Урок по теме "Seasons" в разделе "Seasons" в 3 классе по УМК English-3 И.Н.Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной по английскому языку
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Рассохина Нина Николаевна

Урок по теме "Seasons" в разделе "Seasons" в 3 классе по УМК English-3 И.Н.Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной по английскому языку представлен с учетом требований ФГОС. Это урок современного типа, на котором учащиеся помогают сформулировать тему урока, участвуют в планировании хода урока и и в конце урока они дают оценку своей работы в разных видах деятельности и понравилась она им или нет.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по теме “Seasons” в разделе Seasons по УМК  English – 3

И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А.Притыкиной

 по английскому языку в 3 классе

Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №46: Рассохина Нина Николаевна,

Цель урока: 

  • формирование коммуникативных компетенций учащихся на основе изучения ЛЕ и речевых структур по теме «Seasons».

Задачи урока:


  • увеличить словарный запас учащихся по теме;
  • развитие навыков чтения вслух и про себя, аудирования;
  • развитие умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы;  
  • формирование умения драматизировать диалог, выразительно читать свою роль.


  • закрепление лексических единиц по изученным темам;
  • развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
  • развитие памяти, внимания, умения слушать и слышать учителя и одноклассников.


  • формирование познавательной мотивации учащихся.


  • привитие интереса к английскому языку;
  • воспитание умения общаться, взаимодействовать.

Современные образовательные технологии:

- информационно-коммуникативные технологии

- обучение в сотрудничестве (парная работа)

- здоровье сберегающие технологии

- проблемное обучение

Наглядность: коллаж - презентация, дидактический материал, раздаточный материал c заданиями, песни “ The seasons song ”, “How’s The Weather song ”

Техническое оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук, СД – плеер, аудиозаписи.


  1. Организационный момент

The pupils are taking their seats at the desks.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! It’s nice to see you. How are you today? I want you to guess the theme of our lesson today. Look at the board. There are some pictures and words about it. Let’s match them. Now read them and find out the theme of our lesson.

(The words at the board: SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER) (Слайды 2-5)

      Teacher: Now, tell me what the theme of our lesson is today.

      Pupils: Seasons. (Слайд 6)

      Teacher: Yes, that’s right. Now look at the next slide. There is a plan of our work for the lesson. (Слад 7)

  •  Revising Vocabulary
  • Listening to the songs
  • Reading the Projects
  • Role-playing  the Dialogue

 Let’s read it. I suggest working to it.

Pupils: (Читают вслух, переводят.)

Teacher: Now look at your desks. You have got the cards with faces. You should say about these kinds of work at the end of the lesson. If you like them you’ll show a happy face and if don’t like them you’ll show a sad one.

  1. Речевая зарядка

      Teacher: OK. Let’s start. What poem about seasons do you know? Here there are some cards which can help you. (green, bright, yellow, white - слова на карточках)

      Pupils: (По желанию выходит ученик и соотносит картинки и прилагательные на карточках, получается стих). (Слайд 8)

      Teacher: That’s right.  I want you to revise it all together. Try to be emotional. Two, three…    

                 Spring is green,

             Summer is bright,

                 Autumn is yellow,

                 Winter is white.


       What season comes after spring?  

       What season comes after summer?  

       What season comes after autumn?  

       What season comes after winter?  

Pupils: (Отвечают фронтально)   

  1. Активизация языкового материала

  1. Актуализация навыков аудирования

Now you will hear “The seasons song”. I’ll give you a card with words. You should tick those words that you will hear. (Слайд 9)

Pupils: Fall, tulips, chestnut, cherries, beautiful, yummy, juicy.

      Teacher: Well done. Let’s try to sing it. And what is your favourite season?

 Pupils: (Отвечают фронтально)   

      2.    Актуализация навыков чтения

       Teacher: Now open your Students Book at page 74 Ex.1 or you can look at the screen. Read sentences and say if you agree or disagree with them. (Читают и отвечают: согласны или не согласны с утверждениями). (Слайды 10-11)

3.   Актуализация навыков говорения

Teacher: Well done. I think you will agree with me that all seasons in our country are different. Some of them are warm, some cold or hot.

