taught my brother last year. (Who)
  7. I am cutting the tomatoes now. (What)
  8. He takes the underground every morning. (Who)
  9. Granny and I will do the shopping tomorrow. (With whom)
  10. She is trying on a beautiful blouse now. (What)

Choose the correct item

  1. She … vegetables this morning.                        a) bought, b)buys, c)has bought
  2. Polly… just… the letters.                        a) writes, b) wrote, c) has written
  3. My mother… in an office.                        a) is working, b) works, c) has worked
  4. She always … a shower in the morning.                a)has taken, b) took, c) takes
  5. His grandfather… part in the World War II.        a) takes, b)took, c)has taken
  6. The man … the book yet.                        a) didn’t bring, b) isn’t bringing, c) hasn’t brought
  7. My friends always… Christmas.                        a) celebrates, b) has celebrated, c) celebrate
  8. My sister… two cups today.                         a) broke, b) breaks, c) has broken
  9. He … a new house now.                        a) has built, b) is building, c) built
  10. Paul… just… me to a disco club.                        a) has invited, b) invites c)will invite

Open the brackets

  1. Where he (to walk) now? - He (to walk) to the sofa.
  2. We just (to listen) to classical music.
  3. Whose friends (to be) in London last year?
  4. His class usually (to last) 45 minutes.
  5. Where they (to be) last night? - I (to phone) them, but nobody (to answer).
  6. What they (to do) now? - They (to listen) to rock music in their room.
  7. How well your friend (to speak) English?
  8. Mary (to like) bright colours. She often (to wear) her red dress.
  9. You (to read) this book yet? How you (to like) it?
  10. I never (to be) late for my classes yet.
  11. Cliff usually (to have) six lessons every day.
  12. He (to buy) medicines yet?
  13. Molly (to ski) this winter?
  14. Her mother (to make) a new skirt now.
  15. Fred never (to be) to London.
  16. My friends (to play) basketball yesterday evening.
  17. You (to see) him this week?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)

Ask questions

  1. We slept with the window open last night. (When)
  2. He is taking part in a running race now. (Who)
  3. Helen spends a lot of time in an open air. (How much time)
  4. The children will make bird houses next winter. (What)
  5. My family went to the country for a picnic last month. (Who)
  6. Alice will take books from the library the day after tomorrow. (When)
  7. He doesn’t lock the door every evening. (Why)
  8. Kate is preparing cereal for breakfast now. (What)
  9. My Granny drinks medicines twice a day. (How often)
  10. Polly and Bill are cleaning the classroom now. (What)

Choose the correct item

  1. She … in an arm-chair now.                                a) sits, b)is sitting, c)sat
  2. Cathy … the house two days ago.                        a)cleans, b) cleaned, c) is cleaning
  3. She… to be a film star many years ago.                        a) wants, b)wanted, c) has wanted
  4. Sally… the dog three times a day.                        a) is feeding, b) fed, c)feeds
  5. I … just … lunch with my friend.                                a) am having, b) have, c) have had
  6. David… to school now.                                        a) doesn’t go, b) didn’t go, c) isn’t going
  7. Alice… up yet.                                                a) didn’t get, b) doesn’t get, c)hasn’t got
  8. My friends … ill this week.                                a) were, b) have been, c)are
  9. Bat… this concert tomorrow.                                a) sees, b) has seen, c) will see
  10. His car … down this week.                                a) broke, b)has broken, c) is breaking

Open the brackets

  1. We (to eat) meat soup now.
  2. Carol (to visit) the museum next Sunday.
  3. David always (to help) his classmates.
  4. He (to drive) his friends to the theatre now.
  5. I (to meet) my friends from Spain yesterday morning.
  6. Where he (to walk) now?
  7. They (to have) lessons this morning?
  8. What kind of music Barbara (to like)?
  9. She (to take) her dog for a walk yesterday evening?
  10. Where Mike (to spend) all the money yesterday?
  11. Susan just (to read) a new book.
  12. He (to be) in Novgorod two days ago.
  13. The pupils (not to do) Exercise 5 yet.
  14. Charles already (to finish) this work?
  15. Margaret and Colin (to be) on duty next time.
  16. His Granny (to act) on the stage many years ago.
  17. The baby (to sleep) in his bed now?
  18. My parents (to stay) at home yesterday evening.
  19. Henry ever (to take) his sister to the museum?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)

        Open the brackets

  1. How they usually (to decorate) a New Year tree?
  2. What Ben (to do) in the next room now?
  3. Where she usually (to spend) her winter holidays?
  4. Why Mary (not to clean) her room yet?
  5. My sister ( like) to get  flowers and presents.
  6. Lorry (to spend) all money on food this morning.
  7. We always (to dance) and (to sing) songs at the New Year party.
  8. My parents (to take) many pictures of New York last January.
  9. They (to play) snowballs this morning.
  10. They (to speak) to each other very quickly now.

