Тест по английскому языку для 3 класса (Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Английский язык. 3 класс )
тест по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для учащихся 3 классов (4-я четверть)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test IV

1. Complete the sentences

1) The horse’s neck isn’t the ___________ (longest / long).

2) The mouse is ______________ than the cat (smaller/smallest).

3) It is a very ______________ English book (funniest/funny).

4) He is a _______________ boy (nicest/nice).

5) The tiger has got _____________ teeth (sharper/sharp).

6) The dog is a __________________ pet (cleverer/clever).

7) I think that the elephant is the _________________ animal (biggest/bigger).

2. Make up the sentences

1) her friend, will, go to the swimming pool, next month?

2) he, not, will, have, potatoes, for lunch, tomorrow evening.

3) my uncle, where, next winter, go, will?

4) I, next summer, will go to the sea, with my family.

3. Complete the sentences

1) _______________ you eat much ice cream yesterday? (will/did)

2) Yesterday morning my sister _______________ pizza. (won’t eat/didn’t eat)

3) She _______________ make fish soup next week. (didn’t/won’t)

4) I ________________ a box of sweets yesterday. (will buy/bought)

4. Choose the right word.

1) I shan’t go to the swimming pool with you. I’ll be very busy ______________ .

a) yesterday

b) next weekend

c) every new year’s eve

2. Mary is a good runner, she can run very ______________ .

a) good

b) nice

c) well

3. ______________ like to go to the fancy-parties?

a) Do you

b) Does you

c) Do Misha

4. Last Sunday my father __________ at home. He went to Africa.

a) didn’t

b) wasn’t

c) didn’t be

5. Will you invite Mary to your birthday party?

a) Yes, I shan’t

b) No, I shan’t

c) Yes, I am

6. Put this beautiful dress _____________. It suits you very well

a) of

b) off

c) on

7. Tomorrow it will be very warm. I’ll ____________ on shorts and a T-shirt.

a) take

b) put

c) buy

4. Choose the right word

1) Why are you _____________ with me (angry/angrily)

2) Can you say it _______________ ? (quietly/quiet)

3) The party was very ______________ (good/well)

4) Don’t drink your tea so __________ (quick/quickly)

5. Complete the dialogue with some, any, how much, how many

A: I am going to the shop. Have we got (1)__________ milk?

B: Yes, we have got (2) ______________.

A: (3) ___________ milk have we got?

B. One litre, I think.

A: What about apples? Are there (4) ___________ apples at home?

B: Sorry, but we haven’t got (5) _______________. If you want apples, you can buy (6) ____________ .

A: (7) ____________ apples can I buy?

B: Buy as many as you like.

6. Reading

Jeremy, the Frog

Spit out (spat out) – выплюнуть

One day Jeremy, the frog thought: “I’ll go fishing! Then I’ll invite my friends. They will give me something tasty too…”

        In the morning Jeremy put on a raincoat, galoshes and went fishing. He came to a big tree near the water and sat under it. Many fishes were swimming happily and Jeremy was fishing for a long time. But he had no fish in his basket.

        “I am very hungry,” said Jeremy and ate a butterfly sandwich for lunch. Then he took a baby-frog from the water. In a moment it jumped back again. Little fishes put their heads out and smiled at him.

        Suddenly a big fish came up out of the water. It opened its mouth and ate Jeremy up. But the fish didn’t like to eat raincoats. So in a moment it spat Jeremy out. But it didn’t spit his galoshes. It liked them!

        “Now I haven’t got my galoshes. I shall never go fishing again!” Jeremy thought.

        When he came home, he saw his friends. Jeremy had no fish, so they had grasshopper salad for dinner!

Put the sentences in the right order.

a). Jeremy put on his raincoat, galoshes and went fishing.

b) He came home and had grasshopper salad for dinner.

c) Jeremy got very hungry and ate a butterfly sandwich.

d) A big fish ate Jeremy up and then spat him out.

e) Jeremy took a baby frog from the water but in a moment in jumped back.

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