Which season is hot in our country?

Which is warm?

 And which is cold? (Слайд 12)

Pupils: (Отвечают фронтально: summer, spring, autumn, winter)

Teacher: Englishmen like a proverb: There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. (Слайд 13,14). Pay attention at the new word: weather – погода; Try to translate it. Do you agree with it? Let’s write down it in your copy books.

I think that our clothes depend on the season, our tastes and occasions. Do you agree?

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

 Teacher: Pretend you are going to a holiday with your family. What clothes can you wear? At home you had to write and draw a project about them. (Слайд 15)I know that you worked in groups.

Pupils: (Читают свои проекты My family on a holiday”)

 Teacher: Do you like your projects? Which is the best?

Another English proverb says: “Every thing is good in its season”. How do you understand it? Can you interpret it? Think of Russian equivalents. Let’s write down it in your copy books too.

Pupils: Всему - свое время. Хороша ложка к обеду.

  1. Физкультминутка

Teacher: Now let’s have a brake. Stand up, please. Pretend you are on a winter holiday. What sport games can you play? Show us. You are on a summer holiday. What sports can you go in for? Show us.

Pupils: (показывают как зимой они катаются на лыжах, коньках, играют в снежки; летом бегают, плавают, ныряют)

  1. Изучение нового материала

Teacher: Yes, it will be a great holiday. English people often talk about the weather. Let’s start learning how to do it. Look at new words and write down them in your vocabulary. (Слайды 16-20)

Now I want you to read the dialogue at page 71. Open your Student’s Books and read Exercise 6 in pairs.

Before reading pay attention at the new expressions:

  • How is the weather today? - Какая сегодня погода?
  • It's terribly hot! -  Ужасно жарко!
  • I say - Говорят. (Написано на доске). (Слайд 21)

     You have two minutes for reading the dialogue. Write down them in your vocabularies.

Your time is over. Are you ready?

Who wants to read this dialogue aloud in pairs?

 Do you need to translate it?

Pupils: (Желающие читают вслух и переводят)

  1. Применение изученного материала

1. Активизация навыков драматизации диалога

Teacher: You have 3 minutes to learn this dialogue and then role-play it. Who wants to try to do it?

Pupils: (Разыгрывают)

Teacher: Do you like it? I like it too. And also I want you to listen to “How’s The Weather song” and sing it. (Слайд 22)

  1. Актуализация знаний и умений

Teacher: And here there is another dialogue at page 72. Look through it. Have you got any new words and expressions? Read them aloud. Translate and write down in your vocabulary too. (Слайд 23)

  • Great! See you there in 10 minutes.

Pupils: (Читают и переводят)

  1. Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала, домашнее задание

Teacher: Now let's talk.

What did you learn at this lesson?

 How many seasons are there in the year?

Are they different or same?

What can you say about each of them?

What proverbs about seasons did you learn?

And here is your home task for the next lesson:

ex. 9 p.72 to write about each season (10 sentences);

 to learn dialogues 6 p.71-72. (Слайд 24)

  1. Подведение итогов

Teacher: So, it’s time to make a conclusion. We worked very hard today. We have done many things. Now you will appreciate your work in different activities with the cards of faces. For excellent work show a happy face, for good work show a serious face, and for bad work show a sad face.

  • How do you like to work with Vocabulary?
  • How do you like Listening to the songs?
  • How do you like Reading the Projects?
  • How do you like Role-playing the Dialogue?

      Pupils: (Показывают карточки с лицами – веселым, серьезным и грустным)

Teacher: I see you think you worked rather well today. I’ve enjoyed your work today.

All of you have got excellent marks.

XI.       Рефлексия

Teacher: And how do you like our lesson today? Show your cards. What do you like best of all?

Pupils: (Отвечают)

Teacher: Thank you for your work today, my friends. Have a good day! Bye!









































































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