Choose the correct item

  1. Sue…a lot of interesting places next week.                a) saw, b)sees, c)will see
  2. I always … my coffee at breakfast-time.                a) enjoyed, b) shall enjoy, c)enjoy
  3. They … a lot of fun at the party yesterday.                a) have, b)had, c) have had
  4. Jill and Sam … now.                                        a) swam, b) swim, c)are swimming
  5. Jane and Sally...swimming in an hour.                a)went, b) are going, c) will go
  6. The pupil always ... his teacher.                        a) will understand, b) understands, c) understood
  7. The snowflakes … to the ground now.                a) will fall, b) are falling, c) fell
  8. It often … in St. Petersburg in winter.                 a) snows, b) is snowing, c) will snow
  9. He… the film today.                                       a)  has watched, b) will watch, c)is watching
  10. His brother …on the computer tomorrow morning.        a) won’t work, b)didn’t work , c) isn’t working

        Ask questions

  1. We usually wear warm clothes in winter. (When)
  2. My brother will learn a new poem tomorrow morning. (What)
  3. Philip has send greeting cards today. (Whom)
  4. They will go to Paris at Christmas. (Where)
  5. They are drinking lemonade now. (What)
  6. Her friends are skating in the park now. (Who)
  7. They are playing chess now. (What game)
  8. We visited our friends yesterday evening. (Whom)
  9. I haven’t bought presents for my family yet. (Why)
  10. He usually sledges in the park in winter. (Who)
  11. It often snowed last winter. (How often)
  12. Mary has already cleaned her room. (Who)
  13. I have made a snowman and played snowballs with my friends this week. (With whom)
  14. I usually have a New Year party at home. (Where)
  15. He likes to read funny stories. (What stories)

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (4 th form)

Open the brackets.

  1. When the leaves usually (to become) yellow?
  2. The wind (to blow) tomorrow?
  3. It (to snow) yesterday evening?
  4. What the temperature (to be) tomorrow morning?
  5. What the weather (to be) like today?
  6. The sky (to be) clear yesterday morning?
  7. It (to rain) now?
  8. What the temperature (to be) the day before yesterday?
  9. The sun (to shine) yesterday afternoon?
  10. Mary (to like) this kind of weather?

Choose the correct item.

  1. It… cold today.                                        a)was, b) will be, c) was
  2. The sky…clear two hours ago.                        a)will be, b)is, c) was
  3. The clouds … like grey smoke yesterday.         a) look, b) will look, c)looked
  4. The weather… fine tomorrow.                        a) is, b) will be, c) was
  5. The strong wind…now.                                a) blows, b)blew, c) is blowing
  6. It …calm an hour ago.                                a) becomes, b) will become, c)became
  7. The sky… very blue today.                        a)looked, b)will look, c)looks
  8. A cold wind… to blow last Monday.                a)began, b)is beginning, c)begin
  9. It…cloudy tomorrow.                                a) is, b)was, c)will be
  10. It… every day.                                        a) will snow, b)is snowing, c)snows

Ask questions

  1. There were lots of stars in the sky yesterday. (When)
  2. It was a windy day yesterday. (When)
  3. The rainbow is in the sky. (What)
  4. I don’t like this kind of weather. (Why)
  5. There are a lot of stars in the sky today. (Why)
  6. Most birds go away to warmer countries. (Where)
  7. The sky became grey and cloudy. (What colour)
  8. It rained hard yesterday. (When)
  9. Daniel visited many museums Last summer holidays. (How many)
  10. The weather has changed this morning. (When)
  11. It’s freezing today. (Why)
  12. It snowed yesterday evening. (Where)
  13. You grow vegetables in the garden in summer. (Where)
  14. She is watching her little brother playing in the garden now. (Whom)
  15. They went to Italy last June. (Where)
  16. My grandfather often fishes in summer. (Who)
  17. I have just watered the flowers in the garden. (What)
  18. I often swing my sister in the garden in summer. (Whom)
  19. They are going to the beach now. (Where)

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (4th form)

Open the brackets

  1. Mark ever (to take) his brother to the theatre?
  2. She (to tell) us a lot of interesting things next time.
  3. She (to write) a new story last week.
  4. Granny always (to make) jam in summer.
  5. How many times your sister (to visit) your Granny this month?
  6. You (to see) him this week?
  7. We (to walk) in a winter forest in two days.
  8. Kate and Mike (to dance) at the birthday party last Saturday.
  9. She ever (to cook) cabbage pies?
  10. We (to read) a book of fairy tales next time?
  11. Mary usually (to go) to the seaside for her holidays.
  12. The two women (to talk) about their sons in the street now?
  13. My friends (to see) a detective film last Monday?
  14. They (to visit) Greece twice a year?
  15. Andrew just (to sing) a song for us?
  16. They always (to stay) at the hotel in Turkey?

Choose the correct item

  1. Roger… on the blackboard now.                        a)writes, b)wrote, c)is writing
  2. Rob and Simon…the dialogue at the blackboard now. a) are acting out, b) act out, c)acted out
  3. We… to study German in a month.                        a)begin, b)shall begin, c)began
  4. They usually…their classroom clean.                a)will make, b) made, c)make
  5. What text are you…through now?                        a)looked, b)looking, c) look
  6. Did he…school at the age of six?                        a) begins, b)began, c)begin
  7. Why doesn’t Peggy…her classmates with French after lessons? a)helps, b)help, c) helped
  8. We…prepare for exams in a day.                a)prepared, b)are preparing, c)shall prepare
  9. What desk does Chuck usually…at?                        a)sits, b)sit, c)sat
  10. Why didn’t you wear a uniform at school yesterday? a)wear, b)will wear, c)wore
  11. Does Richard…problems at school?                        a)has, b) have, c) had

Ask questions

  1. Janet always listens to the teacher. (Who)
  2. We did a lot of exercises at the last lesson. (When)
  3. Simon didn’t learn anything by heart. (Why)
  4. Dennis is usually late for classes. (Who)
  5. Martin will correct his grammar mistakes after lessons tomorrow. (When)
  6. Pupils usually leave school at the age of 16. (At what age)
  7. Pupils usually have lunch at two o’clock. (Who)
  8. We are watching a film in English now. (What film)
  9. Maths is Rob’s favourite subject. (What)
  10. They had three classes yesterday. (How many)
  11. I am helping my friend with English now. (Whom)
  12. They have many subjects on the timetable. (How many)
  13. Jack has just gone to the shopping centre. (Where)
  14. My grandfather travelled by sea five years ago. (When, who)

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