Презентация "Аnimals in the country and in the city".
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Мудрова Диана Фоатовна

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 4 классе по УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English". Unit 3. Section 3.


Файл Аnimals in the country and in the city. Class 4.2.32 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A nimals in the country and in the city

Слайд 2

-What day is it today? It is Friday . -What date is it today? Today is the 5 th of December

Слайд 3

[ i :] [e] [ ə u ] [au] [ ei ]

Слайд 4

ex.32 The hen lives on the farm. The … lives … in the forest on the farm in the zoo

Слайд 5

r s e a c a t d l w y a l y e o h r m i t s n a k e o i e f l w l n g r o e a g l e t x r i v e r d o l p h i n

Слайд 6

Help the animals to find their homes The eagle lives in the … The dolphin lives in the … The whale lives in the … mountains sea ocean

Слайд 7

Help the animals to find their homes The snake lives in the … The crocodile lives in the … The camel lives in the … desert river desert

Слайд 8

Have you got a pet? Yes. I’ve got a camel. What’s its name? Ashby. What does it like to eat? Grass and apples. What is it like? Ashby is big, kind and strong. What can it do? Ashby helps my father to carry things. ex.36 Carry things – носить вещи

Слайд 10

ex.3,4,5,7 p.48-49 (to write) Home task

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